4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2566: Fly out

"They may know that we are strong."

"Yes, very maybe."

"We want them to understand this maybe...not maybe!"

It seems that this is ok.

Lynn is trying to expel the negative caused by Midgart's void.

It turned out that it was not very difficult to do this. Just put a pompom in a position in the model sand sea... and let it think there.

The ‘creator’ and Lin of the previous channel have said that only one creature that is not affected can offset this negative.

Lynn found that it couldn't offset it, maybe it was negative or for other reasons.

Now, when Lin's pompoms look like this, and there is nothing in the place like Shahai, the phoenix's behavior is that there are some... different.

They always wanted to run before they suddenly wanted to fight.

"We can't keep escaping all the time. Those abominable things dare to attack our homeland and drive us here..."

"They must also be treated the same, the same fate... deeper destruction!"

"Let us kill them completely, let us decide the battle of destiny! Unite together under the stellar light and march toward that victory!"

All the phoenixes have once again come together, most of them fly by themselves, and many of them are on various platforms.

And around them, it is the stellar phoenix.

Although it has no star-like volume, Lin found that after its negative end, its power began to slowly show up.

Lin's mini-arms floating around can feel that the ‘no-gathering’ on it is constantly strengthening... This powerful force may already have the strength of the legendary phoenixes of the past.

However, it continues to enhance, although it is not known to the extent that the creatures that created this channel are said to be strong enough to attract gravity, but it has indeed far surpassed the average phoenix, even more than the gravitational force of bus creatures. Strong.

"Come on, let us face them... Decide the fate of this void! Decide all fate! Charge!"

The phoenix of the whole star seems to be the first time to gather together.

Lin believes that the number of them is more than one trillion, and the group has built the largest army ever.

At the same time, it also released the most powerful power in history.

An invisible 'wave' emerges from the phoenix that gathers together and spreads toward the entire passage.

Because this power does not affect the phoenix itself, so the micro-arms that are stuck to them are not blown away.

But apart from that, everything in the passage... was pushed to the distance at this moment.

Although there is nothing in this channel, this power does not only affect the interior of the channel, but even outside the channel.

'boom! ’

In the void outside, Lin has seen the effect of this power.

Five dead warships that were emitting black beams suddenly flew back like what was hit, and their beams disappeared at this moment.

At the same time, the darkness of the passage began to decrease rapidly, and the phoenix also became collectively excited.

"We have succeeded! It is time to end!"

Before the phoenix group opened a huge hole, the outside of the hole appeared a void view... At the same time, we could see the five warships that were pushed and the whole fleet behind.

"Assault! Rush over!"

It feels like a flare explosion, and countless phoenixes emerge from the void in the void, the opening of the original star position.

The orange-red glory flew to the dead battleship troops not far away.

Nearly a thousand dead warships reacted immediately, facing phoenix clusters denser than the stars, and they again emitted dark rays.

The dark volley instantly killed thousands of phoenixes, but it had no effect on the advancement of the phoenix. They continued to move forward and drowned the last five dead warships in an instant.

After a few seconds, the five warships were dismantled into small pieces and spilled into the void.

Then the phoenix turned to the rear of the fleet, and these dead warships immediately turned back at full speed.

While retreating at a high speed, the Phoenix continues to kill the phoenix.

These beams are extremely lethal to the phoenix, but they are not enough for other objects. All the beams of the road are hitting the platform of the phoenix.

Almost all of the stars' platforms have now been opened by the phoenix, and many of them have been shielded in front of the army.

The beam hits these platforms without causing any effective attack.

And it is not only the death battleship that can release long-range attacks...

'boom! A stalwart ‘power’ shot from the phoenix group instantly crossed the distance between the two armies and directly hit the target.

The first battleship that was hit produced a big hole from beginning to end, and the advancement of power was not over yet.

The second, the third...the tenth, this powerful force stopped wearing ten warships.

Some of the warships were not completely damaged, but they were much slower, and they were quickly swallowed up by the phoenix army that came up.

The remaining warships seem to have given up the battle, and they have opened a dark gap in front of them, ready to escape from here.

‘Bang’ and at this moment, Lynn found all the battleships... they all shook.

Their body shape stops instantly, and no one can advance a little more, even if they are solidified in front of them, they can't drill in.

"It's over! See the real legend and witness the real power!"

The phoenix's army is close to the unmovable death fleet, and many of the phoenixes in front are quickly gathering together... forming thousands of high-speed rotating phoenix drill bits.

The meteor-like drills drilled to each of the dead warships, whether or not they used beams or other means of resistance. Each of the warships here was finally twisted into debris floating in the void.

When the last battleship was smashed, the phoenixes cheered in the wreckage of the battleship.

It seems that... is over, but it also means another beginning.


"It seems... there is no need for the pioneer to do anything."

The same negative pioneers were also lifted, and a small army was prepared.

However, they are currently only ‘watching’.

They are shocked by the power of the phoenix and worry about the next situation.

The silver silk pioneer can feel that the oppression of space is getting more and more.

This Lin can also feel it. It seems that Mead Vaughan will not leave so simply.

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