4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 101: White 昼 is the result

Under the blazing sun, a group of emerald dragons are preparing weapons, and the leader is standing in the middle of them with Yalong. It has a fluffy skull on its head and waving its spears at the prepared ethnic groups.

They are preparing to go hunting in the distance. Before a scout found a group of flat beast dragons in the distance, the prince occasionally brought a large number of ethnic groups to attack these large groups of dinosaurs. As long as they caught a group, they would eat them for a long time. Time is up.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a voice rang among them, and I saw a little emerald dragon rushing into the ethnic group with a slate in excitement.

The little emerald dragon stumbled and ran to the front of the leader, Yalong, who slammed the slate and shouted; "Hey!"

The meaning of this sentence is roughly; "wonderful things."

"Hey?" The leader stunned the girl. He jumped from the back of Yalong and looked at the slate held in the hand of the little emerald dragon. He saw a tree painted on it, and the tree painted was very thin. Outside of the big, I don’t see anything special.

"Hey!" Xiao Jade Dragon was very excited to point to the jungle next to it, seemingly because the language has not yet fully developed, the small jade dragon can not express its meaning very well.

After the leader was puzzled, it was called a few emerald dragons, and followed the little emerald dragon into the jungle.

After the first tie with strange thoughts, after passing through this small jungle, an incredible phenomenon appeared in front of it!

a... pure white tree...

This tree is very similar to other trees, but the color is unprecedented. But the most amazing thing is that under the wide leaves, there are many hairy ‘fruits. ’

The leader remembers very clearly. These fruits are exactly the same as the white fluff that they caught 30 nights and nights, and now they still wear the white fluff on their heads.

"Oh..." Looking at these pompons, there seemed to be some fear in the thoughts of the leader. Suddenly, the pompons on the tree began to shake and they got out of the tree. These pompons were about to fall. The moment on the ground suddenly stopped in the air, and they slowly rose. Fly to the sky...

The emerald dragon leader and the surrounding emerald dragons are watching this scene, which is almost unbelievable for them. A white tree grows a lot of flying pompoms?

These emerald dragons already have the feeling of 'unbelievable'. After their intelligence is raised to a certain extent, they begin to try to record things around with their own intelligence. For example, they know that plants will grow. Then it is clear that there are a few kinds of plants that can grow fruits and flowers, but grow pompons? This kind of thing is quite weird. They have already thought about what is 'normal' and what is 'unusual'.

However, these intellectuals will try to explain their phenomena with their own intelligence. They usually make some very strange imaginations, like Tucker thought that the pterosaurs are born again from the light. So how does the Jade Dragon explain this phenomenon?

"嘎噢!!!" At this time, the leader responded. It suddenly yelled in the direction of the group, and other emerald dragons immediately followed up...

The leader rushed out of the jungle and slammed into the back of Yaron, and then Yalong rushed into the air with his wings.

The leader looked over the nearby jungle. It immediately saw the few pompoms flying in the air, and it gently patted Yalong. Yaron suddenly screamed in the direction of the pompom!

It seems that the leader wants to catch these pompons? That seems impossible.

Lin's pompoms dispersed in the jungle and flew into the jungle, but left a pompom there. The leader immediately rushed up and caught up with the only pompom.

The pompom flies over the jungle at a very fast speed. This pom-pom is made by Lynn. The body has a powerful jet system, and the leader is riding behind Yalong.

Lin found that the Jade Dragon seems to have the ability to 'communicate' with Yalong. It can easily let Yalong fly or turn, etc., Lin thinks it may be caused by a certain pheromone, because Yalong’s brain has a problem. As a result, the ability to judge is lost, so what information is received will be executed immediately.

But where do you want to lead it? Lin still doesn't know that the pompom has been flying over the jungle, and the direction is still where Lind has never been...

"Hey!" The leader suddenly screamed, and a spear instantly crossed the right side of the pompom and took away a few fluff.

Lost is quite accurate, it is probably very used to hunting in the air.

The pompon wraps around in the air and then drills into the jungle.

Yalong stopped in the jungle, because his body was too big, so there was no way to fly into the jungle. The leader rode Yalong on the jungle for a few laps. It should remember that the pompom has the ability to change color. It was almost impossible to find a place, and the last leader had to regret returning to the community.

After returning to the community, the leader did not bring the ethnic group to hunt, but found the small emerald dragon before. The little emerald dragon also showed the leader the painting he had painted before. It always seemed to bury the painted stone in a soil. Among the piles, this little creature has its own 'personality'. Other cubs are gathered in a stone house, living a life of 'meat to mouth,' but it will run around and draw. It may be the leader in the future.

Its painting completely recorded the process of the seedlings of pompoms growing to a tree more than ten meters high. The whole process was divided into thirty slate. After the leader finished reading it, it called several jade dragons. They also watch this slate together.

What it didn't notice was that Lin's pom-pom was also looking at them in a discolored state, and the pompom was grown in a newer variety, and its smell could escape the smell of the electric gnome.

Lynn is curious what this leader will do? It doesn't seem to worship the pompoms. Instead, it has a lot of hostility to the pompoms. Is it because the pompoms have killed a dwarf before?

After watching the painting, the first tie of these jade dragons came to the vicinity of the giant egg stone. Lin found a lot of slate on the ground. At this time, two emerald dragons moved a slate on the ground, and one channel suddenly appeared on the slate. under.

Is there a passage here? The leader and several emerald dragons fell into the channel.

This seems to be the cave they dug out. Lin saw a lot of excavated traces on the wall of the passage. It didn't take long to reach a relatively empty space, and on the wall around the space, there was a lot of...

Horror creature.

Ps: Thanks to the ~wow1~ monthly ticket~

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