4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2488: last step

"The world... has so many resources... there is so much light... there must be no war..."

In the end, they are all dead.

Whether it's a limb creature, a floating creature, or most of the chasing creatures.

Their populations dissipated one by one, and they failed to pursue what they were pursuing.

Only the creature of 'Snowlight' survived.

Xueguang called this incident "fireworks extinction", although it was also the cause of the war, but one of the most important causes of all extinctions was caused by the 'torque'.

When chasing creatures in war, their troops certainly need to be in the anti-coagulation light...so this requires special soldiers to wear torches.

In general, the torch is a very precious resource, and both sides of the war will avoid attacking the torches, so they can get them after the war.

Although not explicitly stated, most races follow this rule and try not to attack the other person wearing a torch.

Because the torch is very difficult to breed, the torch can be said to be one less, and it is difficult to replenish it. Therefore, the soldiers who wear the torch can quickly destroy the enemy, and they rarely use this method.

However, the scale of this war is even more fierce than in the past, and the races participating in the war no longer follow the rules.

Many species have set a precedent... to start attacking the opponent's torch soldiers directly, in order to achieve the purpose of quickly destroying the opponent.

In this war, the torches they destroyed were unprecedented, so it also led to a situation...

The wreckage of a large number of torches fell on the battlefield with the bodies of the chasing creatures, and these torches did not completely die.

Their wreckage began to emit a large amount of ... finely divided particles.

These particles can float in the solidified environment and are perceived by the torches that are still alive.

When the living torches are perceived, their bodies trigger a self-protection mechanism to end the anti-coagulation field and enter a state of slumber.

This is actually a protection mechanism that the torch has innately. When a large number of companions die, they will immediately stop all activities now into dormancy.

This is usually used to fight things like ‘natural disasters’.

Because there are too many torches for death, the particles they emit almost perceive all the still-lived torches.

And when all the torches go to sleep, all the chasing creatures... are also in the process of solidification, and these species... are destroyed.

In addition to snow.

Snow is a special creature... Snow itself is a species that cannot be parasitized by a torch.

Mainly because they have no firearms for parasitic parts, Snow has always maintained its own population by capturing ‘tortor slaves’, and they often plunder and capture other species to be slaves.

If there are no slaves, they will perish.

Of course, Xueguang had long noticed that they could not rely on slaves, so they began to find ways to let the torches parasitize themselves.

They have tried to dig their own meat down to give the torch as a nutrient, dig a wound on the body and let the torch parasitize.

These effects are not very good, especially those who dig out the wound on the body, and if they are parasitized by the torch, they will soon die.

But... there was a snowy success.

The snow digs a hole in his head and paralyzes the torch.

This snow did not die as quickly as other parasitic snow, but it survived.

And it also said to the surrounding companions that it can perceive the ... emotion of the torch and hear the words of the torch.

This made the snowmen extremely shocked, and many snows followed suit to dig holes in their heads to make the torches parasitic.

Then they all died.

Some have not even let the parasite just dig a hole and die.

Later, after investigation, Xueguang discovered that the only individual who was successfully parasitized was somewhat special.

The internal organs in the body are somewhat strange, which makes it not easy to eat and slow to move.

Simply put, it is a deformed individual.

But this kind of deformity has the ability to open a hole in the head and not die.

As for how it perceives the emotion of the torch, the snow is not studied.

However, they don't care so much. Later, they specifically look for such deformed individuals... The odds of the birth of a deformed individual are very low, and they are not inherited. This is a phenomenon that is purely random. It may be born because of the The environment, or something else, is not clear in light.

They will detect whether each new snow is suitable for the parachute of the torch, if so, cultivate it and then open a hole in its head.

In this way, snow light no longer needs other species to help them wear torches.

These deformed individuals are very...strong.

They can achieve symbiosis rather than parasitism with the torches than other species, and the torches will not continue to absorb their nutrients until they die.

Although they consume more energy, that is, they need to eat more food, a snow can live with the torch to the end of life, which is difficult to see in other species.

This seems to be mainly because these deformed snows themselves have the ability to communicate with the torch.

In the subsequent mass extinction, they also survived through this ability.

It is said that the deformed snow and their torches communicate, so that these torches do not go to sleep.

So their populations can survive...

But after the extinction, they could not sustain it.

This is mainly because they cannot find food.

Although they have explored the territory of other races, they have found that food and other things are gone.

All that remains are inedible objects, like buildings or something.

At the same time, they did not see other creatures.

When the chasing creatures enter the solidification, their body shape maintains the original form.

To re-enter the anti-coagulation environment, they will be broken instantly.

That is to say, after the extinction, the snow light is explored with a torch everywhere... It should be possible to see the whole scene of the creature being broken everywhere.

However, when the light was explored, he did not see the broken scenes of other creatures, nor did he see the fragments. They were all missing.

Snow has no strength to study why.

Finally, the snow fluttered on the snowfield, and the deformed individuals who needed a lot of food fell first, and their populations slowly died one by one.

Finally until the arrival of the phoenix.

The snow that felt hope gathered around the phoenix, although the Phoenix didn't care much about them... they were also full of excitement.


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