4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 70: I came to form the head


Another plague, with a low voice, crashed down on the seabed. This is already the twentieth. Behemoth moves back and forth in the sea, making these huge monsters silent forever in this seabed. .

There are still ten left, because they started to attack after they started attacking them. These ten are the first to climb up. They may have gone far, and Behemoth is going. Looking around, I can't see them at all.

But it is still easy to trace the smell. Behemoths released a large group of small-scale soldiers like 'stalkers' and moved around to find the head of these scattered plagues, while Behemoth slowly Floating above the water, slightly revealing an eye tentacles, observing the group of fungus monsters on the water...

Now they are still swaying on the water. Lin doesn't know if there is any connection between them and the head of the plague. It seems that they don't know how the plague has spread. If so, solve them first.

Behemoth slowly inhales a lot of water and presses them into a series of smaller muzzles on the back.

Spraying these high-pressure water at a very fast speed, you can cut some solid objects, and Lin wants to try the power of this new trick.

But when Behemoth was about to launch, Lynn suddenly felt another signal, which was from the island of fungi...

Lin's sweeper is swallowing and smashing the body on the beach, and they see a lot of bubbles in the water, just like the one that came out before, but this time...

"Oh..." accompanied by a low voice. A skull appeared from the sea dozens of meters away from the distance. It is getting higher and higher. Showing the neck, shoulders, body...

This time is not the head, but the head of a living plague!

It’s strange that the tracker of Lin has found the first of the ten plagues that have run away. They are still in the sea, and no one is close to this beach!

If you say this... Is the sea underneath the other plague? Speaking of the head of the brain about the plague is also very vague, Lin is not clear where it puts these things. But at least it is known that it likes to bury them underground with mud or sand.

The body of the plague, which is tens of meters high, stands on the sea. It moves slowly toward the beach and makes a low squeak...

This feeling is...

Lin immediately let the sweepers on the beach escape to the sides. At almost the same moment, a water column burst out from the mouth of the plague. It shot directly on the body of the beach and was watered by the water column. The corpse suddenly increased countless hyphae, spreading around and wrapping other corpses.

‘Hey! ’

In the next second, there were ten bombs hitting the hyphae. The burning flames then rise on the spreading hyphae, preventing the hyphae from continuing to grow and spread...

The water column sprayed at the head of the plague seems to be the fastest way to see the growth of plague fungi. Their huge size is used to store this liquid. At the head of the plague at sea, it took two more steps forward, and at the same time, a low voice was heard in the mouth...

But several Styx guns have also targeted this monster.

‘Hey! ’

The high-speed armor-piercing projectiles flew out, just at the same time, the plague also spewed a strong water column. The water column just collided with the armor-piercing projectile. The rotating warhead instantly allowed the water to fly across the sky. As a result, the speed became slow and fell into the water from the sky.

However, there were three other armor-piercing rounds that flew to the head of the plague. They hit the shoulders of the plague, the neck, and the abdomen. The bullets hit the armor of the whole body and made a loud noise. Lin felt the smashing of the warhead at this moment, and the plague was hit by three parts of the cracked hole.

However, it did not fall down, and a large amount of liquid leaked out of the hole in the sea, and the head of the plague was still moving forward.

This thing will become difficult to deal with in the air. The power of the armor-piercing projectile is not enough to completely penetrate the shell. It seems that the power needs to continue to improve and enhance.

"Oh..." The head of the plague re-emerged a low voice again, a jet of water slammed out, and two Styx guns aimed at it at this time firing a bomb, and a bomb hit it directly. After the water column blasted violently, the roaring explosion caused purple rain in the sky...

These water droplets increased a large number of hyphae into the sea, but they quickly died when they touched the sea. Another bomb flew over these short-lived hyphae and flew directly into the first belly of the plague. Just in the hole of the armor piercing.

What is it that is a flash in the pan? It seems that ‘flower’ is an organ of plants, but Lynn has not seen plants with such organs...

'boom……! ‘A dull explosion.

The three holes in the head of the plague suddenly burst into a large amount of liquid, and even some strangely shaped wrecks. Although the appearance did not appear to be damaged, the structure of the body had been shattered under the burst of the explosive that entered its abdomen. With the gushing of liquids and internal organs, this huge monster could not continue to stand and crashed into the sea.

Lin immediately dispatched a search for the predator's troops from the sea to the position where the plague fell to the top. Because there were too many sea bodies, they could run directly on them without swimming. After approaching the plague, they would Drilled into the wounds of this creature for research.

The head of the plague seems to be somewhat different from those of Behemoths. Before Bethmos was hit, they were also investigated. The first body of the plague was composed of a large number of creatures, but this plague The body of the head is somewhat different. It seems that there are no creatures visible here, but it can be seen that there are many muscle-like structures surrounded by mycelial layers. These muscle structures are not the same creature, but they are combined. Together, there are some brain-like structures among these muscle structures...

This feeling is like a fungus that dissolves the outer shell of the creature and other organs, leaving the muscles and the brain that controls the muscles.

Can they actually do this kind of thing? This is really a little surprised Lin.

Lynn feels that many of the plagues may be the first to run, but they have not made any mistakes, and the brain's computing power is estimated to be very good.

Then the hunters continued to investigate. It seems that the head of the plague is much harder than the head. If you start, it is easier to smash, but there are no organs in the head. If you hit it, you will not kill them. They just need to install a new one. The head... Yes, the big ones I have seen before should not be unfinished, but they are used to replace them?

There is indeed this possibility, maybe it will make the fungus blame to bring these replacements.

At this time, Lynn's Behemoth is also ready to solve the other plagues first. For the time being, no matter what the fungus, the dangerous things at the head of the plague should be solved first.

Near the island, some predators are exploring the sea to see if there will be any plague at first.

The sea is now gathering a large number of creatures, they are vying for the bodies on the sea. The predator found a big hole in the place where the plague first appeared. This hole is full of sediment, and there seems to be nowhere to go. trace.

It seems that the head of this plague is buried in this position, and the predators need to find nearby and have not been buried.

Generally speaking, they will emit a more pronounced smell after the activity, but there is no smell before the activity, it is difficult to find, and it needs to be dug slowly.

Next, Lynn's predator did not find any plague in the vicinity, and Behemoth had already killed the top of the ten plagues that had escaped.

Now, Behemos flies to the ground where the fungus is gathering in the sea, ready to solve the last force of the plague.

and many more……

When Behemoth approached the group of fungus monsters, they suddenly found that they were doing something weird. They were originally circled together on the sea, but now they are all crowded together.

Several large marine fungus blame at the bottom, and then they piled up a large group of flying arthropod fungus monsters, such as mites, which have been piled up to a height of about 20 meters, and then in this pile of limbs At the top is a dragon.

They are like being in a certain shape, some like a mountain, and two flying dragons flying around the mountains, they seem to be unable to join.

Then a large number of hyphae began to emerge around the group of fungus monsters, slowly wrapping them completely.

They...this will not be the first to form a plague...?

This is very interesting. If there is no brain, they will also be composed. Who is the commander?

However, Lynn feels that they will not succeed.

After Lin looked at the hyphae and slowly wrapped them completely, they seemed to start shaking because of the unstable balance. The shaking was getting bigger and bigger, and then the 'first plague' fell to the side, accompanied by the sea. Splashing, the whole body fell to the surface of the sea, the entangled hyphae also broke open, and the fungus that fell from the inside madly struggled on the sea.

What the **** are they doing... Lin began to think that they seemed to be smarter, and now it seems that it is not what happened?

The fungus that fell on the sea struggled for a while and didn't move. Only the dragon flew back to the back of the marine fungus... It seems that Lin hasn't done it yet, they have killed themselves a lot. It.

So now, just end them completely! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ the city's mooring road ~ rewards ~

Thank you ~ A gas ~ monthly ticket

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