4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2269: Search for items

"Is that what we are looking for?"

“Looks like it... the earliest...”

"It seems to be called Apollo?"

Although there are hundreds of millions of targets to explore, the exploration ship found less than half of the time of the day and night. It is a frozen sphere with a diameter of three kilometers.

On the surface of the sphere, you can see that... a cylinder stands there.

It is like the 'spacecraft' used by Ershi people a long time ago. Although the aircraft at that time was very 'original' relative to the present, it is very famous, so most of the people of Ershi know.

So they quickly decided to dig up the aircraft and investigate.


At the same time, Lin also brought the creature like an anemone back to the death battleship.

This creature itself is a bus creature, but the internal nervous structure is very...rich, and the memory system is very rich, so it can store a lot of information.

And its own thinking structure is still in a very young stage, and some like the cubs of Ershi people, they are very curious about everything.

Now Lin puts it in a cabin, it has been curious to move around and explore, and it will also react to Lin's arms.

For example, it knows that the limbless arms that Lin made in accordance with Ershimin belong to Ershimin, so it will treat Lin's arms with a very interesting attitude.

It is like... It is very cute, it will emit some sounds that trigger Ershi people to care for emotions, and it will also give some signals to let Ershi people want to protect it. This is very interesting.

Lin is trying to investigate it... Why is it here, it doesn't know it, and there is no information to record.

However, Lin found that it really affected the change of the stable continent. The existence of this sea anemone led to the formation of memory rock...the shape of many Ershi creatures.

The memory rock has a wonderful ability to read the information about the anemone and then form an environment around it.

But I only read some of Ershi's information, and the content is very small, but this is the case... It means that this continent has some wonderful functions.

Lin thinks that the anemone will appear here. Not everyone wants to trap it. It just happened to come here.

Lin decided to take the anemone out now and say that Lin felt that it could be touched by the organ wreckage in the area of ​​the bus debris outside, which might have some effect.

Because Lynn thinks it can eat other bus wrecks and grow up.

Its growth pattern is different from that of a normal bus pup... in short, it is much faster.

When Lin controlled the death warship to leave, Lin found that... an explosion exploded in the rear.

There was no bombing of Lin’s battleship, because when the explosives approached, Lin fired an arrow that was more than 30 meters long and intercepted it.

The source of the explosives, another dead warship, is also one of the dead warships that Lynn has seen.

Its shape is similar to that of Ershimin's fingers, the outer shell has a one-section construction, and it can be bent like a finger.

Lin thinks that some warships may have been built according to certain body structures of Ershimin.

When the warship was fully extended, it was more than five kilometers long, and it was flying fast to Lin.

When it flew, it also launched a large number of ... missiles.

For the first time, Lin was attacked by other dead warships, and Lin thought it should be related to this anemone.

However, the disintegrating beams of the dead warships have no effect on the same kind, they can only use the less efficient... such missiles,

Although the missile of this 'finger-fingership' and Lin's arrow are different in shape, the effect is similar.

First, use the explosion to eliminate the anti-coagulation effect, and then release a large number of microbes to invade the target.

Lin feels that the captain in the finger warship may be just a 'youth stage', it can only use some simple weapons.

And Lin’s captain...now has some growth than before, so I can use some new weapons.

For example... like this ‘mini death vortex creation system’.

Lin stopped all the flying targets, and when she was ready to launch the second wave of shots... Lin started the whirlpool system.

When the system started, there was a cabin in the death battleship... it started to spin.

This cabin is newly grown and filled with a liquid inside.

When it started to spin, there was a similar rotation in front of Lynn’s death ship.

It seems that like a huge whirlpool, all the missiles that came in from the air were rolled in.

This kind of weapon...is actually similar to the original disintegrating light, which Lin believes is the main weapon system of the death warship.

That is, the situation in the internal compartment is given to the outside of the room. When the material inside the cabin is rotated, a similar maneuver is generated outside.

However, it is simply a maneuver. It can intercept all the missiles and let the missiles collide with each other in the whirlpool, but there is no attack power. The vortex can only happen around itself and cannot happen in the distant finger battleship.

Therefore, Lynn intends to use another weapon.

Thinking, Lin asked the captain to order, and another cabin in the battleship moved.

In this cabin, there is a big piece of stuff like a piece of meat, and when the cabin is started, there is a huge spike on the floor... a huge spike slams up and pierces the meat.

At the same time, the death warship also shot a beam... The light beam hit the ground beneath the finger ship.

I saw the ground that was illuminated suddenly bulging, forming a spike like the shape of the cabin... slamming upwards.

Of course, this spike is much larger than the cabin. It is hundreds of meters in length and seems to be composed of memory rock instantly.

The finger warship was originally very close to the ground. It didn't hide... or it was too late to escape, so it was pierced by a spike.

While it was being pierced, Lynn also fired a lot of arrows on it. The pierced finger warship seemed to have no way to counterattack. Under the bombardment of a large number of arrows, its whole began to fall apart.

Lynn originally wanted to test the finger battleship, but soon gave up on this plan.

Because Lynn found... there are more dead warships coming around here.

Maybe you have to fight a very intense battle, or before the battle... Lin first fled here.

Lin felt that there should be some way to go straight to the normal void.

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