4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2401: mythical?

"Let our power reverberate in this world! All who feel its life will know what is desperate!"

The army of phoenixes is raging in the sea of ​​dust...

In fact, it is constantly hitting the surrounding machinery.

They formed a team of more than a dozen groups and attacked any huge machinery that could be seen until they broke their bodies out of the cracks and let them fall into the dust.

"Why do you feel weak! The power of destruction is not enough! Are you not doing anything?"

These phoenixes seem to be invincible, but they are constantly complaining during the crash.

Because... although they are more than a dozen, the power they exert is only as strong as the original two.

Therefore, it is still only possible to achieve the degree of 'cracking machinery' and it is not possible to run through them.

Not to mention destroying the world.

That's mainly because there seems to be a limit to the power that comes from the stars.

As long as a certain value is reached... it will not increase any more, and it will be distributed to each phoenix relatively evenly.

So how many of these phoenixes are there, and the power they exert will not increase any more.

However, according to the complaints of these Phoenixs, this does not seem normal.

Many of them have fought farther and even condensed in the void, even in those places, they have not encountered this phenomenon.

That is to say, there are special things here that hinder their ability to guide the stars.

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, Lin found a group of phoenix... hit the machine.

It makes sense for Lynd to match them with sound, because these phoenixes did not break the machinery.

Like the first phoenix in the previous 'Pushing Stars' game, they did not cause damage to the machinery, but instead hurt themselves... themselves.

These dozens of phoenixes generally sprinkled dust that meant screams and fell from the air.

The moment they just hit the machine, the gravitational force on them suddenly disappeared... this caused their bodies to hit the machine directly.

The bodies of the phoenix are not very strong, so this has caused them to almost smash themselves.

"How is this going!"

Other phoenixes noticed this phenomenon, they immediately stopped the impact but gathered quickly.

"The power of them... has disappeared? Is our power going to disappear? How is this possible? Never happened this way!"

When these phoenixes were surprised by the doubts, Lin found that...the surrounding machinery was resurrected.

The machines that were smashed into the dusty sea by them, somehow repaired the cracks on their bodies and stood up again slowly.

"Do you know the fear?"

At this time, Lynn received a... a burst of words.

This is the language of a solidified creature that reverberates throughout the underground space.

Lin and these phoenixes can understand this language.

“Is this...” The phoenix, who first came here with Lin, flew out of the Phoenix group and said, “Are you... the core machinery here?”

"Yes..." The words continued to echo: "I am waiting for you... I have been waiting for a long time, and you have finally arrived here."

"You will soon become what you have been creating... failures, you will all become dust!"

This continual resounding discourse made the phoenixes appear... shocked emotions.

The phoenix's performance was mainly caused by the sprinkling of some relatively fine dust from the body, similar to Ershimin's 'sweating'... This is not controlled by their consciousness.


However, Lin found that these phoenixes were shocked not by the content of the words, but by the words themselves.

"Are you...healer?" a phoenix said in surprise: "This is impossible... why is it?"

"..." Because Lyne didn't quite understand what they were talking about, so let the pompoms approach the phoenix group and ask.

Most phoenixes completely ignored Lin's pompoms, but the one who came with Lin first was willing to answer Lynn.

The phoenix said...just thought it was the source of this discourse from the core machinery of the underground.

But after it said two sentences, it had new ideas.

The source of the discourse may not be the core machinery... but the legendary phoenix.

Yes, it is the powerful phoenix that caused a huge gravitational wave when the birth was born, and pushed all the stars around.

Lin still doesn't know how it is based on two sentences to determine that the other is the legendary phoenix.

But look at the tension of this group of phoenixes... It seems that it is.

"Since it is here, we must first contact the star!"

The phoenix suddenly began to act, they no longer attack the machinery, but try to open the coagulation gap around...

It seems that they are trying to escape.

But how they do it has no effect, no phoenix can escape into the condensed void.

"You will only feel fear, you can only be afraid here." And that words continue to affect these phoenixes.

Although Lin didn't have any special feelings, Lin found that every word of this words would make these phoenixes more tense.

It seems that the source of the words does have some terrible power, which makes them feel very... fear.

However, it is not so scary at the beginning, but the fear of slowly escalating as the words continue to continue.

This makes Lin feel that this is a bit strange.

Compared to saying

But how they do it has no effect, no phoenix can escape into the condensed void.

"You will only feel fear, you can only be afraid here." And that words continue to affect these phoenixes.

Although Lin didn't have any special feelings, Lin found that every word of this words would make these phoenixes more tense.

It seems that the source of the words does have some terrible power, which makes them feel very... fear.

However, it is not so scary at the beginning, but the fear of slowly escalating as the words continue to continue.

This makes Lin feel that this is a bit strange.

Compared to saying

But how they do it has no effect, no phoenix can escape into the condensed void.

"You will only feel fear, you can only be afraid here." And that words continue to affect these phoenixes.

Although Lin didn't have any special feelings, Lin found that every word of this words would make these phoenixes more tense.

It seems that the source of the words does have some terrible power, which makes them feel very... fear.

However, it is not so scary at the beginning, but the fear of slowly escalating as the words continue to continue.

This makes Lin feel that this is a bit strange.

Compared to

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