4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2276: Co-created world

"This is mine! I want to touch it, I want to get it!"

When Lin examined the various things in the world... Lin found that the bus anemone seemed to be very excited.

It is now constantly sending out strong signals that it wants to touch the world very much.

So Lynn let the death battleship fly to the ocean of this world.

Like Ershi, this world has a lot of oceans, but the whole ocean has now been cut by balloon creatures... a lot of pieces.

The sea water is like a cut cake, floating in pieces in the air. When flying to a position, Lin puts the bus anemone in the battleship... in a small truck-shaped aircraft. And took it out and flew out.

The aircraft slowly landed on the dry seabed. Since the balloon creatures did not begin to cut the seabed, here... you can see a vast scene like a plain.

Of course, it will not be a pure plain, but you can also see a variety of underwater mountains and seabed scenery.

Like countless intensive creatures that resemble corals on the seabed, and occasionally can see a large sea creature that is squatting or floating... tens of hundreds of meters long.

And all of this was solidified, they couldn't move, but the bus anemone had been stuffed with a lot of anti-coagulant material, so after it was released from the small aircraft, it was very excited in the sea. The bed crawled.

Lin asked a few armies with no limbs to follow it. Lin found that the bus anemone climbed... and it slowly grew a new tentacle.

This new growing tentacle... is really mixed with a lot of new information.

Mainly about the world, it seems that this world... is not a star bus, but it is a world created by bus cooperation.

In the tentacle's information, it was learned that at some point in time, Ershi cooperated with a group of buses that were also based on cell biology, and placed all kinds of species in the world in order to make them Form a mixed ecology.

However, Ershi did not really put his own species here, it put some ... legendary species.

It includes creatures like the dragons that Lin had seen before, but these creatures also get along well with the environment here.

In addition, Ershi also made some re-enactment versions of the mountains like Ershi here.

It seems that this world seems nothing special...but why is the bus anemone coming to this place?

Now the tentacles on the anemone have no more information, but they continue to grow, so Lin continues to observe it.

The bus anemone has not stopped for a moment, it has been running on the frozen seabed until...

It ran to a huge... anemone before.

This anemone looks so long that it is exactly the same, but it is much bigger, with a height of more than ten meters... The solidified tentacle still maintains a twisting posture.

Maybe it has something special. Thinking of Lin, I want the troops to inject it with anti-coagulant substances to make it look back.

However, when Lin’s arms are to do this...


A balloon creature quickly flew down from the sky, and it said to Lin’s arms: “Can’t touch, this is art!”

In fact, Lin transmitted the signal sent to the captain and then used the captain to analyze its meaning, but Lin felt that its meaning could be translated into art.

In short, it is something that can't be touched casually. They mean that this item must maintain this posture, so it can't be free to freeze it.

Then, Lynn tried to ask the specific situation of this creature.

It seems that these balloon creatures have done a very detailed plan... when they are cracking the whole world.

They divide this thing into three categories. One is waste. If they think it has no meaning and no value, they will throw it into the nearby river and wash it away.

There is another one to be determined, like the stones and creatures that Lin had seen before, and the sea water that was cut, which is to be determined, and they will be slowly determined to be left or lost.

Finally, it has been confirmed as a work of art and needs to be left in this place.

Because they distinguish whether a thing is useful or not, not by its being a creature or something special, but by purely... only by shape.

They like dragons because of the shape of the dragons. They accurately say that when they first came to the world, they accidentally saw... a dragon is drinking water, and since then they have liked the shape of the dragon.

The same is true of this huge anemone. They like the anemone's posture and decided to keep it as a work of art...so it must maintain this look.

In this case, Lin directly examined this huge anemone with a micro-arm, and Lin found it... almost the same as the common anemone species on Ershi.

However, its tentacle part has a lot of nerve structure, and it also stores some information about the bus.

But this kind of anemone can store very little information compared to the bus anemones, but it can also detect some information in general.

When Lin tested, Lin found that the bus anemone suddenly ran to the distance... Lin let the troops quickly follow up.

Lin found that the bus anemone found another huge anemone, which is similar to the previous one. It is also stored... some information.

Then, the bus anemone ran out again.

Lin found that it found a lot of giant anemones on this seabed...the anemones are all exactly the same.

Every time the bus anemone finds it, it stays in front of it for a few seconds, then goes to find the next one.

It looked for... thirty-six.

Now it is before the thirty-sixth, and said to Lin's arms: "Hurry up, let it come alive and come over."

“What happens when you come alive?” Lynn questioned it.

"I don't know, but there must be something good to happen." Bus Sea Anemone said: "You must do this! Come on! Start!"

The bus anemone began to send messages continuously, and Lin felt that it was a bit like a crying cub.

However, Lin hasn't moved yet... The balloon creature is moving first.

"This is not in line with the artwork." Lin found that several balloon creatures with a diameter of ten meters floated down and they seemed to want to remove this giant amaranth.

"Can't let them take it away!"

The bus anemone seems to know exactly what to do on the opposite side, although Lin believes that it is impossible to understand the balloon bio-speaking.

At this point, the bus anemone has already rushed to this group of balloon creatures...

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