4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 102: Jade Gallery

The so-called 'terrorist creatures' is for the dragons and dragons. This underground room is not very big. The emerald dragon does not seem to live here, but there are some traces of their lives. There are some bone fragments on the ground.

It is estimated that they lived here and later went out to live. Now this room is used to do some strange things. It is quite smooth on the edge of the room, obviously it is deliberately scraped like this, and smooth On the plane, some creatures are painted.

The technique of this painting is much better, and Tucker has a better ratio.

Lin found that the creatures painted here all have the same characteristics... There are some among them that are known by Lin, such as the tyrant giant lizard, the giant worm in the wasteland, the minced ant, the Dumeisha tree, and even The dragon and the white dragons riding on it have, in addition to these, there are many creatures that have not been seen.

Yes, no matter what you have seen or not, the creatures here are the same - they are powerful and dangerous creatures. The Emerald Dragon used this room to record these dangerous creatures. It is not only here. Predators, as well as recorded some highly venomous carnivorous creatures and poisonous fruits, are peculiar that they also know how to draw proportions. Each creature draws a shape of an emerald dragon to indicate the size of the creature.

However, they still don't know how to classify. The creatures are painting one by one, almost filling the walls of the whole room, but there are still some empty spaces in the end.

There are also some large stone cones on the ground here. The first tie is a few emerald dragons. These stone cones are used to draw on the wall.

The leader and the few emerald dragons are exactly the same as the 'tree of pompoms'. I painted the whole tree on it, and then I specially painted a few pompons. Finally, a figure of the shape of an emerald dragon is drawn next to the tree.

They are painted very carefully, like the traces on the trees, the protrusions, the bones of the leaves are well painted, the height of the whole tree is about 30 centimeters, but the ratio of the jade dragon next to it is very casual, can Just look at it.

It turned out to be the case. They used the pompoms as a dangerous species... The leader took the stone cone for painting after painting, and left the cave with a few emerald dragons...

Lin keeps track of their pompons and stays in the cave, observing the paintings drawn on the entire cave...

When did Emerald Dragon begin to record these species? Or when do they produce the idea of ​​recording?

The pompons slowly observe the species here, which records quite a lot of creatures, many large carnivorous dinosaurs, and some trap plants, trap plants and Dumeisha and white dragons. This means that the Jade Dragon has been to the wasteland, but it is quite far.

They also recorded some worms. These huge worms seem to be the only predator that remained when the giant arthropods disappeared. However, the painting only draws a head. I don’t know how long it is. I guess the jade dragon has never seen it. The tail of the worm. But still can be seen that there are several large size.

The record of this painting is not very complete. It only draws the appearance of creatures, does not paint how they attack, and does not draw a place or something. Those poisonous plants do not show how toxic. Because some plants are poisoned by being scratched or eaten, some are sprayed with poison needles or poisonous mist as soon as they are close to it.

There are quite a few odd-shaped plants painted on it. There are many kinds of things that Linde hasn't seen before, but they are all mixed together. This classification is also a big problem. It seems that this room needs to be perfected, although they have done a good job.

...but, what is this?

Among the many creatures, the pompon also saw an elliptical object with some spots on it.

It looks like... it’s like an egg, it’s like an unfinished thing, but the jade dragon painting is drawn from the entrance all the way. This thing is in the middle position, so it should not be unfinished.

Can't see what it is, really need to introduce something, but if you draw too much content, this room is not enough to draw, will they dig a new room?

Speaking of it, since there is a room with dangerous objects, is there any other room?

I thought that the pompons floated out of the entrance. The leader did not use stones to plug the entrance when they went out. Now the leader is gathering the community. After this episode, they are ready to go hunting.

Lin’s pompoms looked around and there were a lot of big stones around, maybe there were other rooms.

Lin soon discovered that there were some gaps under a stone, which is more suspicious...

At this time, there were quite a lot of pompons floating in the sky. They also extended their tentacles to grab the stone and pulled it hard. As a result, there was another passage below.

A pom-pom floats into the passage and observes the structure inside. It is almost the same size as the previous room. It is basically about 10 meters in diameter, and many different things are drawn on the wall.

The creatures painted here...may mean ‘prey’...

The paintings include small dinosaurs such as the original horned dragon, pterosaur, and turkey dragon, as well as the fruits of many plants. These things are relatively weak here. They should be the target of their usual hunting, and they are quite similar. More, the whole room is full of various creatures, and there are some traces of excavation in the center of the room. It is estimated that the emerald dragon wants to dig a larger space, because it has been completely filled, which is probably also It can be proved that the Emerald Dragon eats almost everything, and even painted a lot of bugs or something.

Because of the too dense relationship, it seems that there is no proportion.

Wait... this is...

Lin suddenly saw that in the dense biological paintings, the appearance of the dragon appeared. Although the painting was not large, it was also very carefully painted, and even the skeleton lines on them were painted.

Is the dragon in the category of ‘prey’? But perhaps this is true for Jade Dragon. In addition, Lin also saw the paintings of Bai Xiaolong, which were specially painted with a stone with white powder and can be seen at a glance.

The jade dragons counted the white dragons riding the dragons as 'dangerous creatures', and the single white dragons were even prey... this feeling is quite interesting.

But through these paintings, Lin can basically confirm the environmental biological structure here. The Jade Dragon should have gone to quite a few places. They recorded various creatures. This proves that there is no strong division of labor or similar plague fungus on this continent. A kind of 'plague creature', where the creatures are in a relatively 'primitive' state.

Of course, this continent may have had that kind of creature, but according to the current situation, they are not extinct, or they have already left.

In this way, we can observe that they have been growing up. In fact, Lin has always been worried about this. Is there any powerful creature on the mainland? If there is a war, it will cause a lot of trouble, mainly the impact on the surrounding creatures. Very big.

The pompom left the room, and then, Lin tried again to flip through the rocks.

This time, Lin found the third room.

This room is painted with their own ethnic groups, recording their own appearance, from eggs to cubs to adult paintings, here also painted electric gnomes.

Jade Dragon seems to have a habit similar to the Inca worm group. They record all kinds of things. This is very good and can be used by future generations.

Lin turned over other stones to see if there were more rooms. Now the leader has left the ethnic group to go hunting. There is no such thing as a jade dragon here.

"Hey?" When Lin was thinking this way, there was a voice coming from the side. I saw that the little emerald dragon was curiously looking at Lin’s pompoms and moving the stones.

This cub seems to be very special... Jade Dragon has a large stone house to place these cubs. There are several adult jade dragons guarding them. When the ethnic group leaves the hunting, they are very strict. I don’t know how it circumvents the guards. Run out.

The pom-pom did not care about it, continued to open the stone, and the fourth passage appeared.

How many rooms do they have?

The pompoms flew in, and the little emerald dragon ran straight and went in and drilled in.

This room... painted some strange things, it seems to be casually painted, there are a lot of irregular patterns, these patterns fill the entire room, can not see what is painted.

Among the traces of these paintings, Lin only saw a complete figure of the emerald dragon, but did not find any other normal graphics... How strange here?

After watching the lap, the pompon floated out, and the little emerald dragon climbed out. It seemed to be just curious to follow the pompom...

Then Lin continued to turn over a few stones, but did not see the passage. It seems that there are so many houses in the Jade Dragon. Maybe there are other giant egg stones underground, but the paintings are all the same.

So now I have a basic understanding of these creatures, their records give Lin a good tip, then next... continue to travel.

At the same time, let Tucker grow faster. These creatures grow very quickly. Lin believes that they can develop into a very powerful state for only a few hundred years.

However, in the end, it is still necessary to observe slowly...

The pompons are preparing to fly into the sky, but then they paused a little and looked at the little emerald dragon below.

It saw that the pompons had to leave as if they were in a hurry, jumping on the ground and screaming from time to time.

...... Yes, if this is the case, then take it with you. This cub is very thoughtful, maybe it is a plastic talent.

Ps: Thanks ~ auspicious Yuntian ~ ~ 2476 ~!

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