4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2552: Location of the investigation

Who made them do this, what they have committed... errors, so that their race has such a characteristic? Are other species controlling or enslaving them and forcing them to do this?


They have been acting all the time, investigating everything about the pioneers.

This multi-ethnic team has explored many places throughout the white passage.

The white passage is a very large place. There is no big record but no real record. In short, the Nether Empire has not thoroughly explored it after occupying thousands of years of pompoms in this place.

So, there are some special... the expedition was born.

These expeditions have been working to explore everything in the entire passage, and one expedition is in the process... try to find the secrets of the pioneers.

There are some older species that put their relevant records somewhere in the passage, and they all use...


So as long as you can understand the language of the pioneer, you can get the secret of the pioneer from here.

In fact, there are some special places in the predecessor. The pioneering language is actually a kind of 'curse'.

They don't want to visit the species to understand their language at all, but they can't completely let the alien species completely unaware.

Therefore, they specifically chose a language that is extremely difficult to resolve, but is likely to be resolved.

That is to use this way of communicating with light, as to how they judge that it is extremely difficult to understand alien species, but it is not clear what language is possible.

Pioneers have always been... very popular species because they give each confused ethnic guide and teaching.

Almost all races in the first-pass channel are very cautious and cautious. They usually have to explore and investigate carefully instead of attacking first, so the pioneers have never been too dangerous... they You can 'infiltrate' other races and finally destroy them.

Of course, there are some races that are not so easy to flicker, such as various types of divisional species. After all, if there is any doubtful emotion in the divisional species, it is the whole species suspect together.

For these species, the pioneers have another way of responding, which is to expel them.

I don't know what wonderful way it uses. Almost all the divisional species don't want to touch the pioneers, mainly... don't want to enter the model sand sea.

The same is true of the species in the empire, so the most contact with the pioneers is a variety of individual creatures.

And this effect seems to be useful to Phoenix as well, causing Phoenix to not want to go in.

But how did the pioneers do this? And why don't they use this way to expel all species?

Now this is still a mystery.

Lin did not feel the effect of this eviction. In short, the pioneers had ruined many species, and during this period, these pioneers were also suspected by many species.

Those skeptics tried their best to record everything about the pioneers... but they never lived for too long.

The same is true of the pioneering group of the Empire.

This pioneering team is a big team, they are not just investigative pioneers.

They have also investigated a number of biological relics that have lived in white passages and have achieved great success.

And these achievements will of course let other teams produce ... embarrassing emotions, some teams want to achieve the same as they do, and some teams, because they want to destroy them.

Once other teams have the idea of ​​destroying the pioneering investigation team, the pioneers will act immediately to help.

Because of this, the pioneer also succeeded in destroying the investigation team, but it was not completely destroyed...

The mission still left a small number of members, and after learning about the characteristics of the pioneers, the few members began a very low-key investigation.

They are hardly in contact with any living things, and they only investigate in secret.

As long as no other creatures have the idea of ​​killing them, there is no way for the pioneers to take them.

And they are also investigating... discovering the secrets of more and more pioneers and secretly sending them back somewhere in the empire.

Only this low-key team could not return to the empire in the end, and they disappeared somewhere in the passage.

Lin is now in this position.

This place... is very interesting, because there seems to be such a red passage in the passage that seems to be white.

It is like a small tumbling person with a diameter of fifteen kilometers.

Lin learned from the information left by ‘蜈蚣’ that in the past, the investigation team had been exploring the white passage and discovered many ancient biological relics. Lin wanted to see it.

In most of the places where the investigation team had been, Lin did not find any relics and could disappear for various reasons.

But this place is still there.

This red sphere, the surface is completely covered by red rocks, and Lin found a ship on it...

The wreckage of the aircraft.

This aircraft is the aircraft of the previous investigation team, and their final record is that they have flown here.

The investigation team has been looking for more than just the pioneers... the ecology, they are investigating who is letting the pioneers do this.

They are more convinced that there may be some kind of stronger species that enslaved the pioneers and forced them to continue this act of helping other creatures.

And in the final step, they almost found it.

They were found some clues before they were mentioned in the record, and these clues point to the red little tumbling, and at the end they also came to this little tumbling.

Yes... they crashed here for some reason.

Now Lin let the pompoms that have been explored here approach the aircraft.

The style of the aircraft is similar to a turkey with no legs. The length of the turkey is more than one hundred meters. There is no injury to the whole body. It is like a new one.

Lynn let the pompom find its entrance on the side of the head and found that... this really still can't be opened.

Although the appearance looks like new, there is obviously no energy.

So Lynn used a pompom to blow the door forcibly, then floated into the interior of the aircraft.

At the moment of seeing the corridor inside the aircraft, Lin also found the body...the body.

These bodies were members of the former investigation team. Some of them were cell creatures and some were other creatures.

Seeing them all seems to be all...

Starved to death in this place.

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