4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 56: Rising from the ground

Lin looked at the fungal lord who stood up a little surprised. The assassins had retreated to a position ten meters away. It seems that the duration of the neurotoxin is quite short for it, but the body of the fungus lord still shakes. Shaky, it can be seen that the effect of toxins on it is still...

But every time it took a step, the underground space was shaken by the bombing. Lin was sure that it was not made by the fungus lord. Although the time was very good, it was another kind of large-scale biological activity.

The head of the plague...

The fungus lord really can command these creatures.

The huge heads here also sway with the sway, but Lin clearly notices that there are a few heads that don't move, and they don't lie on the ground like other heads, but... stand up.

‘咔...’ Along with the bursts of vibrations, large cracks appeared around these skulls, and the cracks continued to expand, as if they were going to collapse the entire area.

Can you say...the body of these plagues is under the ground?

The vibration is getting stronger and stronger, and with the expansion of the crack, Lin feels that this area seems to have been tilted. The huge heads slowly rise from the ground, and the unfinished products around them are like balls. Going, the head of a plague rolled toward the direction of the fungus lord. It has not fully recovered. It was suddenly hit by the head on the left abdomen. This head may have more than ten tons of weight. The impact made it spurt a blood out of the air. But it clung to the surface so tightly that it was not hit by the head.

But at this time, another head is from the other. It hits the abdomen on the right side of the fungus lord. Under the pressure of two forces. The belly of the fungus lord was instantly squashed, and the visceral pieces were mixed with plasma splashing from its mouth and tail, and it itself was motionless.

Is it so dead? In general, the abdominal limbs can also live for a long time, but the fungal lord may be because the nerves are too sensitive and the pain is too intense, so it is so fast...

Although the fungus lord died quite quickly, the surrounding vibrations did not stop, and the assassins were scattered in the cave. Avoiding the head rolling around because of the raised ground, now the raised heads have exposed their necks, but their bodies are more than 50 meters high, can they stand up completely here? The head of the plague has only two legs, it should not be possible to stand up on land...

But they are indeed continuing to rise now, as if there is something in the ground that is pushing them...

Then you must act quickly, leaving twenty assassins, and Lin asked three to check the body of the fungus lord, while the other seven went to attack one of the plagues, and they avoided the rolling heads. . They ran to the neck of the head of the plague, and they secreted a solution at the tip of the paw. Trying to cut the hard shell of its neck.

This shell... seems to be quite hard, and it mixes a lot of shells. The assassins try to use the various solutions they can secrete. Only one of them can cause corrosion, but the effect is not very good. In this case, Lynn put them together and continually attacked an area with the solution and the claws.

The other three assassins quickly injected small arms from the head of the fungus lord to observe its brain... Lin found that the brain of this creature does not seem to be very large, the specific gravity may be at the level of 0.8%, compared to the dragon or Ancient oysters are much lower, but higher than common creatures.

It has also been found that there are many organs that release odor on the back of the fungus lord. It can release a strong and strong odor. This is the smell that Lin detected on the outside. The antennae on the head can also release electrical signals. At a considerable distance, it may be acceptable to the brain worms... However, Lynn is not sure that it is used to command the troops.

'Boom...' The vibration is still going on. The heads of the first plagues have touched the top of the cave, and their shoulders are exposed from the ground. The assassins are still trying to dig up the head of a plague. The carapace on the neck, at least one of them must be killed before they come out.

Accompanied by the assassination's 'excavation', the soft structure of the first neck of the plague was finally exposed to Lin's eyes. The structure here is surprisingly similar to what Lin imagined. It is indeed a large group of infected fungus monsters. They are joined together by fungal hyphae to form this neck...

Actually, is it really made up of creatures? And they are well placed, and most of the creatures inside are reptiles and worms, so they are 'sticky' together, seemingly like the neck muscle structure of some creatures, some of these hyphaes Similar to the spider silk, it has strong flexibility, but it is still a lot worse than the real spider silk. Some hyphae are similar to the pipe structure and are responsible for inputting nutrients to these creatures.

I don't know if other parts are similar to this structure, or only the neck?

No matter how much, the assassin began to attack the soft structure exposed by the plague, tearing these hyphae and creatures, while injecting many tiny arms into the deeper structure of the plague.

Under the attack of the assassins, the soft structure of the neck was cut by little by little, and the hyphae for the connection were also corroded by the solution, and the neck-like bio-combination like the muscle structure was destroyed by the assassin. It couldn't support the weight of the skull above and broke open from the middle. The head fell down and the 'bang' slammed on the ground.

The head of the plague attacked by Lin has stopped, but the others are still rising, their heads hit a lot of cracks on the top of the hole, and they are still squeezing up, this cave... It is about to collapse!

When Lin thought so, the cracks on the top of the cave spread to the entire cave. In a burst of loud noise, countless muds and stones began to fall. Countless mudstones will be the assassins of Lin and here. Everything is completely buried.

Lin’s vision is now in the dark... but the vibrations are still not stopped. Lin uses some assassins who are still outside to observe the ground. Now the island has been shaking and even spread to the whole island... ...

The structure of the underground cave was very fragile, and Lin suspected that it might have been designed specifically for the first plague.

'boom! Suddenly the ground jerked a bit, and a lot of cracks began to spread from the open space to the surroundings. With more and more intense vibrations, the head of a plague stretched out from the cracked ground!

"Oh..." It rang the sound of the whole island, and the surrounding surface collapsed with its appearance. The cracks have extended beyond the open space. The tall mushroom trees are also shaking and then three. The crash collapsed.

The assassins were also affected on the ground, but they had a special way - to spread two pairs of wings from the back and fly to the sky to continue observation.

After the head of the plague sticks out, the next step is the neck, the body, it is getting higher and higher on the ground, and it feels like there is something in the ground that pushes it up... Finally it lifts the body completely, but Only the upper body, its legs are still in the mud, the head of the plague did not stop, it forced the left leg out, stepped on the ground, and then pulled out the right leg from the ground.

When this huge monster stretches out both legs, it stands tall enough to look down the entire island! The head of the plague was 60 meters high, bigger than Lin had seen before.

However, standing on land is not a good thing. The head of the plague only lasts for a few seconds, and its entire body leans forward. Only two legs can't control this tilt. It can only Watching yourself getting closer and closer to the ground...

With the incomparable loud noise, the head of the plague crashed down on the ground. Its huge body crushed countless mushroom trees, and a huge pit was found on the island. At the same time, it also smashed itself. Rotten, all kinds of pieces are accompanied by blood-like liquids flowing around the body...

Lin has long known that this type of body is not suitable for standing on land...

But the vibration did not stop, and with the burst of the surface, the heads of the other two plagues rose from the ground.

Shouldn't they fall like this? Lin looked at the heads of the two plagues and saw that they did not move when they reached the upper body almost completely. Then they slowly bent down and let the body lie on the ground, then slowly squirmed the legs. Take it out.

It turns out that it seems that they understand ‘learning lessons’.

After the plague first removed the legs from the ground, they began to lie on the ground with their legs, and slowly pushed them back with their legs. Although it looked like a clumsy feeling, it was really effective for them. The way of moving.

But for Lin, there is no difference. The assassins in the air rushed toward the head of the nearest plague. Lin thought they had no chance to climb out of the island.

As the assassins approached, suddenly the head of the plague had a large number of small holes in their heads. These small holes suddenly slammed into countless liquids, and they were mad by the liquids of the assassins. The ground grows with hyphae, which envelop the wings and body of the assassin.

The head structure of the plague seems to be different from the previous one. Is this attack method prepared?

The assassins themselves did not bring any special immune units, they could not resist the surging fungus and fell to the ground.

It seems that the assassin can't stop them, but the troops that Lin came to attack are not just these... and the head of the plague has been killed by Lin, and one is dead. Now there are only two of them. It’s easy...

Just as Lin thought so, the ground shook again. As the ground burst, the heads of several plagues rose again from the soil. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks~ Hehe Xiaobai~ White paper heart~ Lost in the wind of the city~200530481273~

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