4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2569: Regressive travel

The last channel.

Although this place is small compared to the entire void tunnel, it is still very large in terms of the proportion of sand balls.

It can accommodate thousands of stars of the size of a Phoenix star.

The main reason why it was preserved was because of a certain species.

This species is a creature that develops in a tunnel. When the entire tunnel is about to collapse, they are initially evaded.

This kind of creature is special. They can only adapt to the environment in the tunnel and cannot go to the normal void outside to live.

These creatures are themselves a kind of 'drifting creatures' that are bulky and roam throughout the tunnel.

They survive by absorbing the food that permeates the tunnel. This 'food' is only found in tunnels.

The main thing about this creature is that they have a very strong love for tunnels, and they really like this...the place where they have always lived.

As for the normal void outside, it feels like ‘hell’ for them.

They don't want to leave anyway, just want to... live here.

Eventually they found that the entire tunnel was collapsing, and when it reached the point of retreat, they thought of a way... to stabilize the remaining passages.

In fact, the sand ball does not know what method they use. In short, this species ‘sacrifices’ the entire race.

They are like evaporating, disappearing into the last passage, but after that the stripping of the passage... stopped.

This last channel was so stable that it didn't collapse.

The entire passage also became a white space after that time.

The model of the sand ball, Shahai, is also in this last passage, and it itself has not been affected.

After that, there was a very quiet time. During this period, there were many creatures visiting the passage and leaving, because there was no separate small space in the vicinity, so no creature tried to increase the passage.

But some creatures try to open some entrances and exits, but there are quite a few creatures with this ability.

In short, it did not cause much impact... but the sand ball noticed the strange state of the channel during this period.

That is the channel... It seems that it will adjust itself.

If there are too many entrances and exits, the passage will be closed, and it will usually not get the creatures here.

That is, it will turn off those that have not been used for a long time, and will not close the ones that are currently in use.

At the same time, it will carry out some 'self-adjustment'. For example, there will be occasional storm-like phenomena in the channel... some dangerous items in the channel will be pushed out.

For example, powerful explosives, stars that are about to be extinguished, and... all kinds of dangerous things have once entered the passage.

They are all pushed out.

At the same time, this channel has become more secretive, and it is difficult to detect it in the usual way, which also greatly reduces the number of creatures entering.

In short, this place has been maintaining stability and balance... making it always safe.

During this period, the sand ball is studying... normal void.

Because they were very interested in the situation outside the void at the time, but the sand ball was only observed and did nothing.

Although the channel itself is small, it can still go to many places in the sky.

Their main observations are those after the tunnel collapsed.

Although the tunnel collapse has a low impact on the sand ball itself, it actually has a huge impact on countless creatures.

First, many species living in tunnels were directly extinct, and many creatures that depended on tunnel movements were also hit hard. Countless civilizations have fallen apart, and countless creatures have perished.

It is said that there have been some interesting creatures, such as the body is very long, the head is outside the entrance and exit, and the body is in the tunnel, and the tail is another wonderful creature at the entrance and exit.

Of course, these creatures have also disappeared...

Because the influence of the entire tunnel is so great, its disappearance has also led to the long-lasting ecological upheaval that has affected the vast scope of the void.

After that, the void travel has become difficult.

The sand ball said that at that time, all the creatures it knew had to travel long distances through the space.

If there is no space, they are completely unable to travel long distances.

Therefore, a civilization will split into multiple civilizations because they cannot communicate with each other... and those creatures moving around are trapped in one place and cannot move forward.

The sand ball has noticed that many creatures are constantly searching for space but can't find it. They can only use the oldest method.

That is to use simple ... speed mobile travel.

This greatly limits the development of various creatures. After all, even if the speed of light is reached... Even if it is ten times faster than light, travel in this vast void is extremely slow.

The collapse of the tunnel has caused all the creatures to retreat a lot. Even the powerful creatures that can fuse, there is no way to create space.

Only a handful of creatures with very strong perceptive powers have discovered the remaining small white passages and continue to use them here.

This gives the feeling of guarding the sand ball as if all creatures were imprisoned... they were confined to a much smaller range than before, and could no longer roam in the vast void.

However, after a while, the sand ball found that there was such a creature that ended the situation.

They are a very special kind of creature, and the sand ball notices that this creature... can use the residual tunnel.

That is, the energy left after the small space that the tunnel is stripped out disappears.

They can use this energy to move to other places that have the same energy.

By observing them, the sand ball has produced a conclusion that the energy formed by the dissipation of small spaces is actually a more peculiar form or a tiny space.

At present, only these creatures can use shuttle movement, and it seems that other creatures... are extremely difficult to emulate them.

At least for a long time, the sand ball has not seen creatures that can emulate them.

Most creatures use them to hitchhike, or to kill them and then remove the organs.

In short, no creature can make a similar mobile device by itself, and no creature grows a similar organ.

It seems that only this kind of creature has this ability, which has been the case for a long time.

This kind of creature, of course, is what Lin knows... bus-like creatures.

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