4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2487: Only bright

A creature with two limbs is slowly moving forward, struggling to climb a ladder of one meter height at each level.

That is exactly the height of half of its body.

There are many other creatures around, too, watching it climb hard. These creatures have no limbs and are floating in midair.

Since they can fly, why do you want to create such a ladder?

Both limbs quickly got the answer.

After climbing over a hundred steps, it came to a gray stone gate.

The torches erected on both sides of the stone door burned with flaming flames, in stark contrast to the flames worn on the tops of the creatures.

"In order to learn there... actually so luxurious."

It almost immediately wanted to pick up the torch in front of him, but it still held back the idea.

After all, after a while, everything here will belong to its own population.

At the same time, the door in front of it slowly opened... The scenery behind the door is a myriad of green dense objects.

"Have you come here to visit the jungle I just made?"

Among these green dense things, a creature suddenly floated out and slowly landed in front of both limbs.

"...no." The two limbs responded in such a way: "I came to declare war with you."

"What? No!" The floating creature suddenly became nervous. It quickly drifted back and floated out after more than ten seconds.

"You can't do this, we have an agreement!" Floating creatures said to the limbs: "Why can't you follow it?"

"There is no agreement, no peace, only ... light." The two limbs responded.

"You can understand peace after you read this!" The floating creature drifted into the higher air and turned around... At the same time, the floor in front of the limbs suddenly opened and slowly rose from it. ...the sphere.

"Look, this is the wonderful thing I discovered recently. As long as you touch it, you will feel the wonder!"

"In any case, war is inevitable." The two limbs said: "So don't waste time, if you surrender, then you can..."

"You should touch it first! You will understand it soon!" said the floating creature: "This is a very rare opportunity!"

"..." Although the two limbs have doubts, it still touched it gently.

"this is……!"

At the moment of touching... it felt that everything around it had disappeared, and he kept thinking about the things in memory.


When did it start? Maybe it started when I first landed.

They have always been in a state of war.

There are more than a dozen kinds of creatures, including limbs and floating creatures, which are collectively referred to as ‘following creatures’.

That is, creatures that are completely unable to self-coagulate, and the only way they can survive is to use the anti-coagulation field emitted by other creatures.

The creature that can produce the anti-coagulation field has only one type of 'torch'.

Torches are parasitic creatures that are specialized in parasitic organisms that cannot be coagulated.

Although they will continue to absorb nutrients until they die, these chasing creatures are completely unable to refuse the torch. All their life, development, and... wars revolve around the torch.

Falling into the darkness of solidification means death, so they can only chase the light.

Because the number of torches is limited, and their reproduction is very difficult, the torch has always been a biological warfare.

Countless wars have been caused by the torches, and many creatures have died...

This is a long, long history, and perhaps this war will not end until the last species is left.

But there is such a creature that doesn't think so.

They are... floating creatures.

Floating creatures are relatively peace-loving among all chasing creatures, and they rarely actively attack other populations.

They like to constantly strengthen their territory, making it difficult for the surrounding races to invade them.

And recently they have done some wonderful things, that is... trying to talk to other races.

The chasing creatures have been in the midst of war, and few species have tried to talk about peace with other species.

If two different species are together, one party must be the other... ‘tortor slave’.

The chasing creatures will enslave different species to place the torches so they don't need to let the torches parasitize themselves.

In addition, different kinds of chasing creatures have never had a cooperative relationship.

Floating creatures went to find other creatures to talk about peace, and many creatures felt... shocked.

In the process of talking, floating creatures indicate that they have discovered a ... world.

The world is full of light, full of countless dense, complex creatures.

And there is nothing there... solidified.

The world of dreams described by floating creatures surprised other creatures, and floating creatures also said... they can make this world like the world.

Although no race believes, many species are still willing to talk to floating creatures.

It is convenient because they can reach through their territory to attack other creatures by reaching a peace agreement with them.

Of course, there are a few species that are very concerned about what floating creatures say, and they are trying to investigate floating creatures.

This includes a creature with two limbs.

Both limbs are the most exposed creatures that are in contact with floating creatures. They notice that floating creatures are constantly making a lot of things... It is said that these are from that wonderful world.

They created similar creations according to the shapes of the various things in the world, and used them to decorate their territory.

Finally, the floating creatures also created a...a large castle, built according to a certain building in the world.

But they have no news about the things that can make this place as wonderful as there.

What the two limbs can see is nothing more than the floating creatures constantly creating all kinds of strange shapes.

Finally, because of the changes in the war situation, both limbs must attack the territory of floating creatures.

So they no longer follow the peace jump, ready to launch a war...

It should have been like that.

But the warfare messenger of both limbs changed his mind after he had just touched the ball.

It learned from the ball... the beauty of the world.

At the same time it also produced a strong dislike of the war that has always been.

"...I will do my best to keep us from falling into war, and our population will pursue the wonderful land with you!"

Finally, the messenger of both limbs left a sentence and left.

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