Pioneers have always been considered great and selfless. .

But selflessness is actually suspicious.


The creatures that have always dared to suspect the pioneers will not live for too long.

Except for this one, this is like a sly creature, it has lived in some way for quite some time.

It was after its organization was destroyed by angry researchers, and the cockroach itself was killed and thrown into the void, and in general it must have died.

However, it was later 'resurrected' in some form after the empire's complete demise... that is the microbial community.

There are many microbial communities everywhere in the empire's territory. Suddenly, at some point, there is a large group of microbial communities... gathered in one place in a space station.

These microbes died shortly after they gathered, but their dead bodies hardened quickly.

Finally, they form a statue.

This is the huge... 蜈蚣 statue that Lynn saw in the center of the station.

It is much larger than 蜈蚣 itself, and 蜈蚣 itself is only ten meters long, but it is completely shaped according to the original shape.

This just a simple statue, with no information except the description of the statue at the bottom.

But the microbes synthesize not only this statue, but also a lot of ... synthetics.

Most of them are in this space station. The appearance of these composites is generally like a stone. Their exterior is very strong, while the interior has a lot of information...

This information is described in a language that has been used before, with everything mentioned before it was mentioned.

That is, there are things about the pioneers.

It does not store information elsewhere, but uses these microorganisms to store intelligence for a reason.

Because the information is stored in other ways, it is easy to be discovered by the researcher and then destroyed or transmitted.

It has to wait for the researcher to die, but it has not lived for so long, so... it thought of this option.

It can direct the surrounding microbial communities to some extent... although they can't directly control what they do, they can have a lasting effect on them.

You can put a small amount of microorganisms in your body into other microbial communities.

This small part of the microbes will not be killed, because cockroaches can make them almost completely disguised as the same species as the target.

Simply put, it is like a piece of cell organism stuffed with a piece of meat that will not be found by the immune system.

Of course, the small part of the microbes that are stuffed in is not just waiting for them, they will continue to send... some pheromones.

The 'pheromone' emitted by these microorganisms will slowly affect the behavior of the entire microbial population.

The initial impact is very small, which is to let the group send a little bit of it.

But slowly, pheromones can control groups to do more, like letting them change direction of action, doing something, eating something, or even... committing suicide.

When the pheromone can fully control the group, the group will be manipulated to eat some special substances and gather to ... suicide in one position.

The substances they eat in will cause them to harden quickly after death, which is also the key to forming a statue.

Because the entire process of influence was long, the microbial communities that were affected were dying in the cockroaches... even after the empire was extinct, they synthesized statues and stones with information.

It was originally thought of this because it knew that the researchers would commit suicide after they had messed up the entire empire.

So as long as the microbes synthesize the statue after that, they won't be destroyed.

The main reason is that all the species of the empire cannot be completely dead, there will always be some survival, they can find this information.

Although it is not clear whether any species survived in the end, Lin believes that this information has not been discovered.

Of course, Lin found it now, but it has been a long time later.

I don't worry about the pioneer's discovery because it discovered the characteristics of the pioneer.

Pioneers have the ‘must help’ feature.

In other words, they can't make any damage to the model sand sea creatures themselves, unless it is the creature's own hope.

So the pioneers couldn't destroy the statues. The only way to do this was to destroy the statues through the microbial population that is everywhere.

But these microbial groups have never had any interest in statues.

It was originally thought of this because it knew that the researchers would commit suicide after they had messed up the entire empire.

So as long as the microbes synthesize the statue after that, they won't be destroyed.

The main reason is that all the species of the empire cannot be completely dead, there will always be some survival, they can find this information.

Although it is not clear whether any species survived in the end, Lin believes that this information has not been discovered.

Of course, Lin found it now, but it has been a long time later.

I don't worry about the pioneer's discovery because it discovered the characteristics of the pioneer.

Pioneers have the ‘must help’ feature.

In other words, they can't make any damage to the model sand sea creatures themselves, unless it is the creature's own hope.

So the pioneers couldn't destroy the statues. The only way to do this was to destroy the statues through the microbial population that is everywhere.

But these microbial groups have never had any interest in statues.

It was originally thought of this because it knew that the researchers would commit suicide after they had messed up the entire empire.

So as long as the microbes synthesize the statue after that, they won't be destroyed.

The main reason is that all the species of the empire cannot be completely dead, there will always be some survival, they can find this information.

Although it is not clear whether any species survived in the end, Lin believes that this information has not been discovered.

Of course, Lin found it now, but it has been a long time later.

I don't worry about the pioneer's discovery because it discovered the characteristics of the pioneer.

Pioneers have the ‘must help’ feature.

In other words, they can't make any damage to the model sand sea creatures themselves, unless it is the creature's own hope.

So the pioneers couldn't destroy the statues. The only way to do this was to destroy the statues through the microbial population that is everywhere.

But these microbial groups have never had any interest in statues.

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