4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2275: History and river

"Past... history?"

“Accurately speaking, it is a history of lack. What happened to us? What can make a global country, so many different ideas merge together?”

"They want to know this."

In the vicinity of the 'water wall', the skull-shaped death warship is still parked here, and there are still ten Ershi civil warships around.

They have recently transmitted a lot of things from the work space, almost all of which are historical ‘props’.

Of course, some of the people are also sent.

But these people are special. Although they are very happy to be saved, they quickly entered a worrying mood... They said that there are still many compatriots in the workplace who are at risk.

This is quite wonderful, because most of the people who have been sent before, don't care about the compatriots who haven't been sent yet... Generally, they have the idea of ​​'I am saved.'

However, the Ershi people in the historical play space seem to care about the same kind.

They said that ... history play is not perfect enough now, and it is necessary to improve the entire history of the process.

Now the history of their demonstrations is only at the stage of 'Esh Landing in the Nether', and then the whole process will be restarted. In the process of repeated repetition, a large number of people are dying, and the people who have been rescued say... The whole process needs to be perfected. In this case, the history will not be repeated, and there will not be a large number of people who continue to die.

The United Ball can also continue to rescue them, because the United Ball can't save a large number of people.

That is, landing on the void... to the present history.

Generally speaking, it is not clear what happened to the details of this history, such as the specific reasons for the unification of the world.

They only know the general situation, the countries of the world suddenly unified, and also began to promote ... very literate new language.

This new language is actually a wonderful thing, because it is easy for everyone who is used to any language... it is easy to learn.

Slowly new languages ​​have replaced the old language and become the universal language.

At the beginning, many Ershi people felt that such forced merger would lead to many conflicts, but in fact... there is not much conflict.

Although it cannot be said that it is completely absent, the conflicts that have occurred have not affected the stable development of society at all. Soon the whole world has been so developed together so far...

But why? General Ershi people know the general progress, but do not know what details have happened.

Therefore, the Ershi people who were sent over wanted the joint ball to 'print' the overall historical details and send them into the space, so that the people inside can continue to live in the play and temporarily save a lot of Shimin.

So the joint ball decided... to discuss the meeting again.

In fact, Lin also thinks this history is very interesting.

Because individual creatures are very difficult to unify, the stronger the power

Save them, because now the United Ball can't save a large number of people.

That is, landing on the void... to the present history.

Generally speaking, it is not clear what happened to the details of this history, such as the specific reasons for the unification of the world.

They only know the general situation, the countries of the world suddenly unified, and also began to promote ... very literate new language.

This new language is actually a wonderful thing, because it is easy for everyone who is used to any language... it is easy to learn.

Slowly new languages ​​have replaced the old language and become the universal language.

At the beginning, many Ershi people felt that such forced merger would lead to many conflicts, but in fact... there is not much conflict.

Although it cannot be said that it is completely absent, the conflicts that have occurred have not affected the stable development of society at all. Soon the whole world has been so developed together so far...

But why? General Ershi people know the general progress, but do not know what details have happened.

Therefore, the Ershi people who were sent over wanted the joint ball to 'print' the overall historical details and send them into the space, so that the people inside can continue to live in the play and temporarily save a lot of Shimin.

So the joint ball decided... to discuss the meeting again.

In fact, Lin also thinks this history is very interesting.

Because individual creatures are very difficult to unify, the stronger the power

Save them, because now the United Ball can't save a large number of people.

That is, landing on the void... to the present history.

Generally speaking, it is not clear what happened to the details of this history, such as the specific reasons for the unification of the world.

They only know the general situation, the countries of the world suddenly unified, and also began to promote ... very literate new language.

This new language is actually a wonderful thing, because it is easy for everyone who is used to any language... it is easy to learn.

Slowly new languages ​​have replaced the old language and become the universal language.

At the beginning, many Ershi people felt that such forced merger would lead to many conflicts, but in fact... there is not much conflict.

Although it cannot be said that it is completely absent, the conflicts that have occurred have not affected the stable development of society at all. Soon the whole world has been so developed together so far...

But why? General Ershi people know the general progress, but do not know what details have happened.

Therefore, the Ershi people who were sent over wanted the joint ball to 'print' the overall historical details and send them into the space, so that the people inside can continue to live in the play and temporarily save a lot of Shimin.

So the joint ball decided... to discuss the meeting again.

In fact, Lin also thinks this history is very interesting.

Because individual creatures are very difficult to unify, the stronger the power

Progress, but I don't know what happened.

Therefore, the Ershi people who were sent over wanted the joint ball to 'print' the overall historical details and send them into the space, so that the people inside can continue to live in the play and temporarily save a lot of Shimin.

So the joint ball decided... to discuss the meeting again.

In fact, Lin also thinks this history is very interesting.

Because individual creatures are very difficult to unify, the stronger the power

Progress, but I don't know what happened.

Therefore, the Ershi people who were sent over wanted the joint ball to 'print' the overall historical details and send them into the space, so that the people inside can continue to live in the play and temporarily save a lot of Shimin.

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