4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 62: Worried brain

The world... is full of darkness, there is no sunshine to shine here, living here, only the horror of fluorescence can illuminate your vision, don't approach them, dark monsters are hidden in the gravel, they will devour your Life, we have to hunt in the shadows, crawl in the abyss, be swallowed by nightmares, and only after that flash of light, 'it' shines on us, if you offer sacrifices to the guardians, you can get 'it' Redemption...

Come, dance in the darkness, wake up to sleep in the abyss...


What is this? Is this their thoughts?

Lin took the abyss that she had caught with the 'Resurrection' and swallowed it in the body of the resurrection, such as the latest 'Reading the Brain', the information it can read. More than any previous brain reader, it can extract not only electronic signals, but also various other forms of information storage inside, and if necessary, extract substances from brain cells.

The combination of these substances is called "memory matter" by Lin, and their storage position is mainly judged according to the area where the creature sees something familiar with the brain, and the 'memory substance' is read by the brain. Parsing and transforming into words that Lynn can understand...

In order to analyze this information, the reader is made into a structure similar to the brain's 'memory area', which can even display memory like the brains of other creatures!

However, this is only a preliminary completion. It is far from being able to obtain such detailed information as a brain worm, but this reader is based on the ability of the brain worm and has obtained some recent information. And the ancients seem to like to explain things with images. This is quite easy to read.

But... this information is quite strange. Even if they can be converted into words of understanding, Lin does not understand what they are doing.

Looks like...the huge crystal of their ‘worship’ cave...what? It seems that the word ‘worship’ is mentioned for the first time.

The word seems to mean very much about something... like it? No, it seems to be stronger than the preference. This is called worship.

Lin doesn't quite understand, can this thing give them food? residence? Or something else? In order to come here, they even have to prepare a lot of food for the giant prawn.

In the case of a group of more than 20 centimeters of ancient cockroaches, it is difficult to find food for feeding up to six meters of prawn, and the food itself is not much. Speaking of Lin, I don’t know where their big fish of more than a meter are made, but obviously it won’t be very good for them.

Then this group of ancient cockroaches got rid of the prawn and was here... dancing? Why do you want to do this strange action? Lin has no way to read more detailed information...

They did do a lot of work, and even Lin grabbed an ancient cockroach and they never found it.

These ancient scorpions are also very high in intelligence, so they will think about these weird things, and they feel a little similar to...Tucker. Right, Snapdragon’s pompoms are also 'worship', but Lynn has at least helped. They, and here...Lin does not really think that the crystallization will help these ancients.

They danced with tentacles and changed color. It has been more than 5,000 seconds now, and their color conversion is very regular. Every 100 seconds, I change a color. This makes Lin think that they have the concept of 'seconds'. Actually, there is no such thing as knowing it, but now Lin uses the readers to control the abyss that they have caught to mix them. Among the groups, this should be able to better understand their situation...

Lin's ancient scorpion slowly climbed into their group, and Lin found that the ancient cockroaches had come to see it, but their actions did not stop.

Then, Lin let the control of the ancient 鱿 and they together, the action of swinging the tentacle and the action of changing the color can be realized by reading the brain. After Lin’s synchronization, they no longer pay attention to Lin. .

This feeling is wonderful...etc...?

Lin suddenly felt that the ancient brain seemed to have received some kind of signal. This signal is very vague, but it can be confirmed that it is emitted from the crystal. This feeling is quite wonderful. This signal fluctuation seems to change with the swing of the tentacle, and It will have a very 'attractive' effect on the ancient brain.

It's like being attracted by the opposite **** or some kind of excitement, but this feeling is much stronger than usual, enough to have a weird effect on the ancient brain. Lin remembers that some creatures are eating a special illusion. After the plants, their brains will also have this kind of reaction... Is this what makes this group of ancient cockroaches do this strange movement?

But before you do, you shouldn't receive a signal. How did crystallization at the beginning attract the old ones? However, Lin is most concerned about what is going on in this signal. Is it... the brain in the crystal is coming out?

Lynn let the ancients stop the action of waving the tentacle, and the signal suddenly became inconspicuous and began to dissipate, and soon there was no such signal.

Sure enough, it is related to this kind of action.

At the moment Lin stopped, all the surrounding ancients suddenly looked over, but their movements never stopped, but they were turned over with a raised eyeball.

They seem to have a lot of opinions about Lin's lack of action, but before this old 鱿 was taken away without any opinions, what does this mean?

Lin deliberately did not act, to see how they reacted. The beginning of these ancient shackles was only to look at this side, but after a few tens of seconds, Lin felt that they had obvious anger and the color of them began to change. It is red.

The ancient 鱿 likes to use red to express 'anger', but Lin still does not move, watching this group of ancient 鱿 'angry value' slowly ascend, eventually seems to rise to a limit, these ancient 鱿 began to stop the dancing action , they all came up.

They all flashed in a variety of colors, basically containing information of anger, they entangled Lin's ancient shackles with tentacles, and then pulled hard.

The ancient cockroach itself is very soft, and it has been pulled by a large group of ancient cockroaches. Its body has been torn into several pieces under strong tension, and the internal organs and blood are pouring out from the section...

After Lin’s ancient torn was torn, the other ancient cockroaches immediately returned to their position and began to wave their tentacles.

This group of ancient scorpions... seems to be crazy, do they look at dancing more than their companions?

Lin estimates that this is the result of long-term influence under that kind of signal. Their brains have been occupied by a large number of such signals, and they become very weird. This is something like an electrical signal, and a brain from a brainworm. The waves are somewhat similar.

At this time, Lin suddenly heard a voice coming from a distance... I saw more abyss of ancient abyss coming from afar.

They seem to be other ethnic groups nearby. These ancient cockroaches did not bring fish and other things. They directly joined the group of dancing ancient pipa. They arranged in the same queue around the crystallization, and then began to dance... ...

Next, Lin found that there were many deep abyss in all directions in the open space. They were surrounded by circles around the crystal. After a while, the ground around the crystals was covered with dense ancient cymbals. I started to dance, the tentacle constantly waved, the color changed constantly, but it was very consistent, and it seemed to be very...wonderful.

They should all be crazy, and doing this kind of thing can be of no benefit to them, but they just like to do it.

Is Lin hesitating to kill them? Still take a look, or say... first check the brain in the middle crystal.

An assassin stretched out his claws and aimed the claw tip at the pit where the prawn was pulled out.

‘Hey! ’

With a small voice, a small 'egg' was fired by the assassin, and the egg stuck to the crystallized pothole. From the egg, a worm-like unit of about one centimeter was passed. 'Driller'.

They begin to drill holes in the crystal with a drill-like head and approach the brain inside little by little.

Even a driller who has no brain and no sensory organs can feel the strong signal emitted inside. It seems to resonate with the dance of the ancients. The signal seems to be stronger because they dance. But this signal is very monotonous and does not seem to be used for 'command'.

No matter how much, the driller drilled into the depths of the crystallization and slowly moved forward... With the crystallization constantly being drilled, a new space appeared in front of the eyes...

this is……

Lin discovered that the original crystal was a hollow, the brain was not fixed in the crystal, but... floating in this hollow, it could not be seen outside.

No, it is not floating. Lin found that there are some tiny thin lines that pull the brain and hang it in the center of the crystal.

The driller has no ability to fly, and it seems that he has to change to get close to the brain, but when Lin is not close to the brain, she discovers something wonderful.

Lin discovered that a kind of arthropods are located on the crystal wall in large quantities. These creatures are very small, only about 0.5 to a millimeter. Lin began to think that they might be the 'forces' to protect this brain. Actually, this is not the case.

These tiny arthropods are constantly killing with another creature, and the other creature looks like a fungus.

These fungi look like polymer spheres of hyphae, they move slowly over the crystal walls, ejecting a solution to attack those limbs, and the limbs are in a more common way - rushing, tearing These bacteria **** then eat them.

When Lin’s drillers first came in, they saw that they were fighting. The number of both sides was extremely large. It was like two military forces. It has been smashing on the crystal wall... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, The novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ feifei cattle ~ 588~

Thanks to the ~ttazn~ monthly ticket~

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