4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 60: Cave of the abyss

The assassin's troops marched slowly through the caves of the rock.

The damp salty smell is filled with Lin's senses, and there is water everywhere on the ground. From time to time, there is a sound of ticking from the ticking.

Here is a land of abyss, under the plague of the five islands, which may even be under the seabed, but here... not covered by darkness...

There are many wonderful creatures here. Some are plant-like, with branches and blue-fluorescent creatures everywhere. Around them are some trilobite-like arthropods and worms, and even some hair. Fluorescent starfish.

And there are some creatures that Lynn is familiar with. There are a small group of empty jellyfish floating in front of Lin's troops. I don't know how long they lived here, but they all seem to have a good life.

These creatures are not infected by fungi, their light is emitted by themselves. The long, plant-like creatures are a kind of coral. They grow in small puddles, and Lin estimates that they rely on the water here. Pit to get food.

It's like a submarine environment. Although it has a lot of water, it's not completely flooded. Maybe they have some way to drain the water? Or will water be consumed for some reason?

The assassins gather together and move slowly, and the top of the cave occasionally puts cold water on them, and there are also long fungi. But in those places where there is no water on the ground, there are some myceliums and mushrooms. They are good at avoiding the puddles and the water dripping from the top of the cave, but there is no way to expand them.

Is this the place where the head of the plague fungus is located? It is indeed possible that the assassin community feels some special signals here and is constantly emitting it.

In the process of progress. Lin also found many small holes in every other distance on the top of the cave. If you go into these small holes, go up. Will arrive at a muddy cave, then go up and get out of the island of Plague.

These caves are the caves where the plague is the first. As expected, this bottom sea cave is connected to all the islands.

However, Lin feels different here. Lin believes that there should be some creatures in the head of the plague, or there are many mushrooms in reserve energy, but I did not expect that there are so many sea creatures living here...

Lin went in the direction of a strong signal. Going deeper, the strange thing is that the more creatures around the deeper, the environment is relatively dry, the water on the ground slowly disappears, and the cave becomes more spacious, here Many round stone pillars feel like they are used to support this cave.

No, this is not a stone pillar.

An assassin gently scrapes off some debris from the stone column and eats it. Lin found that this is a hardened fungal structure that has become quite solid inside. It can indeed be used as a 'support column'.

This hardened structure... feels like the fungal fossils found in the salt caves.

Sure enough, they must have some connections in the past. Lin felt that these fungi should not be hardened by anything, but they would become like this under certain circumstances, and all the fungi would work together.

But what exactly did they encounter? If you know, this may be the key to extinction them...

The puddles here are not as much as before, but there are still some creatures, and Lin found that this is also a relatively familiar creature... Gu Yu.

This ancient scorpion is obviously different from the northern part of the continent. They are twice as large as there, about twenty centimeters, and have a blue ring-shaped marking on the whole body. It seems that this marking does not follow them. The body changes color and changes.

They seem to be in the puddle with ten groups. When Lin's assassins approached them, they did not appear to be afraid, but instead curiously observed the assassin.

Lin wants to call them ‘Blue Ring Ancient 鱿’, but the name doesn’t mean anything, so it’s called ‘Abyssal 鱿’.

I don't know the difference between the intelligence of this 'Abyss of the Ancients' and the mainland of the North, but usually there are not too many similar species, and they may be able to give birth to new species by chance.

Maybe you should grab one to try it out...

Thinking, Lin asked the hunters to be close to the puddles. The abyss who were not afraid of the moments swam into the sand at the bottom of the pit. They continually drilled inside and disappeared all at once.

After watching it for a few seconds, Lin decided to forget it. Next time I will catch it, this unit is not to study and explore.

Then Lin continued to follow the signal and went deep. At this depth, there were no puddles around, and no creatures appeared. Without those luminescent creatures, the environment became dark.

At this time, the assassin shines, and the whole cave is bright again. Lin sees that there are many tapered spikes on the top of the cave. I don't know if it is a hardened fungus, and there are some shiny things around it.

Is this... crystallized?

Lin gathered the ray of the assassin and found a crystal standing on the ground. This crystallization seems to be the same as that in the northern continent. Lin has seen it in the sea before. Generally speaking, these There are crystallization nearby...

Lin let the assassins look around, and saw some creatures moving around. They are shaped like scorpions. They are only five centimeters in shape, quite small, but covered with crystal-like carapace.

Yes, there are always crystallized creatures in the vicinity of these crystals. This feeling is really wonderful. It seems that the creatures will not eat these crystals consciously, and then the crystal will begin to replace its original carapace growing on it. This process may be quite fast.

The crystallization here is not limited to this. If the assassin releases the light, he can see everywhere. They are piled up in clusters, all over the cave, so that there is a wet and dark place. a special sense of beauty...

If we continue to move forward, the original stone floor will also become gray gravel, and the crystal clusters will be even larger. It was only about one meter high, and it is slowly increasing here, two meters, three meters...even Lin Also saw more than six meters high.

However, it seems that because there is no water seepage here, no creatures have appeared. The former scorpion could not be seen here.

...wait, what is that?

Lynn saw a huge object lie in front of the assassin's army. The surface of this thing was also formed by hardened fungi. This is the head of the plague.

This is just one of the sections. The predator looked around and found that it could be drilled in the section, but it was empty, as if it had just been built and the shell had not been stuffed.

Then Lin found that there are many such legs with only one section around, and some of the first shells of the plague. Is this also the place where unfinished products are placed?


When Lin detected a shell fragment, she suddenly heard a familiar voice.

When she heard it, she immediately let the assassin rush to the direction of the sound. As a result, Lin saw a wonderful thing she had seen... Echo Egg.

Lin saw many of these eggs while marching at sea, and the mites infected by the plague fungus would circumvent them. After that, during the war with the fungus on the mainland, Lin had never seen anything similar. I didn’t expect it to be here. Have this?

This echo egg is exactly the same as it was seen before. It is wrapped in a layer of rock. It will occasionally make a sound of ‘嘎达’, and there are many scattered places nearby, but it seems that only this will make a sound.

Lin asked the assassin to open an echoing egg that would not sound nearby. When the outer rock was dug, it was found that the egg inside had died.

It seems that the energy is exhausted, and perhaps only one will live alive.

Lin went on. There are a lot of echoes here. Most of them are close to the clusters, but only the one that Lin started to see has sounds. These echoes are all dead.

This submarine cave seems to hide quite a lot of things, and Lynn feels that it is possible to find the history of fungi here.

Now, Lin’s troops suddenly stepped into an open space. The edges of this open space are crystallized and echogenic. These things seem to have been specifically pushed to this position by the creatures, specifically to clear out the open space.

In front, Lin suddenly saw a bunch of echoes encircling the circle into a circle. In the center of the circle, there was a huge crystal. The crystal was as high as ten meters and the width was more than five meters. It was like a huge rock and inside. There seems to be...something.

This position is not very clear, the assassins are close to observe, through the transparent crystal surface, Lin found that there is indeed a strange shape in the center of the crystal.

This thing is gray, it seems to be very soft, the shape is very irregular, the whole is about two meters in size, like a mass of meat and the like, and still trembling slightly, seems to be alive.

Lynn also noticed that there are many silky filaments around the meat, which are connected to the bottom of the crystal, seemingly to the ground.

Is this the brain of the plague fungus?

Lin feels that it is indeed releasing a lot of signals. This signal is much stronger than the previous fungal lords, but because it is under the ground, Lin believes that its signal is impossible to pass to the outside plague army, so Do you need a fungal lord as a 'transfer station'?

This brain looks quite large, but plague fungi can only show intelligence occasionally, and it is necessary to study it.

The assassins began to climb the crystallization, but just as they first came into contact with the crystal, Lynn suddenly heard the nearby sand suddenly began to vibrate strongly, and there seemed to be something that was going to be drilled out of the gravel. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks~ Yali is really big~ 588

Thanks ~ auspicious Yuntian ~ rewards ~

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