4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2262: Escaped creatures and diplomacy

This seems to be a solidified creature on the extinction list.

It escaped into the normal void because it learned that the dead warship was going to chase it.

Therefore, Lin saw this scene in front of her eyes...

When the dead warship tried to chase the normal void through the rip, the rip suddenly merged, causing a warship... to break into two.

But even if you have half of the broken, you can see a lot of solidified creatures in the section is trying to repair the battleship.

And other death warships... nothing to do.

They don't seem to want to catch up in the void outside, just staring here.

Lynn feels that the behavior of these warships is very strange, at least it is difficult to guess what they want to do next.

If this is the case, then pay attention to the other side...

"We...welcome you, we want to talk to you about cooperation."

Here is a thing called ‘British Car’. It is more than 50 meters long and is floating 10,000 kilometers above the ‘water wall’.

There is a relatively large space inside the car, where a group of Ershi people are standing.

In front of them, there is a creature whose head is a shark, and it is still struggling on the floor.

"Hey... can it understand our words?" One Ershi looked at the shark and whispered.

"Yes." Suddenly, the shark's mouth opened, and a dark blue object resembling the tongue of Ershimin was drilled from inside.

At the end of the ‘tongue’ there is a structure like a ruby. From the perspective of Ershimin, it is like an eye.

In fact, this ‘tongue’ is the intelligent creature that Lynn said.

Their habits are similar to hermit crabs, and they like to live in a variety of different things, such as shark creatures, their habitat.

"Hello." One Ershi came forward and said to his tongue: "We..."

"You seem to have a lot of suitable accommodations." The tongue said: "Give me a living, we can talk about it."

The tongue itself was not vocal, but before it came up, Lynn installed a translator.

“Residential?” Ershi people wondered: “What is the residence...?”

"That's that." The tongue said to point to the next one...the sofa.

It was originally furnished as a 'luxury room', so there is a sofa that looks luxurious.

"Yes, what you want..."

When Ershimin’s words were not finished, the tongue was drilled out of the shark’s mouth. It can be seen that its entire body is like a tongue, but the back half of it has dense bristles that look like The back of a creature called a porcupine.

The tongue slowly moved to the side of the sofa, and then the back was attached to the side of the sofa, and the hair behind it quickly shook...

The vibrating bristles pierced the outer skin of the sofa, and the entire body of the tongue slowly retreated into the sofa... After retreating, its rear body was completely integrated into the sofa.

"This is not very comfortable." The tongue said: "But you can continue to communicate."

"...I think this creature may be in a very primitive stage." One Ershi looked at it and whispered.

"But, Lin suggested that we communicate with it, so we still..."

"Alarm! Found unknown objects close!"

A voice suddenly interrupted the words of Ershimin, and a picture popped up on the wall next to it.

This picture shows the outside situation, I saw a big one... the rock flew over here.

The rock has a diameter of nearly one kilometer and there are many small holes in it.

"Fast escape!"

The ‘diplomatic car’ slammed out under the control of Ershimin, escaping the flying rocks, and the rock flew in the direction of the water wall.

‘嘭——’ The surface of the water wall suddenly broke out...

Much like the feeling of 'geyser', there is a huge amount of thick fog on the surface of the blasted water wall.

This thick fog quickly wrapped up the falling rocks, and from the moment the rock was wrapped in thick fog, it began to crack quickly.

First, the outer layer is continuously bursting into pieces, then the inner layer, and finally the whole rock is turned into a pile of debris.

"Is it... destroyed?"

Seeing the situation in the picture, several Ershi people feel more surprised.

Although it is easier to say that the people of Ershi destroyed the rock...but they think that the original water wall can also destroy the stone, which means... there must be some strong, but not easy A civilized creature discovered directly.

Then, the eyes of several Ershi people looking at the tongue have become a little different.

"Then we can continue to communicate."

"...OK." One Ershimin said: "I want to talk to you about cooperation, we can develop together... and share technology with each other..."

"Alarm!" Another voice interrupted the Ershi people.

"How come?"

Ershmin once again looked at the picture outside.

I saw that this time it was not a piece, but a lot of stones flew over here...

They have thousands of pieces, and each one has a size of hundreds of meters.

However, this time the water wall did not make any defensive actions, and Ershi people did not evade, because these stones... did not come to the water wall.

They fly a lot in tens of thousands of kilometers from the water wall, which looks like a meteor shower, and in the large flying stones, you can see some wonderful objects flying.

Those objects look a lot like...great mud, they are about the size of a stone, but they are black.

Lin found that these are stones and ooze...the creatures that are fleeing.

In fact, they were the creatures that were previously besieged by the dead warships. They turned off the cracks in the solidified void and fled to the... they didn't know where.

In short, it is here now, and is still flying to the distance.

Lin doesn't know exactly what kind of creatures they are, but it should be no threat to Ershimin and the water walls here.

And they can see a more interesting battle.

After a large piece of stone flies, you can see... a skull-shaped battleship appears behind the group of stones.

Not long ago, Lin found that the death battleship stopped in a daze.

At least one of the ships stopped stunned, that is... the skull shape that Lin had followed.

It chased out the condensed void and came to the normal void and continued to fly with the stones and ooze.

Lin felt that the dead warship would not attack the water wall or the Ershi people, just as it would not attack the battleship that Lin had snatched... These warships would only perform their own tasks.

Unless... Ershi wants to hit it.

And Ershimin seems to really want to do this.

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