4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2272: confirm

"I am telling you all, you must believe me!"

Here is a cabin that looks a lot like a prison.

Lin’s action to repair the entire warship was proceeding smoothly, and Lin also rectified several areas in the battleship.

For example, the place where the prison was made.

Inside is a creature that looks like a balloon. It is the one that Lynn caught before... the solidified creature.

It is itself a three-meter-diameter, quite solid sphere with a long ‘tail' below it, so it looks like a balloon.

But the tail is actually the main organ of its brain, and it can escape from the spherical body at will.

In fact, it has been tried many times, but it was arrested by Lin, and then Lin closed it to this place for research.

Some of the things it said before were deceived, but some of them were true.

Things like Ershimin are forced to demonstrate history, and death warships are looking for bus anemones... They really want to build a coagulation bus in the condensed void.

However, this matter is not very important, so those warships have not been pursued all the time, but in any case, they will create a unified residence for the group of people.

If there is no solidified bus as a carrier, then the same is true for another carrier.

In short, the final goal is to let Ershimin replace the position of a variety of creatures that have been extinct in the solidification of the void.

Including the transpiration, it seems that Midgart has extinct a lot of solidified organisms, so there is a gap in the ecology.

Ershimin is an ideal substitute, but not only Ershi people, but also some other creatures will participate.

Although I don't know why I want to let the people of Elsman experience all kinds of extreme ... torture, but the biggest goal has been determined.

This balloon creature only knows so much. Lin feels that it has no more news, and then shut it down here... and it has been trying to ask Lin to release it.

Then the next...Lin originally wanted to send this bus anemone to the bus debris area, and then get to other safe places to observe it growing up.

However, it wants to return to the condensed void, it seems to be looking for something... This is not because it tells Lin that it wants to go back, but that it is talking to it and saying that it is going back.

"I have to go back there... I have to find this and find it."

When the bus anemones were talking, they also piled up a small... model with a pile of dust on the ground.

The model looks like it's on a mountain... a mountain.

So Lin also intends to take it back to the condensed void to find it.

Lin has already removed the device that sent the signal from the death battleship, and also repaired the battleship by sending a large amount of solidified creatures.

If you once again enter the condensed void, it should not be discovered by other warships, but Lin is not very sure... If you encounter an attack, then you can think of a better way.

Thinking, Lin let the battleship once again open the passage to the solid air.

When Lin returned to the condensed void, Lin found that it was still in the original position.

However, the death warship that had been chased and killed had already dispersed, so Lin flew past the location where the mainland was stable.

After going through the route of killing all the way, Lin returned to the stable mainland.

"I know where it is! It's here!"

The anemone in the cabin seems to be sensitive to the surrounding environment, and Lin found that it piled up more models.

Although they are all dusty, they secrete some mucus to stick these things together to fix the shape.

It is now made up of the shape of some mountains, and Lin found that these are some of the famous mountains on Ershi.

Lin’s death battleship also flew back to the location where the bus anemone was originally found...

It can be seen here... on the ground is still the jungle of the previous 'memory rocks'.

They did not disappear because of the anemone's departure, but the jungle grew even bigger.

There may be something in the stable mainland that controls this... Lin feels so.

Therefore, Lin continued to drop some arms here to observe the jungle, and the death battleship continued to move forward.

The bus anemone can barely know where to go, but it doesn't know the exact location, so it can only move slowly.

On the way forward, you can continue to appreciate the scenery of the stable mainland... There are many solidified ecology here.

It is like an environment not far from the front.

Lin Lin can see that there is a large number of stacked structures on the ground, as if a huge flat rock is stacked together, and the rocks are stacked over one hundred layers.

Each floor has more than ten meters of gaps, and there are no supporting columns, and Lin can notice that there are many creatures moving between the gaps.

The main thing is... they are like the kind of creature that Lynn used to call ‘black 鹑’.

It should be sub-species, and their details are somewhat different, so Lynn does not care about them... but bypasses movement.

Because Lynn thinks these creatures may also be in the attack list of the dead warships, although Lin’s ship does not.

After bypassing them, Lin found that ... the stability of the mainland seems to be over.

The mainland in front did not continue, but it was a dark space.

The database of the death battleship did not record what was after this, but... the bus anemone seemed to know.

"This is arrived... there... then it will enter the desert..."

The information on the bus anemone suggests that there should be a place called a solidification desert.

It seems to be a very boring place, because there are no creatures in the big areas, it is a desert place.

But what it is looking for seems to be in this desert.

So slowly fly forward... because the death warship doesn't need to worry too much about energy.

... At the same time, Lynn also paid attention to the other side...

"A lot of this...the old times."

The Ershi people have already transported the 'Apollo aircraft' back to the joint ball, and they have done another thing, that is, Captain Umm can contact the skull death battleship.

Instead of putting it back in the battleship, there are ways to pass the captain's signal to the warship.

This made the warships mistakenly think that there is a captain, so they can continue to send the Ershi people to be saved.

But they found... they sent a lot of ancient objects.

Like the ones used before... the front of the train, the furniture and appliances of the past, and many items that can be called antiques.

It seems that they are connected to the space that plays history.

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