4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 54: Assassin's Road

In the body of the plague, Lin only saw a darkness, and there seemed to be some pipe-like structures around it. The pipes were covered with a large number of hyphae, and the melters used the sea water to flow deep into these pipes. .

However, the voice of ‘咔咔咔’ is constantly coming around, and it seems that the whole place is constantly shaking.

This feeling, Lin feels very obvious is...

'Boom! Suddenly, with a dull underwater explosion, the skull disengaged from the neck of the head of the plague and floated to the surface of the sea.

Some of the melters who haven’t gotten into the sea have seen this in the sea. I saw a hardened purple shell at the neck of the first plague. It seems to stop the flow of water. It is now like a giant creature without heads. It is stepping back to the deep sea.

The broken head floated on the surface of the sea, and the melter inside Lin found that the structure of the surface began to appear autolysis, and the cells inside began to disintegrate themselves, releasing a huge amount of dissolved solution, only using a few In ten seconds, the skull dissipated into a layer of colored grease on the sponge, and Lin had not even had time to observe the structure inside.

This is a very clever way, but Lin does not know whether it has such a self-dissolving mechanism, or specifically prevents Lin to break down and understand that it deliberately dissolves itself...

But now the head of the plague has no head, it can no longer continue to attack, its huge body is now in the sea, but Lin will not let this opportunity, all the melters to the first plague tour Go, if on land, the small arms of the melter have even a chance. It takes a long time to kill such a large creature. But now in the sea. They only need to get the water in the other body to easily solve the plague.


The head of the plague seems to have noticed something. It has taken a huge step and continues to move backwards. The heavy footsteps can intensify the numerous dusts on the seabed and scare away the hidden fish.

Then, the head of the plague began to swing around the body, and a strong stream of water suddenly spread along with its body. The tiny melter of the body was suddenly rushed out by this strong stream and could not get close to the target.

Moreover, it has been continually shaking, watching a creature with no legs and only two legs shaking in the water, it is really a strange feeling.

In this case, Lin felt that she could ignore it. It was just a matter of monitoring here. Now the head of the plague has no attacking power, and on the sea, the battle seems to have been suspended. The army of the plague fungus was almost blocked by the fire wall and could not move forward. It was only attacked by the Air Force. But under Lin's shelling, no arms were able to get close.

The fungus is attacking the island with all its strength, but Lynn’s attention is more than just here.

In the distance, another unit has approached the 'plague five islands'. These troops set off before the start of the war and went behind the fungus army. Now, Lin has searched which island is most likely to hide the wisdom leader. It is.

It mainly relies on information. If it is the brain of a divisional species, it will rely on some means to command the arms. It may be odor information or current information, and Lin has detected which island has the largest amount of information. On the third island, The units used for the detection felt some wonderful smells and were constantly circling outside the island.

So the decision was here, and a lot of troops slowly approached the edge of the island...

The striker of the force is a new type of soldier known as the 'Assassin'. As the name suggests, they are the 'brains' that come to assassinate the fungus.

They climbed the island from the edge of the beach, using the color-changing skills, they avoided the fungus's "eyes" and quietly marched among the islands.

The ground here is covered with hyphae. Like the island of fungi, these fungi have no ability to infect. Instead, they grow a large mushroom structure and algae symbiosis to absorb light energy. Now the island is full of broken bacteria. All the fungus geeks almost went to the battle...

But there is an exception. Lynn calls it 'big-eyed dragon'. This creature looks like a reptile. It is only half a meter in length, its eyes are particularly large, and its vision is developed. They are usually located under the wide mushroom umbrella. It can be seen that they are constantly looking around and seem to be looking around for intruders.

Lin’s assassin’s troops shuttled between the mushrooms and did not pay attention at a slow pace. The assassin was one and a half meters long, and the body was only a little larger than the predator, and the appearance was similar to that of the predator, but there were many The hidden weapon' is used for the instant kill target.

The assassin moved in the direction of the strongest scent, and Lynn felt that the smell was constantly being emitted from the center of the island.

The island is not big, the assassin quickly approaches the center of the island, and Lin has not seen it here, because in a central area, several large mushrooms are constantly ejecting a purple mist into the air, the entire area They were all covered in purple fog and could not be seen at high altitude, but after entering, the assassin found that the fog was not very strong.

After entering the purple mist area, the assassin turned off the breathing hole and breathed with the oxygen stored in the body. These mists contain a lot of dust. The ground here is similar to the previous one. There are hyphae everywhere, but there is no Long mushroom, like an open space.

If there is a creature with some intelligence, it should hide in a hole, not outside... Wait, what is it?

On a flat ground, Lin saw a tentacles-like projection, about two meters high, and it was empty. It was very conspicuous...not only visually conspicuous, but also smelly. This tentacles are exuding a lot of The smell, Lin even felt some current-like signals.

Lin let the assassins spread out to surround the tentacles, and one of the assassins slowly walked over and stabbed the tent to stab the tentacles.

At the moment when the claws touched, the tentacles 嗖 的 slammed into the ground.

"Hey!" Suddenly there were countless calls on the mushroom trees around the open space. These were the big-eyed dragons crawling under the mushroom umbrella. They jumped out of the mushroom umbrella and rushed to the center of the open space in groups. .

“Hey...?” But after they rushed in, they saw only empty areas, nothing was found...

The hidden effect of the assassin can be fully integrated with the surrounding environment, and even the way to simulate the smell, the fungus may have to control an organism with echolocation to find them.

Although the big-eyed dragons have not seen the enemy, they still have not left, but they are not moving around the open space.

Lin ignored them. The assassin had stabbed the tentacles with his claws. He had released a miniature unit in it. It positioned the tentacles and found that the tentacles had shrunk to a depth of nearly 30 meters.

And the hole left by it after it was drilled, just enough for an assassin to pass, Lin let the assassin slowly walk toward the hole in front of the big-eyed dragon eye, even if it is moving, they did not notice it.

The assassins plunged into the hole of the tentacles one by one. They are quite narrow inside. They can only line up into the inside, but this passage will become more and more spacious in the end...

here is……

After walking more than 30 meters deep, the assassins entered a spacious space, because the surrounding is very dark, Lin let one of the assassins echo back to explore the surrounding environment...

'despair. When the echo spread throughout the cave, the assassins discovered the scene of Jean Lin’s surprise... There were three heads in this cave...

It is the head of the plague, and the echoes are perfectly introduced into Lin's thoughts. They are exactly the same as those seen at sea, and the size is the same.

But these heads are placed sideways on the ground, that is to say, they do not seem to be connected to the body, is the head of the plague really made? And still separate to make.

The assassins slowly moved in the head of the plague and explored deeper. At the same time, Lin asked several of the assassins to dig into the 'mouth' of the plague and found that it was a hardened passage. There is nothing special about it.

These are probably ‘unfinished products’, maybe the body is the body, and the head is just a launcher.

However, the size of this cave is not enough to accommodate the body. I don't know where the body is made...

‘嗒嗒. An unidentified white object appeared in the sudden echo image, and everything that Linde had never seen would be displayed in white.

This seems to be a huge creature. The lower abdomen is quite large. It is dragged to the ground like a fat insect. There are eight pairs of limbs around the abdomen for movement. The upper body is raised high and there are three pairs of sharp claws around the body.

This creature is very strange, and it is like a queen of a divisional species, but it has a lot of combat limbs, and one is here, I don’t know if it is a high intelligence controlled by plague fungi. Creatures, but the smell and electrical signals are constantly emitted from the tentacles on its head...

If this is the case, then let it be solved first...

There were a total of thirty assassins coming in. Lin let them spread out and extended a pair of slender limbs from the body. The ends of the limbs were small open spikes, and there was a kind of fungus called 'fungus. The strong toxin of disinhibitor can interrupt the connection between the fungus and the infected organism and disintegrate the hyphae inside it.

The assassin's shot did not sound, and the little spikes rushed through the darkness and stabbed the fat belly of the creature.

'clang! 'The tiny sound sounded, and the seemingly soft abdomen actually bounced the small needle shot by the assassin. This creature immediately noticed the small sound, and it screamed with a bang, accompanied by this roar, this The cave is always bright all the time! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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