4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2246: Discrimination?

This seems to be the scope of the current activities of the research group? Feeling the subject is very... casual.

Lynn's Veronica is now in a place called the 'Void Exhibition Hall'.

This place is very much like a museum, and you can see many...the things that are found in the void.

Like some wonderfully colored stones, the bodies of the Nether creatures, and Lin is now looking at a large panel.

Painted on the panel... it is called the vortex of the Milky Way, and there are many circles on the Milky Way vortex, and some of the circles have notes on the side.

But most of them have no comments, just a circle, it is very casual.

If this is the case, then go to the next place to see... Thinking, Lin left the exhibition hall and went to the passage to another warship.

Most of the environments in these warships are like underground streets, so the people living here will feel... some feelings of oppression.

At this time, they will go to some areas to discharge pressure, such as where Lin is now.

Lynn's Veronica walked over to a bridge that straddles the heights. From the bridge down the tens of meters, there are many huts on the ground. Most of them are wooden or rocky, much like The original house of Shimin.

This place is known as the 'empty shelter' and is commonly referred to as a slum.

Because the research team occasionally found some creatures in the 'primitive tribe' stage in the void, they certainly took these biological studies.

Sometimes, the creatures caught are not put back... Maybe they don't want to waste energy and transport it back, so they are placed in this 'empty shelter' and are kept here for the reason of giving them higher education.

In fact, they did not educate these creatures, just put them here for a visit.

When Lin thought about it, I could see some creatures in the cabin below... They seemed to be cell creatures, and they were only about the size of the birds. I don't know where the research team was.

"Hey, are you alien creatures?" Suddenly, Lynn heard a voice next to him, only to see two tall people in the side of Veronica.

"What do the alien creatures do with us? You should go down with them!"

"Yeah, why do the alien creatures look like our children?"

So, the Ershi people here also have the phenomenon of discriminating alien creatures... Because they can use identity cards to detect each other's identity, they can see that Lynn's Veronica has an alien status.

However, there is usually no Ershi people holding the ID card to scan around, but the two are different. In fact, Lin Lin noticed that these two have been using the ID card to sweep every passing Ershi people, now it is swept. Veronica.

The Ershi people have a height of nearly two meters. They walked into Veronica step by step, and the nearest one was lifted... the knees came over here.

However, after his leg was poked with a finger, it fell to the ground.

"Ah!" Another Ershimin exclaimed: "What did you do to it? Alien creatures are attacking us!"

Its screams attracted the crowds of the surrounding people, but they just took a look and quickly walked away.

Lynn feels that these two Ershi people may do this kind of thing often.

Thinking, Lin walked toward another Ershi.

"You... don't come over!" The Ershimin, who was still trying to get his companions up, quickly stood up and retreated after seeing Lin's action: "The violent alien creatures will soon be caught. of!"

"But..." Veronica asked: "According to your laws, this is your fault."

"...you..." After hearing the words of Lin, Ershimin snorted and turned and ran.

Then... Lin chased it up.

"Ah! Help! The alien creatures want to eat me!" The Ershi people rushed to death in horror.

But no matter how it escapes, Lin is behind, and it is very easy to keep up with an Ershimin.

However, this Ershimin's running skills are quite good. It didn't hit any passing people along the way, and the passing people did not want to control this matter at all. They all avoided it, so Lin could chase it smoothly. It.

After running for a while with Veronica, it came to a ‘taxis’ ride.

This place is like a parking lot, parking a lot of egg-shaped taxis in a vast space.

"Fast! Fast! I am going to the ninth district!"

Ershimin opened the door on the side and yelled after drilling into the taxi.

"Okay, please remember the seat belt, start after three seconds... three, two, one..."

The egg-shaped taxi slowly rose, and after it counted one, it flew into the air.

At the same time, the ceiling also opened a passage at the moment the taxi car was lifted... The taxi moved quickly along the passage, and after a few seconds, the surrounding scenery became spacious.

The taxi... flew into the void.

Here you can see that the taxi is flying on the surface of the 'Unification Ball'. It flies over one ship and another ship. Lin also found many similar taxis flying back and forth on many ships. .

"The ninth district, arrived."

The destination of the taxi is not a ship on the combined ball, but a hemispherical aircraft floating in the void.

This hemisphere has a diameter of three hundred meters, and its outer shell is transparent, it can be seen that it is covered with green plants, and it is facing the direction of the star, which may be a farm and the like.

The taxi flew in from the opening on one side of the hemisphere. After a short while, it reached the inside of the hemisphere.

There is a taxi parking lot similar to the previous one. The taxi slowly landed on the ground... The Ershi people inside also opened the door and walked out from the inside: "Call... It’s dangerous, it seems that it has not caught up. ”

"Yeah, I just stick it up."

"Ah!" Ershimin made a scream of horror, because it turned around and saw Veronica... on a taxi.

In fact, when the Ershi people just drove away, Lin let Veronica stick to the back of the taxi and fly with it.

Originally, Lin thought that the taxi would detect that a foreign object stuck to the back and would not fly out, but did not expect it to fly directly.

The Ershi people inside have been paying attention to whether Lin has chased it by taxi, but its angle does not see Lin sticking behind.

and so……

"Fast, come over!" Ershimin suddenly yelled, and Lin found that there were a lot of Ershimin armed with weapons at the entrance to the taxi yard around.

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