4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2568: That crash

A lot of cracks are spreading. .

The feeling of tremor spread in the tunnel.

I don't know when it started...

The tunnel began to go to the collapse.

The sand ball always feels that this is made of absorbent stone, because they are the only creatures that will damage the tunnel for a long time.

And the tunnel changes are also produced after they appear.

However, the sand ball did not directly observe the damage caused by the absorption stone. Although they will slowly shrink the tunnel... but this should not cause any huge effect.

In short, the sand ball called this period the collapse period of the tunnel.

The tunnel itself is not a huge space, but a huge amount of small space merged together.

When the change occurs, it is the small spaces of the fusion that begin to separate, and they are separated from the tunnel as a whole.

This phenomenon occurs in many places in the tunnel, and small spaces one after another collapse from the tunnel, disconnect from the tunnel, and return to an independent state.

As these small spaces detach, the volume of the tunnel itself will begin to shrink.

It’s just that there is nothing, but there are still a lot of creatures here.

Some species have found that after the small space has detached, they try to pull the small space back and re-integrate with the tunnel.

However, they found that it seems that something went wrong... The space is not as well integrated as before, and the small spaces that are out of it are not well integrated into the tunnel.

So some species have come up with new ways, they have made ... a device similar to the connecting tube.

It's the pipeline that connects to the small space that is out of the tunnel, so they can continue to use these small spaces.

It was only when the first pipe successfully connected to both sides... quite drastic changes occurred.

The interior of the small space that was connected seemed to suddenly become "mad", and everything, everything, and so on... all flocked to the tunnel in an instant.

It feels like a tank filled with air opens in an airless area.

Everything in the small space was sucked up by the tunnel, and it was not just the material in the original space that was absorbed.

The sand ball indicates that there are still some weird energy mixed in.

This is called the 'collapse energy' by the sand ball.

It seems that the collapse began at that time. The ‘energy’ that the small space bounced back was very powerful. It could destroy everything on the path like a storm.

It is said that some small civilizations in the tunnel encountered this energy and the entire civilization was directly destroyed.

And ‘energy’ has been moving in the tunnel all the time, and finally I don’t know where it’s gone.

Because the sand ball did not fully monitor the entire tunnel, it left the observation range of the sand ball.

But shortly thereafter, the entire tunnel began to mutate, and such energy storms began to occur everywhere... and the speed at which small spaces departed from the tunnels increased dramatically.

One by one, the space is separated and the tunnel becomes smaller and smaller.

Many creatures and civilizations living in tunnels do not flee or face the end of the day because of the storm.

And those powerful species continue to try to merge small spaces back into the channel, but no matter what method they use... as long as the small space comes into contact with the tunnel again, there will be an energy storm.

Finally they have to give up and leave.

And because the tunnel itself is quite large, this change has been going on for a long time.

Until... the tunnel is getting smaller and smaller.

It is getting smaller, benefit

This is a virtual miracle built by countless species, and it collapsed a little bit.

It is very powerful, it can destroy everything on the path like a storm.

It is said that some small civilizations in the tunnel encountered this energy and the entire civilization was directly destroyed.

And ‘energy’ has been moving in the tunnel, and finally I don’t know where it’s gone.

Because the sand ball did not fully monitor the entire tunnel, it left the observation range of the sand ball.

But shortly thereafter, the entire tunnel began to mutate, and such energy storms began to occur everywhere... and the speed at which small spaces departed from the tunnels increased dramatically.

One by one, the space is separated and the tunnel becomes smaller and smaller.

Many creatures and civilizations living in tunnels do not flee or face the end of the day because of the storm.

And those powerful species continue to try to merge small spaces back into the channel, but no matter what method they use... as long as the small space comes into contact with the tunnel again, there will be an energy storm.

Finally they have to give up and leave.

And because the tunnel itself is quite large, this change has been going on for a long time.

Until... the tunnel is getting smaller and smaller.

It is getting smaller, benefit

This is a virtual miracle built by countless species, and it collapsed a little bit.

Finally they have to give up and leave.

And because the tunnel itself is quite large, this change has been going on for a long time.

Until... the tunnel is getting smaller and smaller.

It is getting smaller, benefit

It is getting smaller, benefit

This is a virtual miracle built by countless species, and it collapsed a little bit.

This is a virtual miracle built by countless species, and it collapsed a little bit.

Finally they have to give up and leave.

And because the tunnel itself is quite large, this change has been going on for a long time.

Until... the tunnel is getting smaller and smaller.

It is getting smaller, benefit

This is a virtual miracle built by countless species, and it collapsed a little bit.

It is very powerful, it can destroy everything on the path like a storm.

It is said that some small civilizations in the tunnel encountered this energy and the entire civilization was directly destroyed.

And ‘energy’ has been moving in the tunnel, and finally I don’t know where it’s gone.

Because the sand ball did not fully monitor the entire tunnel, it left the observation range of the sand ball.

But shortly thereafter, the entire tunnel began to mutate, and such energy storms began to occur everywhere... and the speed at which small spaces departed from the tunnels increased dramatically.

Finally they have to give up and leave.

And because the tunnel itself is quite large, this change has been going on for a long time.

Until... the tunnel is getting smaller and smaller.

It is getting smaller, benefit

This is a virtual miracle built by countless species, and it collapsed a little bit.

Finally they have to give up and leave.

And because the tunnel itself is quite large, this change has been going on for a long time.

Until... the tunnel is getting smaller and smaller.

It is getting smaller, benefit

This is a virtual miracle built by countless species, and it collapsed a little bit.

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