4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 61: Abyss guardian

Along with the vibration of the gravel, a huge creature was drilled out of the gravel, and at the moment it came out, it was just the opposite of Lin's assassin's gaze.

This organism is about six meters long and is a powerful marine life that Lynn has seen. It is called 'shrimp'.

Lin used to see this creature only under the deep sea. I didn't expect them to be active on land. But this seems to be different. The limbs on the side of the body look quite thick and can move it on land. The flat abdomen that was originally used for swimming also became thick and seemed to be used to move on land.

This creature is clearly evolving towards terrestrial creatures. The carapace of this prawns is gray and somewhat transparent. The color of the eyes is somewhat like a rainbow. The eyes of this creature are the most evolved among all species. It may be able to see many rays or colors that are invisible to the average creature. It can also be seen from these structures that it is not infected by plague fungi.

Is this prawn just just coming out from here? At the forefront of the assassin and the prawn saw for a while, Lin found that it slowly rolled up the tail.

Lynn let some assassins continue to squat at it, while others climbed to the crystallization. Lin wanted to dig up the crystallization and see what the ‘brain’ was.

At this time, the squid protruding from the prawn saw the assassin who climbed the crystal. It suddenly slammed the curled tail out, and the prawn suddenly rushed like a bomb that was fired. Those assassins.

'boom! ’

The next moment, a loud noise suddenly rang through the entire sea cave, and a lot of crystal debris shook. A hunter turned into a crushed meat at this moment. The assassins around were also shocked to fly out. Now I saw only a small hole in the crystal.

This attack is really interesting.

There are usually two types of prawn, one is a claw type, and the other is a hammer type like this. Its attack method is somewhat like a smasher. It uses a powerful pressure system and muscles to eject a high-hardness forelimb. A powerful impact, many creatures will evolve a peculiar structure, and prawn seems to be an example of extreme attack.

The prawn slammed on the crystal and then turned again to the surrounding assassin. Lin let the assassins immediately discolor and spread, the prawn saw the assassin's discoloration slightly stunned, but soon it recovered, its forelimbs popped up again, accompanied by a loud noise, an assassination in front of it The person was smashed in an instant.

It looks like a clear-colored assassin, and the vision is very different...

Lin has some research on small shrimps in the sea, but I haven't made a similar eye yet. If I can study this big one, maybe I can make this unparalleled eye...

The prawns looked around at the assassins around them, and their discoloration seemed to have no effect at all. Shrimp may find them through some kind of brilliance, and the intelligence of this kind of arthropod itself is very high.

Lin let the assassin slowly recede. Exiting this open space with huge crystals, and the prawn did not catch up, it also retreated back, and then circled around the crystallization week.

It’s a bit strange to see this scene, this prawn... seems to protect that crystal? The assassins who had just been shattered by it did not eat, and it did not attack after Lin retired.

It looks like this, very suspicious feeling, that thing is not like its nest, Lin feels that its nest may be somewhere else, the cockroach's cockroach is obviously very moist, it needs water to live, it is also it It is well proven that it is not infected.

Lin let a few assassins walk over, and the squid immediately rushed up the attack, but when Lin let the assassin retreat outside, it ran back.

Sure enough, it is guarding the crystallization, why is it doing this kind of thing... Is it ......


Some strange sounds suddenly rang. Lin found that there was a group of abyss in the back. They actually crawled between the crystal clusters. The abyss seems to be better at moving on land than the ancients of the Hokuriku. The tentacles are much thicker, and Lynn notices that they are still dragging some fish about one meter long...

The power of the soft creatures such as the ancient cockroaches is very large, one is enough to drag things five times larger than themselves, but even so they are dragged together because of the labor saving.

A large group of abyssal rafts dragged some fish, and some starfish and shellfish and snails slowly moved between the areas covered with crystal clusters and echogenic eggs, because Lin’s assassins were discolored and they did not pay attention. When she arrived, Lin looked at them and dragged them directly to the open space in the center and walked to the front of the shrimp...

The prawn was very strange and did not attack them. The abyss smashed the fish and shells and snails in front of the prawn, and the prawn immediately sipped down and ate.

Is there any special symbiotic relationship between this group of ancient oysters and prawn? Actually take so much food to it?

Lynn looked curiously, but the prawn didn't make any special moves. It quickly ate the things, and then the prawn climbed to the position where it was drilled before, and it quickly disappeared.

Did they give it food to let it go? Then, this group of abyssal scorpions made a more strange move. They placed the only starfish that had not been eaten by the prawn, surrounded by crystals, and formed a circle, and then placed some small stones in the circle. The block looks like a strange pattern.

Then the group of ancient cockroaches made a weird move before the pattern. They lined up line by line, with ten lines in each row, a total of ten lines. When they were arranged, they began to wave the tentacles in the direction of crystallization. The body began to change color constantly, and Lin found that their wave-touching movements and the color changes on their bodies were exactly the same, and they looked so simple... weird.

Lin looked at them and they were doing this weird movement. They seemed to have a water storage bag, so they could leave the water for a long time, but they didn’t stop until they had done it for more than a thousand seconds. Lin felt a little Some... 'Impatient'.

Lynn let an assassin sneak up close to the last row of dancing abyss, they seem to be engrossed, not paying attention to the discoloration of the assassin.

The assassin stretched out with a paralyzed toxin claw, and then... gently poked the old cockroach.

The ancient cockroaches quickly fell to the ground because of poisoning, and other companions did not seem to notice, and they still waved their tentacles, and the assassin slowly dragged the fallen cockroaches back... (to be continued) Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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