4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2263: Have a feeling of love

"That is... that kind of battleship!"

The old tower is also included in the Ershi people who have come to the ‘habiting tongue’ diploma.

The old tower is now looking at the battleships that are chasing stones in the distance with amazement.

It knows about the battleship of the dead, and it knows that the death warship can seize the people from the 'work space'.

This means that if you get a death warship, you can save countless people who are working.

This is a great attraction for it.

"This is our opportunity." The old tower said: "The kind of warships are here alone. If we want to save them, then it is only now!"

"Are you sure you have to deal with that thing?" Another Ershimin said: "Even if we can destroy it, but after the destruction, can the functions inside remain intact?"

"Yeah, they are too dangerous..."

"But they have enslaved us... enslaved tens of billions of people!" said the old tower: "We can't ignore them!"

Lin thinks that this line is quite similar to what is often heard in movies. Generally speaking, in the movie, they can save as much as they can save, but in reality... it is hard to say.

But now some Ershi people do have the emotions in the movie, they want to save the people in the work.

Therefore, Lin felt that this was a bit strange, but I haven't detected any influence on the brains of these people. Lin... just found that the old-fashioned Ershi people who agree to save are very hot.

Simply put, it's like the heroes in the movie who want to save everything.

It may be that some of Lin’s undetectable influences make them hot, or the character of these people is the same.

"Damn, I have to order it to attack it! This is what we have to do!" the old tower shouted: "We want to... ah!"

When the old tower was not finished, he was punched by a nearby Ershi people: "You want us to build it up... Is the new home at risk? What will happen if you attack it... ”

The Ershimin stopped and said because it was like the surrounding Ershi people... they were surprised to see the picture.

The old tower, which was hit by a punch and fell to the ground, climbed up. When it saw the picture... there was also a surprised expression.

Because the skull-shaped death battleship in the distance is now surrounded by a group of warships of the Ershi people.

There are a total of ten warships, ranging in size from 500 meters to one kilometer, much smaller than the skull ship.

The skull that was originally chasing the rock group stopped because of it... but nothing has been done yet.

"What are they going on!" Ershimin, who beat the old tower, exclaimed: "Why..."

'boom--! ’

It had not been finished yet, and fighting took place in the distance. A 500-meter-long Ershi warship opened fire on the skull.

A large amount of light was shot from a total of 36 turrets in front of the battleship, on the side, on the abdomen, etc., hitting the surface of the skull and causing a burst of explosion.

At the same time, in the missile bay at the back of the battleship, more than a dozen fusion missiles flew out from the inside and directly slammed into the target.

The skull is no longer in a daze at this time, and a large number of arrows of up to 30 meters are shot from the two huge 'eye hole' on the surface.

These arrows collided with the fusion bombs, causing a violent explosion in the void.

At this time, the remaining nine Ershimin warships also launched shooting, and they all shot large missiles to the dead warships, which instantly drowned the dead warships in a boom.

"Sure enough... is it still starting too early?"

Suddenly, Lynn heard one of the Ershi people in the diplomatic car watching the battle.

"What did you start?" Lin did not detect the memory of each of the people here, but Lynn's Veronica is here, so I can ask him.

"That is..." Ershi people took a look, looked at Veronica, and hesitated for a few seconds before saying: "Active device."

"What is that?" Lin wondered.

"That is a device that helps develop."

This Ershimin introduced it in detail... It seems that this unleashes why they are so caring.

What they start, called the 'active spread tower', is actually one of the techniques that Ersh gave them.

This is a wonderful technique... It is said that it can give off a special 'radiation'.

This kind of radiation can change the character of the people.

The affected people will become ... very united, full of honor, shameful of crime and so on.

To put it simply, it will appear... humility, integrity, compassion, heroism, justice, sacrifice, honor and other qualities.

The research team believes that this is very helpful for the development of their new home, because all residents will unite ... and work together to actively develop and grow.

However, it is said that this has also increased the xenophobia of some Ershi people and promoted the birth of groups that reject alien species.

Of course, it now leads to a more serious situation.

Because it is not only the general people who are affected, but some of the commanders of the research group are also affected.

They become very...have love.

"Is there still such a thing?"

After the Ershimin said it, the old tower made a surprised voice, and several other people also looked at it with surprise.

Because... it seems that the old tower and some of the people here are not aware of this.

"This is it... arbitrarily decided." Ershimin said: "In short, if you feel that your character has changed a lot...there should be an impact."

"I don't even know!" said the old tower: "But I don't think I have changed much."

Obviously, if you admit that there is a big change, it means that its past character is not good, not enough love, so no one in the Ershi people here recognizes the change.

Generally speaking, this is not a bad thing, but too much love will lead to some abnormal behavior.

Like... I want to save the people who work in the solidified void, and dare to attack the dead warships.

‘Booming-’ In the successive bombings, the dead warships continued to sway.

Lin knows that the shell of the death battleship is not very strong, and it will definitely break under this bombing...

The current situation is also the same, although there is no whole ash, but the death warships still have a lot of crack wounds, and they are no longer moving.

At this time, the surrounding Ershi warships also stopped the attack. After a while, Lin saw that the warships all approached the skull and dispatched many small aircraft.

They seem to want to send troops into the skull to explore and then control the death battleship.

This kind of thing is less likely.

Because the creatures inside... can be dangerous for them.

But Lin also wants to go in and see, because Lin wants to catch one more... Captain of the Galaxy.

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