4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 79: Drill bit across the ocean

Under the scorching sun, the blue ocean reflects the warmth of the light. A small island covered with white sand quietly stays in the center of the ocean. A group of fish gathers slowly under the sea around the island, chasing plankton. A variety of marine arthropods gather on this small island to enjoy the warmth of light...

But this calm did not last long...

The sea on the far side of the island suddenly rolled, and the sky was shrouded in darkness, but these shadows were not ocean storms, but an army... in action.

Numerous flying creatures swept through the sky. They were all in different shapes, but the targets were exactly the same. The number of them was enough to cover the sky. The creatures gathered around the island suddenly frightened and fled into the deep sea. There is no trace.

Under the tumbling waves, a huge worm-like creature is swimming, its special shell material shines in the sunlight with a dazzling luster, it rotates its body and drives straight in the ocean, facing the front. The island also has no intention of turning.

At the moment when the island touched the head of the creature, the whole island was instantly crushed by the force of rotation, and numerous gravels splashed everywhere. The original island has turned into sand in the sea...

The test of the drill bit feels good. Lin has almost no troops for land or sea, but a pure combination of air force and pioneer. Lin wants to solve the battle quickly.

Among the various units of Lin, there are actually few hard shells, and the most important one is the pioneer. The armor is almost all from the rock formation near the volcanic volcano, by dissolving and reshaping. Ultra-high hardness anti-stress shell material mixed with spider silk. The Blazers' head is enough to drill a lot of hard rock. It should also include the carapace of the Plague Dragon. Now that the fungus island is not far away, Lynn will soon know the result.

On the island of fungi, something very strange happened.

The original capital of the dragon and the plague remained untouched, but the former pilot saw Monte II flying to the plague dragon, and it also flew into the head of the plague dragon sticking to the section...

Lin didn't know what was going on, and after the fast-growing people grew bigger, Lynn released a new flying man who had a comprehensive sensory body. Lin found that the dragon of the plague had always been emitting a signal.

These signals come from the body center of the plague dragon, located in the ribs, from the holes in the back of the spray gas, where there may be another brain of the dragon, only the brain can send this signal, In fact, the signal of the plague dragon and the brain of the sea cave are quite similar...

Since that brain can attract the ancients, it is indeed possible to attract Monte II.

But what happens after being attracted? Lin's flightman followed Monter II into the head and saw it wrapped in hyphae, still struggling to try to escape.

It seems that it does not dance to the source like Gu Yu, and why is the plague dragon releasing the signal? Is it to deliberately attract other creatures? Lin found that as long as the brain is more developed, the creature will be attracted by this signal...

Perhaps this type of signal is specifically used to attract the brain. The purpose of attracting the brain should be... control this brain.

There is only one reason for this, and they are particularly attractive to brains with higher intelligence. Although several days and nights passed, Monte II was still tied to a large number of hyphae in the skull, and it seemed that nothing was hurt. Lynn had been parasitic with a slime-like deformer in Montenegro and had not found any What invaded the body of Monte II.

But the plague dragon is not just waiting, it starts to do other moves - dig the ground.

It dug out some deep potholes, and then let the first plague spray the liquid inside, let the hyphae grow inside, and Lin found that they would eat some long, larger mushrooms, and the plague dragon put their heads close to the mushrooms. From the three holes in the head, a large pile of hyphae will be placed to wrap the mushrooms and absorb them.

The head of the plague couldn't be smashed down, but some mushrooms would explode, and it bursted into a floating pompom that could float to the head of the plague to give them food.

These ways of supplementing nutrients are really interesting. Lynn suddenly feels that this species is going to be extinct, and it seems that there are some feelings of 'pity'.

But don't care too much about this.

Next, the plague dragons used various methods to get the nutrients on the island. They mainly obtained the nutrition and photosynthesis in the earth, and slowly covered the whole island with hyphae, and Monte II began. When I was stuck in the hyphae, I was still struggling. It slowly moved slowly. According to its various reactions, Lin could see that the action of the plague dragon would be different.

The plague dragon began to dig, and then let the first plague spray a large amount of liquid. Later, it will deliberately direct the observation of the consumption of the first plague, so that they do not consume excessively, and use their jets in an efficient manner. Ability to grow hyphae.

The plague dragon will then deliberately dig some more nutritious land, which is usually damp and has a lot of nutrients inside.

Although Monte II was not invaded, did Lin suspect that there was any exchange of information between it and the Plague Dragon? Has the intelligence of the plague dragon increased?

Recently, a place dug by the Plague Dragon happened to be above a nutrient storage room. Although the storage room has penetrated deep, it may be dug up.

But... Lin’s army has seen the shadow of the fungus island far from the sea.

At this time, when the sun rose, Lin immediately accelerated the speed. The plague dragons spread the hyphae in the center of the island. Now the hyphae have not yet developed to the edge of the island, otherwise they may know that Lin is close, although the fungus There are no eyes, but they do have a sensory ability.

After arriving near the island, Lin first let a large number of air forces spread out on the island, and the pioneer's maneuvering body rushed directly from the sea into the rocks under the sea on the edge of the island. The dirt and rocks inside were soft. The meat is generally squeezed on both sides by huge forces, and the pioneers drive straight into the island, targeting the core plague dragon.

Lin wants to try the power of the Blazers first, so let the Blazers attack the target first, of course, the Blazers may also be besieged.

But it doesn't matter, let the Blazers smash them all! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Nothing to do ~ Ice feathers ~ rewards ~

Thank you ~ Nothing!

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