4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2650: Primitive

Bus-like creatures are a very ancient creature.

But what is their origin, it is not completely clear.

It may be a creature like 'absorbed stone', or it may be another creature.

Invisible as an equally ancient creature...

It also has some relevant knowledge about bus creatures.

In fact, it has not had any chance to use this knowledge until... It found the model sand sea.

The invisible ability to perceive the surrounding space is much stronger than that of the mud-like creature. When the model sand sea moves in this direction, it feels the proximity of the sand sea.

Invisible can directly perceive the environment inside the sand sea, because the sand sea was once part of the void tunnel, and the invisible itself can directly perceive things in these spaces.

In its perception process, it noticed that there are some wonderful things in the sand.

That is... a ‘conscious’, feeling the moment of it, invisible... I found this to be in its knowledge.

This should start from a long time ago.

When the void tunnel collapsed in the past, almost the entire tunnel was separated into small spaces, and these small spaces were further transformed into tiny debris scattered in the void.

Bus-like creatures are the users of these space debris, and the shredded space is the transfer of energy for them... they can use these debris to transmit, which is the idea of ​​keeping the ball.

Invisible has another... explanation for this kind of situation.

Invisible creatures are trapped in separate small spaces at the time the void tunnel collapses.

And they also noticed that the bus class is biological... born.

Invisiblely, it is the smashing that led to the emergence of bus creatures, rather than the use of small spaces by buses.

This is because there is a special biological form in the Void Tunnel, which can be said to be a 'space-conscious creature'.

Such creatures... can be said to have only brain structures, and their brains are somewhat like dream energy. They are ethereal... 'energy' can be spread over a large range, invisible in nature. Morphological species.

But it is not entirely because the invisible is part of the 'entity'.

When the void tunnel collapses, it is invisible that those space-conscious creatures are not dead, and their consciousness is still stored in those small spaces.

It is this shattered consciousness that led to the birth of bus creatures.

Although it is invisible, I don’t know what the bus creatures are at the earliest. They think it should be a kind of creature that shrinks the space, that is, the absorption stone.

Invisible is also known for the absorption of stones, because they can 'absorb' the space and shrink the surrounding space.

However, after the collapse of the Void Tunnel, the invisible stone has not been seen for a long time.

Bus-like creatures suddenly emerged, but this caused invisible ... conjecture.

It believes that bus-like creatures are the 'evolution' of the absorption stone.

The void tunnel collapsed, and the absorbent stone continuously absorbed those small, small spaces into the body.

In some small, small spaces, there is a sense of consciousness of certain conscious creatures.

Under the influence of some unknown reason, these small spaces that store consciousness affect the environment of the absorption stone... and generate some special organizations inside.

It is also the earliest bus nervous system.

But at first there may not be a substantial nervous system, but rather these tiny spaces containing consciousness are carried out in the bus... Thinking, the physical nervous system may have been born later because of certain factors.

As the tissue in the body changes, the absorption stone slowly becomes a creature that was not only eaten in the past.

They began to produce...intelligence and more complex behavior.

The use of transmission is also slowly upgraded.

But it is not clear what the reasons for their 'evolution' are.

It is only invisible that it should be the ingenious combination of absorption stone and space consciousness, which gave birth to bus creatures.

Originally in the context of the Void Tunnel, the conscious creature found that its consciousness was affected. It could leave the area, or would like some way to kill the creatures that affected it.

But after the crash, they can only be trapped in a small space and can't do anything, so they have to be absorbed.

And the main thing is that these shredded consciousness is not complete, they may have only a small amount of thinking ability.

However, it still caused some wonderful changes to the absorption stone body.

All in all, this is also invisible... guessing, although it can be invisible to perceive the space that originally belonged to the tunnel, but they are not aware of the situation in the tiny space of the bus, maybe those spaces are too small, invisible can only be a little... ...feeling that they exist, so they are only guessing about the body of the bus.

Later, the range of activities of bus creatures became broad, and they rarely appeared near invisible spaces.

Therefore, the invisible observation of bus creatures ends.

Until... now.

Now when the invisible perception model Shahai, it found that...the old feeling.

That is, there are a small pile of small spaces concentrated in a certain place. Through careful perception of these fine spaces, it finds that these spaces... will respond to it.

Invisiblely discovering that their own perceptions and these fine spaces have some very similarities.

Although the channel brain and the sand ball seem to be in a similar state, there is only one invisible energy that most clearly feels.

That is... the consciousness of Ershi.

Through direct contact, it gained a lot of information from Ershi's consciousness.

Lynn thinks this... very interesting.

If it is said that the evolutionary guess of the bus creature is correct, then Ershi actually gave himself to...


Because what Ersh wanted to do before was to turn his consciousness into the state of an eternal observer like Midgart.

But it did not become that state, but turned its own consciousness into the most primitive thinking structure of bus creatures, that is, the state of fine space.

Is this a failure? Or is it a success in some sense?

After all, Ershi is not Midgarth, it has no way to become an eternal observer, but this state of mind may be similar to that state in some places.

But Lynn is strange, why Ersh will respond to invisible perception, but Lin's test does not respond.

But it seems that this response is not a response to communication, but a reaction like 'being touched and then scared'...

Of course there are some other strange places.

In short, by intangible through the information of Ershi, it has made some special arms.

For example, the mud that the Lin sees in the shape of the Ershi people is created.

But the main thing is still invisible that Ershi can further help it complete the evolution.

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