4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2268: New birth

"So...what is the one we are looking for?"

Here is the place called ‘resource galaxy a’.

It is also a source of water for the joint ball.

There are many frozen asteroids in this position, and the combined ball has been used to crack the frozen spheres to get the water and transport them back to the joint ball.

However, this time they came here not for the sake of water, but for finding something special, it is said to be... an item that was frozen somewhere here.

The appearance of this item looks a lot like a small spaceship, which is what ‘Captain of the Lord’ said.

Although Ershimin has not made a decision to find Ershi, they still feel that they should first find out what this thing is doing, so I can take it back and study it.

However, Captain Gum did not say the exact location of the thing, so they should look for it in a vast area.

This is a very difficult thing because there are hundreds of millions of frozen asteroids and countless rocks floating in this area.

............ At the same time, on the other side............

Lin’s death battleship floats over a wonderful view...

It is also a place on the stable continent. When Lin flies here, I can see that many objects on the ground like plants grow on the ground.

Lin has parked the dead battleship over the area and laid down a large number of expeditions.

These expeditions are the units that Lin made according to the shape of the innocent people, who can fly in the solid air.

They are now exploring everywhere in the 'jungle' of the ground, where there are many things that look like plants, not actually plants.

They are a wonderful mixture of textures that look like rocks from the outside, and are mentioned in the battleship's database.

In fact, most of the stable continent is composed of this kind of material, although the database does not give it a name... but Lin thinks it can be called 'memory rock'. In short, it has a resilience and is subject to When it hurts, it will return to the previous state.

This may also be the reason for stabilizing the stability of the mainland.

Lynn examined it carefully and found that there seems to be some kind of powerful inside of this 'memory rock'... The 'power' binds the material inside.

This is somewhat different from normal gravity, because if Lin cuts a small piece from above and throws it into the distance, the piece will slowly move back and assemble it back to its original position.

But if you get too much or lose too far... like 10,000 kilometers, it won't go back.

And this 'power' is not maintained, it sometimes changes, making matter into a new shape.

Lynn thinks this phenomenon is very interesting, so I have to study it carefully.

At the same time, Lin has another major thing to explore here, that is... where Ershi is.

In fact, the plants of these 'memory rocks' are all plant species on the Ershi. In addition to plants, this jungle can also find other kinds of creatures composed of memory rocks, such as squirrels.

Lynn thinks this should be related to Ershi... As for the location of Ershi...just here.

A group of soldiers from Lin found a large stone that was twelve meters high and had many small holes.

Interestingly, Lynn noticed that there is a statue of a creature... at every small hole.

Of course, these biological statues are composed of memory rocks, including fish, dinosaurs, insects, and mammals.

And when Lin released the mini-arms and drilled into the interior along the small hole... Lin saw what it seemed to be Ershi's ‘thinking’.

In fact, this is an object shaped like an egg.

It is more than a meter in size, and the whole jungle around it, as well as all the creatures of memory rock, are centered on it... as if it were all 'radiating', and this egg is itself A real egg.

But looking at the outside, I don’t know what creature it is, some like... the egg of a sauropod dinosaur, and Lin did not detect the inside of the egg.

Instead, the rock was dug, and then a limbless unit brought a ‘anti-solidified lantern.’

This is the anti-coagulation lighting tool that Lin imitation of the 'fire.' When the lamp is placed next to the egg, the warm light shimmers the egg... At the same time, the egg recovers from the solidification.

Then the egg moved up.

Its surface slowly cracked and stretched out from inside... a tentacle, followed by two, three, and finally a large pile of tentacles squeezed the eggshell, and a creature drilled out of it.

This creature, which looks like an anemone, has many tentacles and a barrel-like body. It is only a dozen centimeters in size. This creature climbs up to the ground along the eggshell and moves slowly on the ground.

Is it... related to Ershi?

Lin let a limbless unit float in front of it. This ‘sea anemone’ suddenly smashed from the ground and touched Lin’s arms.

When touched by its tentacle... Lynn felt a wonderful feeling.

Lynn found a lot of... information is being introduced into the nerves of Lin's arms through its tentacles.

This vast amount of information has flashed in an instant, but Lynn can see one...the vast world, and the various creatures in the world.

In fact, this world Lin knows that it is one of the buses that originally participated in the parliament.

Then, Lin touched another tentacle and found out...

These touches... all store information about the bus world, mainly about the biological and surface environments above, but there is no information about the internal situation.

At the same time, there is information about Ershi, but Ershi information is not in the hands, but in the body of this 'sea anemone'.

But Lynn also found that... it stores not only the buses that have meetings, but also many worlds.

Because it has a total of thirty-six tentacles, each tentacle contains information about a world.

Counting its ontology, there are thirty-seven worlds of information...

Except for those Lin knows, the rest of the world doesn't know if it's a bus, but Lynn thinks it may be.

And Lynn also thinks that this anemone...may be the combination of all the buses that Ershimin was looking for before...


However, it is obviously not the same as a normal bus pup, but it should have the ability to grow.

There is still a lot of ... influence.

The surrounding memory rock has become a forest and an animal, mainly related to it.

But Lin still doesn't confirm that it is caused by it, or... the memory rock is formed automatically.

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