4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2486: Hilltop building

"This is... belongs to us!"

This is a towering but cloudless mountain.

It is more than 3,000 meters in length and has the same color as the snow on the ground.

The phoenixes are on the mountain with excitement, because they can't fly now, so they slowly climb with their wings.

It's fairly easy to get up, because Phoenix can still use some gravitational ability, only a few seconds at a time, and it takes a few tens of seconds to use it again.

Although it is cumbersome, they can use gravitational force to accelerate in a short time in tens of seconds.

Behind the phoenix, of course, followed by a large group of creatures called snow.

They decided to follow the phoenix... to follow.

Lin’s spies were among them, and they explored the mountain while walking.

The mountain itself is mainly composed of solidified matter, but there are quite a lot of 'original things' mixed in it.

When the phoenix climbed on the surface of the mountain, the mountain made them feel very comfortable... which made the phoenix decide to bring the whole mountain back.

Although they have not yet been linked to the same type that has not been transferred.

"This is... we are here!"

Now, the phoenixes have climbed to the top of the mountain... The top of the mountain is a very flat area with a diameter of about 800 meters.

In addition to the same white snow particles on the ground, there are some small buildings.

"Fast, start the action! Building the signal tower here, we have to inform them!"

Hundreds of phoenixes rushed into the top of the mountain quickly, they smashed all the small buildings directly, and then they took a lot of ... props out of the body.

These props are some detection tools, small weapons, entertainment items, etc. The phoenix will carry a lot of various things in the body... They now throw all these items on the ground and start disassembling them. .

They want to take away what they carry and assemble a signal tower.

And not only use the carry-on items, but also decided to use the original things everywhere...the first thing.

The original things are very useful for the phoenix, and it is said that they can use the original things to create powerful items.

But how strong is it... Lin doesn't know, because Lin hasn't studied it carefully.

They still have a small problem, that is, they are usually assembled by gravity, but now they can only last for a few seconds, so it makes some... difficult.

But the phoenix apparently did not give up, even then they decided to continue assembling, and they intend to put some small parts in the body to assemble first.

Although they can't release strength, they can still control the power in the body.

Many phoenixes have specially created a small 'cabin' in the body. They usually use this place to load things, and of course they can put small parts into the assembly.

When the phoenixes began to act, the snow continued to watch the Phoenix action around.

Lin is studying the buildings...the buildings.

Many of the buildings on the top of the mountain were detached by the phoenix, and their fragments were pushed to the edge of the mountain by several phoenixes.

Now Lin let a snow spy soldier come to these debris piles.

These buildings... Before Lin asked the other snow with spies, they said it was built by an extinct creature.

Lin thinks these buildings...have a familiar feeling.

Most of them are now broken, but some are still intact...

Although Lin's spy is made in accordance with the snow, it does not have a limb like snow, and it can reach out from the body to excavate.

Lin is now dug out of a pile of pieces... a pompom sculpture.

This feeling is very similar to Lin's pompom. It is a sphere of one meter in diameter, and it is also dense... the fluff is carved on it.

However, it does not know whether there is a direct connection with Lin's pompom.

After all, a ball full of fluff is still very common, especially in cell biology.

Then Lin continued to investigate the pieces, and found a lot of handicrafts that were still intact from the piles.

Lin found that most of these crafts are some... creatures.

A few are solidified, and most of them are...cellular organisms.

And many of them are creatures that Lynn knows, such as insects and other creatures.

I felt that some wonderful Lin had once again asked the spy to ask about the already extinct creatures.

Snow light indicates that they are not very familiar with this creature.

To be precise, they don't understand their ecology. In the past, snow has been fighting this kind of creature.

It is said that in this place... there are many species living in them, all of which are creatures that they cannot anticoagulate.

And they have been fighting in this area all the time.

At the end of the day, only the species of snow is left, and now they are almost extinct.

So Lin continued to ask them about the past... It seems that what happened before is very interesting. After much understanding, Jean Lin feels that the three worlds that the gods have said have a little bit of possibility.

Because the creatures here are similar to the pompons, mainly in terms of development.

If the three worlds are true, then another world Lin thinks it might be...

However, it is still uncertain, so we must continue to observe.

At the same time, Lin also intends to launch a large number of arms... to every place in the world to see the overall environment.

While Lin was doing these things, Phoenix also quickly made their signal towers.

Because they feel that it is a waste of time to assemble a little bit, they directly use their own signal tower.

It is like the usual battle, the phoenix itself has piled up into a big tower.

But each phoenix has a 'stabilizer' made of various kinds of carriers to stabilize their entire tower.

As for the most critical signal transmitters, these are the Phoenix itself.

When the phoenixes are all gathered together, they can emit a very powerful ‘gravitational signal’.

Lin recently discovered that their gravitational signal is actually a 'resonance'.

That is to say, when a phoenix adjusts its cohesiveness in the body, other phoenixes will feel it slightly.

This slight feeling is almost no feeling, but Phoenix can enhance this feeling in some ways.

The Phoenix command is commanded by strengthening the 'resonance', and now these phoenixes are integrated into the signal tower...

They also believe that they can make a huge resonance to let other similar people receive it.

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