4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 78: Slow change

The war is over, and the winner belongs to the dragon of the plague!

... for the time being.

This headless dragon is now standing in this newly formed lake. Although it has become a winner, it has no joy and no special emotions.

Lin estimates that the plague dragon and other plagues have a lot of brains that control muscles, but can't think about anything. The dragon should have a big brain that can be thought of, and when she sees the dragon, Lin feels this. There should be two or more brains, but no matter how many brains, there should be one in the head. Now the head is blown up, so it can't reflect any emotions. I don't know if it can think. But without vision and other sensory organs, it is now difficult to move.

The winner is also a heavy price, but this creature is indeed a masterpiece, and if it can fly, it is almost perfect...

But now there is only one doubt, that is, the mushroom cluster that the fast-paced person has dealt with. It is a very conscious combination, and it is very conscious to deal with the fast-livers. This thing is indeed a mystery, as if there is anything in command.

But when Lin solved it, everything seemed to have never happened...

But this can be studied later, and the plague dragon will not move anyway.

The fast-moving man swam quickly into the water and moved to the wreckage of Behemoths. There were many scattered living cells on Behemoth, but at this time the whole body had begun to be besieged by a large number of carrion. Lin let the fast-growing people tear open some of the more cells to collect them in order to recover them.

Now those tiny fungi are estimated to be spread all over the world. Just have water anywhere. There are traces of them. Fast-growing people will slowly continue to grow more complex structures by recovering cells and phagocytizing these fungi, and also observe what the plague dragon will do next.

On the far side of the mainland, some troops have gathered and are beginning to move to this side. It is estimated that it will take some time, but Lin feels that the heads of these plagues and dragons are unlikely to run around.


At this moment, Lynn suddenly heard a noise, and the fast-lived man was swimming on a piece of ruins of Behemoth. Lynn saw some bubbles coming out of the piece of meat.

Right... this is...

'咕噜咕噜...' A large number of bubbles suddenly popped out. Under the piece of meat, a creature with a shape of two meters like a worm suddenly rushed out. It ignored the fast-growing person and swam quickly. The surface of the water, followed by the spread of four wings on its back, flew into the sky.

Lin then remembered that Monte II was still in the body of Behemoth, and it was just flying away.

It doesn't matter if it flies away. It will be fine to catch it back later. Lin let the fast-livers continue to devour the wreckage.

The storm is now slowly stopping. The beautiful sun shines through the scattered clouds on the water, making everything brighter and much brighter.

At this time. Lin suddenly heard a loud noise around the cave. Through the bright environment, Lin could see a lot of giant things gathered around the hole at the bottom of the water.

It was the head of the plague. After the thunder disappeared, they seemed to know that they could move, and they all gathered next to the pothole.

But they did nothing, just stay there, it seems to be watching the dragon of the plague in the cave.

The brain did not know how long it took to shape the dragon of the plague. It is impossible to recreate the head of a plague dragon with the intelligence of the plague fungus.

'Oh...' Suddenly, one of the plagues sounded a strange sound, its head slowly turned, and when it turned almost a full turn, it got out of the neck and slammed into it. In the water.

There is a lot of hollow inside this skull, so it can float on the water, and then the plague dragon goes up two steps, and touches the head of the body section...

Then Lin found that the section of the plague dragon seemed to secrete any liquid, and then stuck the head to the section.

... Can it be moved like this? Or does this head have vision or something else?

Lin waited for a while, but the plague dragon didn't have any movements. After sticking it to the head, it stayed there as before, and the head of the plague around the pothole remained untouched.

Maybe a neural connection is going on? Then only continue to wait.

In this way, a day and night slowly passed, during which Lin has been letting the fast-growing people collect the debris in the water, and also observe the changes in the situation of the plague dragon...

The plague dragon began to slowly change something, it will start activities and limbs, and then make some deep sounds.

Lin feels that there may be something like a ganglion in the head of the plague that can be restored, but it is certainly not comparable to its own head.

It’s not so good to recover so slowly, because on the other side of the ocean, a large number of troops are coming to this side. The troops on the mainland are much more than the islands on the island of fungi, and there is another giant unit. Lin, I always wanted to try it out, the carapace of the Plague Dragon and the Blazer's carapace resembling a purgatory worm which is harder.

Another day and night passed, now the third day and night after the plague dragon was blown off his head, when the plague dragon began a real activity, it began to try to walk to the edge of the pothole, trying to get from the cave wall Climb up, but its movements are quite awkward, completely different from before, it has not climbed many times, and it has been buried several times by the falling mud.

The fourth day and night is also the same, until the fifth day and night.

These days and nights are successive hot days. The darkness of the past torrential rain has completely passed. The vitality of the dragon seems to be getting stronger and stronger. It uses a huge claw to directly dig a passage on the wall of the cave. From here Climbed up.

Lin found that the head on the dragon's stick seemed to change position. The head was stuck in the direction of the side of the dragon in the direction of the side face, but after a few days and nights, it slowly turned into a straight face.

But this three-hole head sticks to the dragon's body and looks really weird.

After the dragon climbed out, the heads of the plagues followed it, and the fast-growing people grew a lot in these days and nights. Now Lin can make a small flying man and go out to observe the situation.

The flighter followed the giant dragon and a group of plagues, so a large group of giant creatures walked on the island, making the whole land like a violent earthquake. I saw the dragon with its troops went to the center of the island, then The head of the plague stood in a circle around the dragon and looked up at the sky.

‘Hey! ’

Along with a burst of sound, a large amount of liquid is sprayed like a fountain. This is not like the water column with a lot of momentum. Instead, it is like deliberately sprinkling water. The water is sprinkled in the surrounding land, and then the dragon of plague begins. A large amount of mist is released.

When the mist hits the surface of the liquid that has been spilled, it immediately begins to grow a large amount of dust, and together with the wet surface caused by the previous rainstorm, the fungus is very fast.

The sixth day and night.

The rainwater accumulated in the potholes began to evaporate slowly. A large number of fungi have covered a large part of the island's central surface. They seem to extract nutrients from the ground like the roots of plants, even if the liquid ejected from the first plague is consumed. They can also continue to grow and thrive.

The heads of the plague and the dragons stayed in place, and they estimated that they wanted to reduce the loss of energy.

They stayed motionless for the next few nights and nights, and Lin was watching them all the time... until the tenth day and night.

The hyphae on the ground have grown a lot of mushroom structures, and the surface of the mushroom cover begins to appear green, which seems to be intended to absorb light energy, although it is not known where they make symbiotic algae.

It turns out that the islands of fungi originally had a large number of self-supporting fungi that should be the first of the plagues. These fungi are not like the only ones that Lin had encountered before, and they hunted other creatures. They searched for their own nutrients. .

It is also wonderful that they can develop this lifestyle.

When Lin looked at them, she also took the underground nutrient storage room to a deeper place, because I still don't want to move the nutrients here, but I don't know if it will be discovered by the hyphae that grow underground.

The nutrient storage room is shaped like a sharp drill with some small limbs around it that can be rotated to turn down.

The next few days and nights were calmer. Nothing special happened. Lin felt that if the ground was always wet, their hyphae might soon cover the whole island, and some newly sprouted plants were also swallowed by hyphae. .

The fast-growing person swallowed the wreckage of Behemoth, the longer it grew, but it took a long time to grow into a Behemoth, and it had to be undisturbed. Linde and other troops arrived.

It is now at night, the flighters are flying effortlessly in the air, watching the group of giants below, they are still motionless.

‘嗡...’ Lynn heard a sound that was only the sound of the limbs of the limbs when they were moving at high speed...

In the sky, a shadow quickly rushed down! The pilot immediately flapped his wings to avoid it, and the dark shadow after the air rushed again and rushed over again.

Under the stars, you can clearly see the appearance of the coming...

It is Monte II.

It is shaped like a worm, has wings on the back, and fights with forelimbs like claws. It may want to hunt for food, but Lin is not going to eat it casually. The flying body is swung, and the color changing cells are instantly converted to The same color as the sky.

Monte II seemed to be stunned, and after looking around, he turned and flew away.

And Lynn saw it flew in the direction of the plague dragon. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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