4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2400: reinforce

"These creatures... this environment... this underground..."

"All of them have a look that is very suitable for destruction!"

"I want to give them to..."

"completely destroyed...!!!"

After saying this kind of ‘words of rhetoric,’ the phoenix launched its wings and rushed to the nearest goal.

It is a machine that is about two hundred meters in size, like a hill.

However, the two hundred meters is only the part of it that is exposed on the dusty sea, and its actual volume is obviously larger.

The shape of this giant machine is somewhat like a screw shell, which is simply the shape of a spiral tower, and there are many small holes in its outer casing.

As the phoenix approached, these tiny holes stretched out countless black tentacles, entangled toward the phoenix.

"I will let you witness the true power!" Between the gaps of countless tentacles, Lin can clearly see the figure of the phoenix, and the large amount of dust that represents its roar.

Although surrounded by tentacles, there is no tentacle to directly contact the phoenix, they are all blocked by a force a few meters away.

The figure of the phoenix also shuttled at high speed between the tentacles, and finally hit the huge tower screw machine.

The bang of this bang was shaken in place, which made Lin feel... very interesting.

The phoenix is ​​fully spread out of wings only six meters wide, but it can shake objects as much as it is...

But it seems to stop here.

Phoenix tried to move on, but the huge machinery didn't move any more. At the same time, Lin also saw a lot of tentacles... quickly forming a group and forming a bigger tentacles.

Then he hit the phoenix heavily.

This huge tentacle broke the phoenix's gravitational defense and hit it directly on it.

However, its defense is still effective. The phoenix does not seem to be hurt too much. It stabilizes its figure in the air and hits the machine again.

‘Hey! And this time it was shot on the back by the high-lifted tentacles before the collision, and the entire body of the phoenix fell to the bottom and crashed into the sea of ​​dust.

"It would be... so strong..." The phoenix struggled to get up, but the huge tentacles came to him again.

'boom! ! ! ’

The tentacle hit the phoenix... but the other one.

It can be seen that when the phoenix on the dusty sea is about to be hit by the tentacle, suddenly another phoenix appears in front of the tentacle and blocks the attack of the tentacle.

"You... finally come here!"

The original phoenix gave an excited ‘mouth’ to the new phoenix.

"You are doing very well, you found them, let us destroy it now!"

The new phoenix slammed the tentacles and flew into the sky with the original phoenix.

It is said that it is actually sucking it with gravity.

And that huge machine seems to be a bit surprised by the emergence of the new phoenix, it did not continue to attack, but looked at it.

Phoenix did not act immediately, and they seemed to be looking at it first.

As for the other machinery around, it seems that there is no plan to participate.

At this time, Lin let the pompom float to the two phoenixes and sent out some inquiring words to them.

The original Phoenix said that in fact, after it came here, it has been trying to "call for help."

Accurately speaking, it is the companion of the contact in the solidified void.

Because in this place, it is also able to open the passage of the solidified void, and there are quite a lot of Phoenix troops in the solidified void.

However, it has been found that it has not been possible to contact it. It seems that it has been hindered.

But at the moment of being almost hit, it was finally linked to a phoenix that solidified in the void.

This phoenix immediately came to help.

Lynn thinks this... very wonderful.

Because Lin had previously destroyed the phoenix's resident ball, several of its other similarities ignored its crash and did not want to save it.

However, after asking for help here, there was a phoenix to save it.

This may be the reason for ‘value’.

It didn't make much sense to crash it to help it, but now it has found this sea of ​​dust here.

Other phoenixes will of course take a look after receiving the contact, and will try to protect it from the information that has mastered it.

Phoenix does not care about the same kind of life... but to be precise, they value ‘interests’ more.

That is to say, the value of protecting the same kind is not big, they mainly care about this.

Even so, they now look like they are very united.

"We will fight side by side! We will destroy it together! Let's go!"

The two phoenixes are now set up, and they fly to the giant machinery.

The giant machine re-stretched countless tentacles as it did last time, but the two phoenixes flew all the tentacles in cooperation, and once again hit the position of the giant machine that had been hit once.

'boom! ’

The huge machinery swayed again, and Lynn saw cracks spread quickly from where it was hit.

It seems that this time really... there is effect.

In the spreading cracks, a large amount of black matter emerges from it, which looks like a mechanical 'blood'.

These black matter dripped into the dusty sea, and the dust it touched produced an interesting reaction. They popped like a bomb and formed a small mushroom cloud.

This cloud is very similar to the way a fission bomb blows up, of course, much smaller.

The giant machinery also slowly collapsed in the **** serious injury.

"We have succeeded! We will destroy everything here! Destroy this world! Kill them all first!"

The two phoenixes were very excited. When the machine collapsed, they slammed into other machines again.

At this time, the surrounding machinery was not unresponsive, and they gathered together to this side.

Of course, this makes the two phoenixes more exciting.

In fact... they are now more than two.

"Suddenly connected again! Let them come! Let our power swept the world!"

Lin found that one after another Phoenix appeared in the vicinity of the two phoenixes.

They seem to be reconnected to the same kind of solidified voids, which gives them a lot of reinforcements.

Phoenix has increased by one hundred, two hundred...more than three hundred in a short time.

But...the number of them seems to be huge, but Lin found that their 'power' seems to have weakened.

To be precise, there is not so much gravity there to send them to use.

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