4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2247: Don't like alien creatures?

"I am really sorry!"

Originally thought that this group of people should fight... because they all have weapons, and they are ready to fire.

But they are all...

In a very sincere tone, she apologized to Lynn Veronica and grabbed the Ershi people who had been chased by Lin.

"We will be responsible for handling it! This is a gift for you, please don't mind!"

After a series of apologies, they handed over a card to Lin and left the place with Ershimin.

This card... is a currency card used here, and Lin found that there are quite a lot of values ​​inside.

Then the next... It seems like nothing?

Although it seems to be the case, Lin will of course continue to investigate their situation, such as the one who was previously stunned on the bridge.

Lin has a miniature unit to stay on it, and now knows that it has been carried to a nearby hospital.

I also know...the purpose of doing this.

In fact, these Ershi people, including the group that just apologized to Lin, are considered to be a small organization.

The purpose of this organization is to specifically trigger the conflict of alien creatures.

In addition to those ... in the more primitive stage of the alien creatures, the research team's top management is mainly to peacefully get along with the alien creatures, and advocate to learn the knowledge of other creatures.

But... there are also some people who don't want to. They think that the people should develop independently and not contact any alien creatures.

As a result, there were differences among the groups of people living here, and some people who did not want to contact alien species formed a small organization.

Their approach is to use a variety of methods to make the alien creatures here ... breaking the law, then being driven out or arrested, in this way to cause conflict between the Ershi people and the alien creatures.

Generally, they don't act easily, but they know each other's habits.

Because many creatures have different habits, for example... some specific sounds or movements have an insulting or threatening effect on them, and some colors or brilliance have a stimulating effect on some alien creatures.

In addition, there are many alien creatures that do not fully understand the laws of the people. This organization uses various characteristics of various alien creatures to stimulate them and let them go out after committing crimes.

The organization has carried out many actions, and the research team has also revised many laws at the top, and has also customized different laws according to the different habits of alien creatures.

However, members of this organization also took the opportunity to make trouble, saying that they should use the same set of laws and cannot treat them differently.

In short, they are a group of organizations that specifically hinder the peace of Ershimin and alien creatures.

In general, they will conduct a detailed investigation of the habits of the target creatures before they start, but this time they met Lin, they are anxious.

Because, such as Lin, the illusion of "the disguised as an alien creature" is the most terrible for them. After all, the organization itself is a group of people who are afraid of contact with alien creatures.

However, if it is unsuccessful... As Lin has just said, they will immediately apologize and compensate the alien creatures, and then find a way to deal with Lin.

Lin feels this phenomenon... quite normal.

After all, there will be people who are opposed to aliens and aliens, but the way they use them is obviously not very good.

In short, Lynn is not very interested in this organization.

Lin is more interested in some of the alien species that the organization has dealt with, and some of them are more interesting.

Here, there seems to be one.

Now, Lynn's Veronica has come to the ... farm area.

This place where Lynn is now is called ‘Hengguang Ecological Farm’.

It is a farm that has always been exposed to stellar rays and has no nights.

When you look up, you can see the glare of the shining stars through the cover of the hemisphere, and when you look around, you can see a large number of dense plants.

Most of these plants are fruits and vegetables that Dorsh people are used to eating, and some have pieces of meat and bread.

Because this farm itself is not a real farm, it is a kind of... creature.

Thinking, Lin went to the field and kneel down to poke the land.

This land is not a muddy land, but a soft structure that reminds Lin of the phasing farm in the condensed void.

I feel that they are quite similar.

"Ah, it’s a cub..." At the time of Lin’s poke, the ground made a voice: “I’ve fully understood yours... insulting words. If I hear similar words, I will use yours. Legal work."

This farm is actually a huge creature, and their original shape should resemble a large group... mud.

... a mud block about 200 meters in diameter.

Lin is not very clear about its ecology, but generally knows that plants can be planted on its body, and it is mainly to eat the excrement of the people.

Ershi people will continue to transport excreta here, and after eating it, it will increase the growth rate of plants.

It feels like this is very similar to ordinary farming, but it is more efficient, and this creature can grow special food from the back.

Of course, this creature itself does not feel any problem with excrement, but there should be a lot of people who know its diet and like to laugh at it.

I feel that they are quite similar.

"Ah, it’s a cub..." At the time of Lin’s poke, the ground made a voice: “I’ve fully understood yours... insulting words. If I hear similar words, I will use yours. Legal work."

This farm is actually a huge creature, and their original shape should resemble a large group... mud.

... a mud block about 200 meters in diameter.

Lin is not very clear about its ecology, but generally knows that plants can be planted on its body, and it is mainly to eat the excrement of the people.

Ershi people will continue to transport excreta here, and after eating it, it will increase the growth rate of plants.

It feels like this is very similar to ordinary farming, but it is more efficient, and this creature can grow special food from the back.

Of course, this creature itself does not feel any problem with excrement, but there should be a lot of people who know its diet and like to laugh at it.

It feels like this is very similar to ordinary farming, but it is more efficient, and this creature can grow special food from the back.

Of course, this creature itself does not feel any problem with excrement, but there should be a lot of people who know its diet and like to laugh at it.

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