4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2567: The miracle of the void

"That was just a small part of the entire Midgart Void."

All the death battleships... In fact, Lin did not know how much.

But the amount they play out should be much stronger than the phoenix that settled on a star.

But they don't seem to be dispatching troops again immediately, which gives the Phoenix some time to rest.

Also gave Lin some time.

Because the phoenix lifted the negative, so the creature was willing to continue with Lin... talk.

It says that you can tell Lynn more things here.

For example... its identity is actually not the real creator here, or one of the creators here.

This channel, not just one creator, actually has a lot.

As Lin knows, it is a very old passage... but in fact its ancient is much older than what Linde knows.

Even... is more ancient than the usual 'transport'.

Void travel is a problem for most creatures... Compared to the current way of transporting only buses and a few creatures, another transmission was more popular in the past.

Now the founder who communicates with Lin, Lin now decides to call it 'shou sand ball', the name is because of its 'job' relationship.

‘Shousha Ball’ is one of the species of that ancient era. At that time, according to the void range known to it, almost all creatures want to travel long distances in the void, they will use... space movement.

This is actually very simple to say. At that time, there was a lot of independent space in the void.

There are some spaces where the entrances and exits are connected to a position far away from the sky.

For example, if you take a distance of 10,000 years, it will be possible to enter a space and then fly out for a few seconds.

At that time, the species recognized by the ‘Shousha Ball’ were mainly moved through space, and the general degree was low... just simply entering the space and then coming out, treating the space as a ‘shortcut’.

To a high degree, it will try to change the position of the space entrance or exit, or move the entire space.

As for those more powerful species, there are ways to integrate space.

Initially, this passage was created by those ancient and powerful species, but it is not clear what these species are.

The information left by it is not comprehensive.

In short, there were many species involved in the construction, and it was different from the ‘empty empire’.

These built species are not allies and are almost completely unknown.

Initially it may be that a species with fusion technology sees a larger space and wants to add it to a larger size.

Then there were other species coming in. They saw an enlarged space and they continued to increase it.

This feeling is like a creature dug a cave. It stayed for a while and then left. Then other creatures arrived. It also lived after seeing the cave and continued to modify and increase its volume.

The reason for the initial formation of this space may be the same.

It doesn't collapse like a cave, so it keeps growing for a long time, and there are thousands of... entrances and exits leading to the void.

In history, this place has entered countless species, and many species call it the miracle of the void.

Or some similar adjectives, like a tunnel through the void, an endless channel or something.

The space has been expanding for a long time, it is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more entrances and exits.

This may be because each species wants to add some entrances and exits as long as they have the ability.

That's because some space can already be connected to a certain location, but there is no exit, then you can think of some way to make an exit.

Of course, it is generally a very high degree of species that has this ability.

Although the degree of species is relatively small, there are countless traces of their visits in the long species.

The number of subsequent entrances and exits has made many civilizations unable to figure out where they all lead, even from development to destruction.

Indeed, many civilizations have been born in this void tunnel, from development, prosperity, to the end of the last day... Their entire civilization has been studying countless entrances and exits throughout their lives, and until the end there is no end.

It is said that the farthest place in this space connection is there...unpredictable land.

Of course, there is also a tunnel connecting the solidified void.

At that time, the solidified void was very far away from the normal void, and it was not as close as it is now. It can be said that it almost sticks together.

At that time, this infinite void tunnel... can even be regarded as an independent void in the later period.

There are countless species and civilizations born here, many of them will go through the entrances and exits, but there are more... always staying inside, never knowing what normal voids look like.

There are also a lot of ... travellers here.

Travellers are the collective name for the species that keep the sand ball for those who have no life limit and are very strong and wandering.

Those who like to run around are probably the deepest species on the channel.

But even if they are, no one knows the destination of all entrances and exits.

For a long time, there was such a species that suddenly produced an idea.

It also wants to create a ‘miracle’ like the Void Tunnel.

However, in fact, it is exactly what it thinks. It is not clear whether the sand ball is kept. Maybe it is not because of hobbies.

In short, this species began its creation, and its creation is the model sand sea that Lin now sees.

A place that can be called the 'eternal record field'.

There are countless species in the space, they are constantly bringing in countless things, bringing out countless things... It has to record all of them and make a most comprehensive ‘illustrator’.

This book will record everything in and out of the tunnel, whether it be a creature... or a stone.

Like the void tunnel, it will become a miracle in the void.

The idea of ​​this creature is not complicated, it is to make a small independent space in a huge tunnel.

Then, a device for observing the record is taken, and various species are observed and recorded outside, and modeled in a small space and retained here.

Because the various objects are of different sizes, some of them occupy too much position. This creature decides that the models produced are all the same size, and too small substances are not recorded.

The sand ball was selected.

At that time, the creature was looking for some other creatures to help it guard this eternal record field, which is the model sand sea.

The sand ball is its preferred species.

Their contract... is so established.

The sand ball has been here, and I have seen changes in countless things.

The most dramatic change in this may be a miracle... collapse.

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