4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 55: The wrath of the lord

Under the roar of this creature, the heads of the plagues of the 'unfinished products' suddenly illuminate, and the entire cave is illuminated by the light.

The heads of these plagues are all wrapped in layers of shimmering hyphae, which seem to follow the snoring, and Lin sees the creature's touch. Its lower body is indeed like a fat larva. But the upper body is like a cockroach, like the feeling of a creature that has not evolved completely...

This creature may be called...the fungus lord? After all, it looks like a leader, even though it doesn't even have a guard.

The fungus lord used the three large complex eyes on the top of the head to look around, even though it lit up the space, it could not see the hidden assassin, but Lynn carefully observed it.

Its body surface is not covered with hyphae, but there is a purple shell of fungus. The abdomen seems to be very soft. It is actually hard. Its body is about ten meters long. When the upper body is standing up, it is more than four meters high. It is a very special creature unlike the ordinary fungus.

The needle was just bounced off, and now Lynn decided to let the assassin aim at the softer part of his abdomen... It has a section on the abdomen, and Lin aimed at the gap between the two sections.


A poison needle flew out at high speed and stabbed into the gap, but Lin could feel that she had not gotten into the meat, but stuck there.

Although the needle has a solution, it has no effect, and it seems that the fungus leader's carapace is resistant to this solution.

The fungus lord suddenly made a scream, and it seemed to be quite sensitive to something touching it. It moved a huge body and rushed in the direction of the stinger. The assassin immediately left the position.

After the fungus lord rushed to the position, nothing was found. It looked around in confusion. Suddenly, it locked its eyes on the assassin on the move...

Although Lin can achieve complete discoloration and movement, the assassin can still see some traces when changing color, and the fungus lord locks the trace.

Suddenly it screamed and rushed over to the assassin. Its huge body ran quite fast, and it crushed the assassin at a very fast speed...

Then, the surroundings regained a calm again.

The fungus lord obviously does not believe that only this one. It continues to look around, as long as the assassin does not move, it does not appear at all, but with a little movement, the fungal lord may be able to find them.

This is an interesting battle. Lin has already seen the weakness of the fungal lord, because its vision is not visible behind it. It has no meaning to shoot a small needle. Lin decided to directly test the carapace strength of the fungus lord.

Ten assassins gathered behind the fungus lord and rushed over!

The fungus lord seems to notice the footsteps of the assassin. Turned around immediately, but its huge body turned too slow. At this time, the assassins have already jumped onto it. They use their sharp claws to scratch the shell of the shell. Test the strength of the shell and secrete several kinds of solution. Change the solution every second. See which one works.

Lynn felt the anger of the fungus lord, who began to rampage in the cave and bent the forelimb's claws to the back, trying to catch the fungus blame, a dodging slower assassin caught by its claws. The fungus lord suddenly tore it into pieces.

The fungus lord shredded the assassin and immediately slammed the head of a plague head next to his body. The strong vibration caused the two assassins to fall off it. The fungus lord instantly determined that they had fallen. Position, swing the limbs and step them into a paste.

The creature's intelligence seems very unusual, at least very fast, but there are seven assassins on it, one of which has discovered the weakness of the fungus lord, whose shell is resistant to many kinds of lysate, but in The carapace near the tail is somewhat different and more fragile, and an assassin has already scratched the scar there.

The fungus lord is extremely sensitive to the touch, and it is even more unbearable for the feeling of injury. The creature suddenly shrinks the limbs of the whole body and then slams on the ground. It immediately puts all the body on it. The assassins were crushed into pieces.

After the roll, the fungus lord kept rubbing his body on the next head, as if he wanted to wipe away all the blood and limbs on his body. It seemed to care about other things touching its body.

But in the process of wiping the body, the action of the fungus lord began to slowly become slow, and it seemed to be dizzy. After a while, it was unable to lie on the ground, motionless.

In fact, those assassinations were used for suicide. This is exactly what Lin expected. The broken assassin released a lot of gas in the body. This is a special paralytic gas. The fungus lord is A large amount of this gas was inhaled during the course of the movement, and its body began to slowly become sluggish and then unable to move.

But it will not die, it can keep a clear consciousness, but it can't command the body. The other assassins around it are now surrounded. They show the original color of the body and jump to the fungus lord. Cut it.

The assassins gathered at the tail of the fungal lord, slowly cutting the outer shell of the fungus lord with the solution and claws, and then injecting some small arms into the body to observe the structure of the body.

Because the conscious thoughts are kept, the fungus lord can clearly feel that he is constantly being cut, its emotions are filled with very strong anger, all its limbs are shaking slightly, as if it is trying to move with all its strength, but There is no way, the toxin has interrupted the connection between its brain and limb nerve lines.

Among the giant abdomen of the fungus lord, the first mini-arms injected by Lin discovered a particularly large organ for reproduction. It seems that it should be a queen, in the blood and organs of the fungus lord. Although there are fungi, the content is relatively small, giving Lin a feeling that it is not completely infected.

Then you should go to the brain to have a look...

"Hey!" The fungus lord suddenly yelled at this moment, and it actually swayed his limbs and staggered and stood up!

Is the duration of the toxins so short? And almost at the same time, the ground here also violently shocked. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks for the reward of ~lx731209~

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