4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2273: Not simple desert

Here... it seems that it is not a simple desert.

Lin's death battleship continued to fly in the solid air, according to the description of the bus anemone... Lin originally thought that there were no creatures or interesting environments in the big places, but it was not.

After flying millions of kilometers in the dark, Lin saw an interesting view.

This is a... star.

It is still a big star, although the death warship can only "see" a part of it, but Lin speculates that it has a diameter of 60 million kilometers.

And... it's completely fixed.

Through the detection system of the death warship, Lynn can find that every part of the surface that should have surged completely completely stopped the activity, and of course did not emit any light.

When Lynn’s death battleship approached the 100,000-kilometer star of this solidified star, Lynn felt a wonderful repulsion.

It can block the death of battleships and the multiple substances that Lynn tried to launch, and it feels like a transparent wall.

But the perception in solidification can clearly perceive the existence of this star.

After a while, Lin planned to circumvent the star to go somewhere else... I will study it later, because the main thing is to send the bus anemone to the place it mentioned.

After flying for a while, Lin found another interesting scene.

This is a star that is exploding.

Lin actually observed a lot of stellar explosions, and recorded a lot. This is a state that has just exploded and is emitting huge amounts of energy and dust.

However, because there is no light and temperature, it can only be identified by the 'shape'.

And there is also a repulsion here that is inaccessible. Lynn thinks it is possible that this is not a real star, just a ‘model’...

All in all, Lynn feels that there are many possibilities.

Then, Lin continued to move to other places... And after the two stars, Lin saw it again on the way forward... many similar.

However, this is much smaller than the previous two. Lin found that some stars are hundreds to thousands of kilometers in diameter.

There are also some small ones that are only a few tens of meters in size.

But from their 'skin' point of view, these seem to be stars, they all float quietly here, and no matter how small, there is a kind of 'repulsive protection' next to it, as if it is specifically not wanting to be touched by any creature. general.

Although there is such an interesting scene here, there is no such thing as a creature.

At least, Lynn didn't see anything moving. If so... then Lin would do some testing.

Thinking, Lin is not far from the front... A star sphere with a size of only 30 meters emits an arrow.

When the high-speed arrow hit the repulsion protection of the surface of the star, Lin found that ... the arrow was not popped, but the mini star.

It flew straight back and slammed into another tens of meters of mini stars behind it.

Then this one also flew out and ran into the other stars around.

Then... Lynn feels like this is a pinball game.

A large number of mini stars are bounced off each other, because their distances are very close, so when Lin is so, there are countless pinballs in this place.

But they can't move those big stars, just small ones playing each other.

After watching it for a while, Lin once again aimed at a star, which just bounced to the side, and Lin also fired the arrow at it.


The two sides of the collision exploded in an instant, and the arrow passed through its repulsion protection and slammed into the star inside.

Sure enough, as Lin thought, these repulsion protections are not very strong and can be penetrated.

But at the moment of the explosion, Lin knew... it was not a star.

Just like Lin thought, it is just a model that causes the shape of a star. It seems to be composed of solidified matter.

But I don't know if the big ones are also models. After all, the bigger the protection, the stronger.

Although Lin still wants to study the situation here... but still go first.

After all, you have to send the bus anemones to that place.

The dead warship left the group of mini stars that were still bounced and flew away toward the target area.

You can still see many stars of all sizes along the way, and you can find different stages and many different types.

Like the new birth stage, Lin can also see here, but more is the middle stage, there are also many stages of destruction.

And they are very small, no one is as big as before.

When flying over this large area with solidified stars, the death battleship returned to the pure dark space, which seems to be a desert area.

But in fact, the next desert did not last much. When Lin flew over a distance of 100 million kilometers, I saw again...something, they looked like some floating rocks.

This piece of floating float is very common in solidified voids, and they are all pieces from normal voids.

So Lynn’s focus is on the rivers... among the rocks.

At the same time, it is quite like a huge water column.

It is about a hundred kilometers in diameter and extends beyond the detection range of the death warship. It is made up of constantly flowing liquid substances.

Moreover, the direction of its flow is Lin, but Lin found that although the river has a huge amount of liquid flowing continuously here, at the end of the river... the liquid has disappeared.

It feels like a lot of liquid is directly 'volatile' in the void, but things that flow with the river do not volatilize with the liquid.

Like the floating stones around, Lin found that they actually came here with the river.

Now you can see that there are many stones flowing in the river, and when the end of the river is reached, the stones will be washed out and floated into the surrounding void.

At the same time, Lin also noticed... some stones look like...

Much like the mountains that the bus anemone is looking for.

So Lynn dispatched the troops to explore and let them fly to the stones to see. Soon Lin found that... some of the stones were from Ershi.

Of course, most of them are not related to Ershi, just the mountains in the void.

But why is there a mountain in Ershi here? Lynn thinks it should be the mountain of the fake.

Although some mountains were found, the bus anemone did not react much. Lin felt that it might have to... respond to a key place.

In short, it is good to move up the river. The upper reaches of the river... obviously can find the reason for the mountain.

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