4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 80: Shaking island

The sun slowly rises to the sky, and the plague dragon is eating the mushrooms that grow everywhere on the island. The heads of the plague spread out in the sun around the sun...

"Oh..." The dragon of the plague suddenly seemed to notice something. It lifted the strange head stuck to it and looked around, even though it didn't look like an eye.

'Booming...' The surface has a slight sense of vibration, some like a precursor to an earthquake, and something like moving underground. Maybe the plague dragon really has intelligence. It believes the latter, in its head. Beginning to make a burst of low voice, this voice quickly spread throughout the island, and the scattered plagues began to slowly gather after hearing the first...

The vibration of the earth's surface is getting closer and closer, and the dragon of the plague shows an uneasy look, even though it has no emotions.

It stared closely at the ground, and the vibration was getting closer to the head of a plague that was moving. Suddenly, the surface was bang! 'A rushed out of a huge rotary drill bit, it rushed out of the ground, slammed into the plague's first leg, and its leg's shell suddenly split from the impact point, then the whole leg was like a dead wood Was broken into pieces.

The giant beast of the drill did not stop in the process. After it broke the leg of the plague, it was like a squid into the water with a long tail, and the head of the plague crashed to the ground.

Lin's pioneers have deliberately paid attention to not causing excessive cracks and squeaks when drilling the ground, but it seems that it is difficult to achieve a hidden effect because of the size of the body, although it does not matter.

"Oh--" The plague dragon made a low-pitched sound, and the heads of all the plagues immediately looked down at the ground. Track the area of ​​vibration. Their weird heads have some vision ability. Although Lin never found the structure of the eye above.

‘咔...’ There was a crack in the surface.

At the moment, the head of a plague slammed a strong water column on the crack, rushing the earth that had covered the mycelium out of a small puddle, but did not hit the target it wanted to attack.

Lin is testing them.

Sure enough, is there only one plague spray? Lin also thinks that they may all spray together, and only one spray can not only stop Lin, but also reduce nutrient consumption. It seems that the dragon does have command to them,

The Blazers are slowly moving underground. Because it can't be seen below, Lin relies on the airborne aircraft to locate, but Lin can feel the soil here is full of hyphae, they have extended to deep places, making the soil softer, which makes the pioneers It is carried out more quickly.

The Blazers began to drill up slowly, above it.

Moreover, Lynn found something interesting, and when it has a huge body size, it can create some terrible things. For example...

At this time, the head of the plague on the ground is slowly moving, and it seems that it is intended to be arranged in a certain 'form.' At this time, suddenly on the earth ‘bang! There was a huge crack in the sound of a plague. The foot of a plague suddenly fell into a crack and was not moved by the earth.

Lin can move very temperately on the ground, or it can move very rudely. Just change the way of drilling and you can easily create an earthquake!

‘Booming...’ The earth is constantly shaking, and numerous cracks spread everywhere. Although the head shape of the plague makes them not sway during the earthquake, they will fall into the cracks that suddenly popped up.

Suddenly, the first foot of a plague was empty, and the whole lower body fell into the ground. At the moment of its fall, the pioneer suddenly rushed out from the ground, and the rotating drill hit the chest of the plague, a powerful moment. Let its chest burst open, and countless internal organs and fluids splash around as the Blazers rotate.

The Blazers directly penetrated the head of the plague and drilled it from its back.

At the moment the pioneers drilled, several water columns suddenly slammed on its head, and the water splashed with the rotation of the pioneers. The Blazers’ body did not stop anyway and quickly penetrated the land. in.

Lynn checked the shells that the Blazers were sprayed. There was only a trace of corrosion, and there was little impact. Maybe it was because the high-speed rotation broke the water? However, this shell should have strong resistance.

In fact, the biological shell material is generally stronger than the shell material excavated from the ground to resist corrosion. Although Lin has modified the Blazer's carapace, it is still somewhat unrecognizable, but it has already been known through the jet. Don't be afraid of their water column at all!

'boom! The Trail Blazers rushed out again on the ground, smashing the legs of a plague and then drilling them back into the ground. Then they quickly drilled from the other side and knocked the other plagues.

In this way, the Blazers slowly harvested the life of each plague. The plague dragon looked at them one by one. It seems that it does not intend to direct, but instead turns directly to the direction of the sea. go with!

Does it actually want to escape?

After the Blazers knocked down the head of a plague, they immediately plunged into the underground to chase the dragon. Lin also planned to wait for the plague to kill all of them and then one-on-one with it. It seems that it must be solved first.

The huge body of the plague dragon can reach very fast speed on the ground. The shock of running it seems to make the whole island shake, but it has no effect on the pioneer. The pioneer is like a fish in the mud. The water swims in general, catching up with the dragon running at a faster speed.

Suddenly, the land around the dragon exploded like an explosion, and the Blazers rushed out of it and slammed into the carapace on the left side of the dragon.

With a loud bang, Lin felt as if he had hit a sturdy object, and the Blazers' head was directly bounced! On the dragon, there was also a radial crack like a spider web.

A good shelly thing... This can't help Lin sigh, the plague dragon is the first thing that can block the Blazers, and Lin hopes it is the last one!

The Blazers got back to the ground and slowly moved to the running dragon, and then tested the strength of its plastron.

The Plague Dragon seems to be aware of the place where the Blazers were next drilled. It immediately sprayed a large amount of dissolved liquid underneath it. It spurted while running, and it was like a dragonfly dragging a long mucus mark. .

Speaking of it, Lin hasn't seen this creature for a long time.

'boom! The pioneers completely ignored the dissolved liquid under the dragon and rushed out from the ground and slammed into the abdomen of the plague dragon. Under a loud noise, the carapace of the dragon's abdomen was knocked out by a large number of cracks.

"Oh..." The plague dragon screamed loudly, and it ran faster. The liquid that seemed to be blood flowed out of the cracked abdomen, but it quickly stopped.

Lin now has several flying people around the plague dragon to observe every part of the whole body. It seems that it has a very strong hemostasis ability, which is not as bad as the hemostasis ability of the general heavy armor.

In the front, I can already see the ocean. The dragon of the plague seems to want to rush into the sea. Does it know that it is basically equal to suicide?

Looking closer to the coast, the plague dragon is running faster and faster, and there is no sign of fatigue at all. It may have some way to maintain the strength of long-term high-speed exercise.

The Blazers rushed out of the ground again and slammed into the heel of the plague dragon. When the dragon slammed his feet, the whole body fell to the left, and the giants collapsed, and the whole island echoed. The feeling of vibration. ,

"Oh..." The plague dragon looked at the coast about a hundred meters away, struggling to get up, but the Blazers rushed out from it, and the bit-like head slammed into it sideways. On the dragon armor, but this time it is not just a collision, but a continuous impact, once, twice, three times, the crack on the top is getting bigger and bigger, and when the fourth time is about to open, the crack of the dragon armor Suddenly, a large amount of hyphae and liquid were shot, and they instantly adhered to the pioneer's head like a glue, and the hyphae continued to grow.

The Blazers tried to retreat. I didn't expect these hyphae to be particularly sticky and difficult to move.

At this time, the dragon of the plague struggled to hold the ground with the forelimbs first. As the hind legs also stood up, it immediately began to move to the side as it stood up, trying to pull the entire body of the pioneer from the ground, and the pioneers tried their best. Turning in the opposite direction, trying to pull the glue back and forth, although the plague dragon is much heavier than the Blazers, but the Blazers have earth support and the carapace is harder, and it has no way to pull the Blazers out of the ground.

The Blazers pulled the sticky hyphae bit by bit, but the hyphae continued to grow and seemed to want to go down the body of the Blazers, but after a long time, it stopped. Because there is no more nutrients.

The ground was pulled out of countless cracks, so the two sides were so deadlocked. If this is the case, Lin wants the Blazers to return to the ground first, but...

'咚...' There was a huge footstep in the distance. The heads of the plagues didn’t know when they came along. They also ran, but in order not to fall, the speed was much slower, but now One has reached the range of the water column.

‘Hey! ’

A water column slammed out and washed the Blazer's carapace. There was no trace of corrosion on the firm carapace, but the hyphae began to grow down the Trailblazer's body again.

In this way, the hyphae may make the pioneers unable to hold the body and be pulled out. If so, it should be the turn of it. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ the night of the night ~ the monthly ticket ~

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