4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2485: Snowfield

"No! Why is this happening! Why do I have to do something that I can't accept!"

Phoenix can't fly in this world...

Not completely unable to fly.

Rather, their 'power' can only last for a little while here, and it will disappear in a matter of seconds.

At this time, the phoenix will fly to a certain height, and then fall back and fall back to the ground.

This place called the ancestor's land is gravitational. Gravity is about 70% of the pompom. I don't know if the difference will be different.

The place where the phoenixes now arrive is a place that Lynn calls ‘雪原’.

The ground here is white, covered with countless tiny white particles, and much like a white desert.

In the creature here, Lin has only found one, and that is the ‘Xueyuan chasing lighter’, referred to as Xueguang.

They are creatures that are about one meter tall and have no limbs, but have a good jumping ability to move fast on the ground.

There are dozens of ‘snowlights, and one of them has a headband with an object like a torch on the head.

However, this torch is actually a kind of solidification creature of the fire type, which can release the anti-coagulation field, and the part like the burning flame at the top can illuminate the anti-coagulation area.

Snow creatures do not have any anti-coagulation ability, so they always follow the head of the torch.

When the leader falls, that is, when their population ends.

Because the 'torch' is not simply placed on the head of the snow bald, because it is a creature, and it will continue to absorb the nutrients of this leader.

Then the head will become weaker and weaker, and finally it will not move on the ground.

The torch will also fall to the ground because of the loss of the host, and finally will be extinguished slowly, and the entire population will also fall into solidification.

For this creature, coagulation is death.

Although for most creatures or objects, solidification is only fixed, as is snow.

But after the snow is solidified and restored to a state of non-coagulation, their bodies will quickly disintegrate.

Because of this wonderful characteristic, they must not let themselves be solidified. When the torch is extinguished, they can only perish.

But... Why does the torch kill its host? Why doesn't Xueguang choose another head to wear a torch?

I don't know about these Lin.

Lin has not yet fully investigated their ecology, but only observed it with the miniatures that came here with the phoenix. It seems that creatures such as snow are rapidly dying, and their populations are falling down because of the head. Into the solidification.

And the arrival of the phoenix... helped them.

"What do you want to do? Are you trying to do something bad for me?"

Now Lin is paying attention to a phoenix that is more than ten meters in size.

It is surrounded by dozens of snows, which are like following the head and following it.

This is mainly because of an interesting phenomenon... that is, the phoenix's 'blessing' seems to have a large range here.

The instructor gave the Phoenix a blessing to allow them to move in the condensed void, but it was just a simple activity, which means that the blessing of this blessing is limited to the size of the phoenix.

Now this range seems to have increased many times, so the phoenix also illuminates the surrounding area... this is why snow is attracted.

"Where is this place? Answer me, or you will be crushed!"

Phoenix tries to communicate with snow in various languages, and they usually carry translators with a variety of solidified biological languages.

But no language is effective.

Obviously also because the phoenix has never touched the creature of snow...

Therefore, in the case of communication, the Phoenix can only watch this group of snow gather around it... It seems that it is not good to kill these creatures directly. Of course, it is not sympathy for snow, just want to know about it through them. The situation is all.

When Phoenix didn't know what to do, Lin was making bigger arms in...

Lin has already had some arms on the ground, and Lin found that the snow-like particles on the ground are made up of many kinds of solidified substances.

Lin can make some captain-like pompons through them.

During the period of Lin's manufacturing, more and more phoenixes came here.

Although the whole group of phoenixes flew into the ring almost together, they did not come all the way... but were transferred one by one.

Only a few hundred have arrived in the world, and all of them have fallen on this cedar.

Because there is no way to fly, these phoenixes have to wander on a large snowfield... with a large group of snow.

......... In this way, two days and nights have passed...

"We are always waiting, waiting for it to come. They are the hope of our recovery. Everything will be saved, sure."

On the snow-like land, thousands of creatures called snow are gathering together.

Surrounded by this group of creatures, there are... hundreds of phoenixes.

These phoenixes slowly joined together during two wandering days and nights.

Of course, the various snow-light communities they carry are also piled up together with them, forming the current situation.

In this large group of snow, there are also many Lin...spies.

These spies look like snow, but the interior is the structure of the captain.

Lin can know what they are saying through this structure.

Snow seems to think that the phoenix is ​​their... savior, can save the whole world.

After further understanding, Lin found this snowfield... actually a post-war place.


Of course, the various snow-light communities they carry are also piled up together with them, forming the current situation.

In this large group of snow, there are also many Lin...spies.

These spies look like snow, but the interior is the structure of the captain.

Lin can know what they are saying through this structure.

Snow seems to think that the phoenix is ​​their... savior, can save the whole world.

After further understanding, Lin found this snowfield... actually a post-war place.


Of course, the various snow-light communities they carry are also piled up together with them, forming the current situation.

In this large group of snow, there are also many Lin...spies.

These spies look like snow, but the interior is the structure of the captain.

Lin can know what they are saying through this structure.

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