4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 71: It’s over...?

‘Hey! ’

Along with a loud noise, the dragon's long neck was instantly interrupted by armor-piercing bullets. The dragon flew into the sea after a few turns in the air.

Hunting this group of fungus monsters feels much easier than killing the head of the plague. The remaining fungus monsters basically have no fighting ability, and they used to kill a lot of themselves before combining the plague. In addition, after Beth Moss fired another art creator, the only thing left is the three dragons...

The other two dragons saw their companions being shot down and immediately dispersed to fly, but Behemoth had already aimed the two guns at the same time.

‘Hey! ’

After the roaring cannons, they were also pierced by armor-piercing bullets and fell into the ocean from high altitude...

Looking at the last two dragons also fell into the sea, Lin finally felt that it could end... this war.

"The end, the arms are too many to make a function." In the rocky mountains on the edge of the jungle on the mainland, the brain worms looked at the displayer, and Xiaofeilong was holding a piece of meat next to it.

The Queen of the Brainworm has produced a new type of army. The brainworm calls it a 'force that works well for fungi', but it seems to be useless now, but Lynn never thought about brainworms from the beginning. May fight with yourself...

The army of the plague should have no troops, but Lynn had to clean them up completely. On the island of fungi, the large amount of nutrients collected by sweepers and phage began to build an air force. Like a ball that floats, they are equipped with a large number of burning bombs. Used to burn all fungi on the five islands of the plague.

This structure is quite simple to make. After three days and nights. A large number of floating **** erupted from the island of fungi, and slowly drifted past the plague five islands in the distance...

At the same time, Lin 'teached' the group of Chibbugs on the island of fungi. Lin found that they could eat some other common fungi species, so Lin asked them to learn to grow other fungi instead of eating plague fungi. The plague fungus on the island was also almost cleared by Lin, and in fact most of them were digested by themselves before. The vast land left on the island, Lin is preparing to plant a large number of seeds for plant growth.

These islands can be used as a distant offshore base for Lin, and some troops will remain here to prevent the plague fungus from reappearing, because it is difficult to do 100% clean-up like dust.

On the island of Plague, the floating ball cast a large number of burning bombs, which mixed with the burning liquid spread on the island. The galloping flame burned a lot of fungi here, although they were originally stung by the first plague. It is.

Behemoth also followed these floating **** to the plague five islands, which mainly killed the fungus lords. Behemoth easily used the armor-piercing bullet to penetrate these creatures without them. The response of the island's fungi to the flames has also become much slower. These small islands are quickly covered with ashes...

Behemoth then released the predator's troops to the ground to search for any missing bacteria. After carefully observing any part of each island, the predators have confirmed that there is nothing wrong with it. The fungus is strange, there is no plague, only five islands, Lin will be covered with plant seeds and establish a base.

The ancient monks in the caves of the sea had not reacted because the brain died. After Lin found them, they would still go to the crystallization to dance. But the prawn was never seen again. Lin thought that the ancients accepted After the signal is not available, it will soon return to normal life.

Everything seems to be very peaceful. Sure enough, the plague is still extinct. In the battle with them, Lin also learned a lot of interesting things, and even learned how to fight them, but I will say good later. Lin, I still prefer to fight with bigger things, and there are still many things to deal with.

At the time of the plague five islands incident, Lin also began to withdraw the West Coast's Styx guns. These guns were purely used against the fungus army. They were completely useless in normal times and only defended against the West Coast. It is better to break them down and keep the nutrients for other troops...

After finishing all kinds of things here, Lin can concentrate on exploring the mainland.

Lin let the Styx cannons slowly dissolve themselves in their shells, their nutrients will be transported through the underground passage to the bomb chamber, then transported to the center of the island, and then transported by the carrier. Go back to the mainland, and some stay here and build a base.

Although Lin has sprinkled a lot of plants on the island of fungi, Lin wants to make some ecological foundations and try to form an environment.


As Lin made all kinds of ideas, a sound suddenly sounded on the west coast of the island of fungi.

The huge sound was like the ground being hit, and with this rhythmic sound, there was a mist on the sea slowly...

In the fog, it is faint to see that there seems to be some kind of huge shadow moving in it.

Lin let the Styx cannons stop self-digestion and aim at the giant shadows that appear in the fog.

... What is that? Is the plague the first? Although Lin believes that the head of the plague may not be completely cleaned up, the body of this thing does not look like the head of the plague...

‘咚...’ With the sound of the sound, this black shadow is getting closer and closer to the beach. Lin’s troops at sea have already left, so there is nothing there to see this huge thing.

Then let me play it first! One of the Styx cannons sent an art creator through the underground bombardment chamber. It is said that these art creators have not used it in this war. This is the most remaining of all the bombs. .

'boom……! ! ! ’

After the huge noise, the shock wave spread out in the center of the explosion. Lynn specifically aimed at the distance of tens of meters to the left of the giant, because I just wanted to see it.

The fog on the sea spreads with the shock wave, and everything becomes clear under the scorching sun. The huge black shadow is also fully displayed in front of Lin...

When I saw this creature, Linden felt a little surprised. This is... Feilong? It does look like a huge dragon, but it has no wings... No, this is the one that Lynn found in her brain memory...

The plague of the finished product! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ Long Haoyue ~ 10,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~! ! !

Thanks ~ wheat spike ~ 588~

Thanks ~ auspicious Yuntian ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ lost sinking ~ wheat spike ~ He sky ~ monthly ticket ~

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