If there is help from Ershi...

It will be born as the ancient mud.

This is the case with invisible plans.

When I first discovered Ershi in Shahai, it made some interesting units because it felt very interesting.

It's like looking at the monitoring mud that it looks at.

At the same time, they also attacked the red pulp that entered the sand sea.

When the sand sea stops in the country of red pulp, that is, near the ancient mud corpse, the invisible plan will enter the final stage.

As Lynn saw it, it began to persuade all of the ... props mud to get them together into a rebellious team.

At this time, the invisible is also communicating with Ershi.

Initially, their contact did not communicate, but the two sides “touched” a bit, causing the other party to be shocked.

Then, invisible, I have been trying to see if I can communicate with Ershi, and it continues to give Ershi all kinds of ‘language’.

In the process of passing, Ershi also responded.

It was only a very good state of Chilsh that started invisible. It directly asked Ershi and said something about the void tunnel.

Ersh also felt very surprised... In fact, he did not understand the origin of bus-like creatures.

In the exchange, I invisibly told Ershi's own guess about the 'evolutionary way' of bus creatures, and said that he always wanted to... and wanted to communicate with bus creatures and understand.

Although Ershi is not aware of the origin of the bus creature, but also talked with the invisible some things... the things that used to be in life, like when it was still relatively young, when Ershi saw some invisible in the void tunnel The original bus creature that appeared after the crash.

It may not be an original bus at that time, but it is not so clear during the pups.

However, after discussion and research, Ershi believes that intangible speculation should be correct. The source of the bus originates from the absorption of stones or ... similar creatures, which are combined with the 'crush' of the collapsed space tunnel to produce today's Bus creatures.

There are so many kinds of bus creatures in the past, and now it can only travel in the void, it seems that there are only two.

However, if you carefully divide it, you can still divide it into more types.

Ershi seems to be a kind of bus-like creature of 'ancient straight line'.

This means that it is the direct descendant of the first class of bus creatures...that is, the bus species that have just evolved from the subtle space debris.

Only the oldest bus creatures of this kind have the potential to turn their consciousness into a state of space debris.

Ershi... It is so.

Invisible and Ershi reached an exchange through communication... It can be said that it is a transaction.

Invisible to note that this state of Ershi can provide it with some ... data.

That is, there is data about... deforming the mud.

The data on mud deformation is a wonderful thing that can be affected by quite a few things.

Invisible is currently planning to make the props mud into a very important object.

That is an object that can carry an invisible body.

Invisible can completely "show" itself in the normal void through this object.

Invisible has made almost complete deformation data about this object, but it is not perfect.

There are still some key data parts missing.

This requires... the help of Ershi.

As long as Ershi uses his consciousness to separate a little bit... his own consciousness, that is, space debris to it.

This can be used as a key piece of data to make the props mud perfectly transform into the object that carries it.

Invisible tells Ershi, Ershi is some way to detach the consciousness of his own.

But it seems invisible without explaining why this can provide it with data.

At the same time, invisible also means that it can also give Ershi a 'carrier'.

At present, Ershi’s consciousness is the state of the space, and there is no way to do anything. It can only live in the organs of this bus.

However, invisible can give Ershi a carrier similar to himself.

In fact, it is also the formation of mud.

At this time, it can move Ershi's consciousness into this carrier, and after entering the carrier, Ershi can control this body activity.

It's not like it can't do anything at the moment.

Although Lynn thinks that Ershi still has some methods that can be moved, it does not need to rely on invisibility.

However, Ersh finally agreed to the intangible conditions, and according to the invisible method, gave his own small amount of 'consciousness' as invisible data.

This requires... the help of Ershi.

As long as Ershi uses his consciousness to separate a little bit... his own consciousness, that is, space debris to it.

This can be used as a key piece of data to make the props mud perfectly transform into the object that carries it.

Invisible tells Ershi, Ershi is some way to detach the consciousness of his own.

But it seems invisible without explaining why this can provide it with data.

At the same time, invisible also means that it can also give Ershi a 'carrier'.

At present, Ershi’s consciousness is the state of the space, and there is no way to do anything. It can only live in the organs of this bus.

However, invisible can give Ershi a carrier similar to himself.

In fact, it is also the formation of mud.

At this time, it can move Ershi's consciousness into this carrier, and after entering the carrier, Ershi can control this body activity.

It's not like it can't do anything at the moment.

Although Lynn thinks that Ershi still has some methods that can be moved, it does not need to rely on invisibility.

However, Ersh finally agreed to the intangible conditions, and according to the invisible method, gave his own small amount of 'consciousness' as invisible data.

In fact, it is also the formation of mud.

At this time, it can move Ershi's consciousness into this carrier, and after entering the carrier, Ershi can control this body activity.

It's not like it can't do anything at the moment.

Although Lynn thinks that Ershi still has some methods that can be moved, it does not need to rely on invisibility.

However, Ersh finally agreed to the intangible conditions, and according to the invisible method, gave his own small amount of 'consciousness' as invisible data.

In fact, it is also the formation of mud.

At this time, it can move Ershi's consciousness into this carrier, and after entering the carrier, Ershi can control this body activity.

It's not like it can't do anything at the moment.

Although Lynn thinks that Ershi still has some methods that can be moved, it does not need to rely on invisibility.

However, Ersh finally agreed to the intangible conditions, and according to the invisible method, gave his own small amount of 'consciousness' as invisible data.

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