4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 111: Underground group

These creatures... are communicating.

This is a large underground cave with crystals on the ground and many small creatures crawling up and down, but the most conspicuous one is a group of cockroaches...

Lin calls them 'li', which are standing and moving scorpions, where they gather together and use crystals to build nests. In addition to them, there are many common crystals and long-lived scorpions around them. Together, and some other creatures, some are like large beetles, some are like caterpillars, holding a caterpillar gently squeeze them, using them to spit out the mucus to put a piece of Crystallization is stuck.

Those beetles use the head to shovel and crystallize, and then pile them together. They have been crystallized one by one in the cave, like the structure of a crystal wall. It seems that they are like a variety of bio-cooperative divisions. Species, Lin felt so when they first saw them, but there was a problem...

Lin often sees two Lieutenants talking to each other and speaking a series of complicated words.

If it is a division of labor, it will certainly not communicate in this way, let alone any complicated language.

They may not be divisional creatures? But how can there be so many kinds of classes mixed together? Lin even saw a caterpillar-type creature with a large abdomen. It is estimated to be used for storing food. Occasionally, there will be a thing that picks up the mouth from its mouth. If there is such a creature, how can you look at it? Is a division of species...

However, this group of people often communicate with each other. When they are crystallized, they occasionally have disputes because of disagreement.

then. Lin thought of a way. It is better to confirm what species they are. Leviathan was too big and would not change color, so Lin began to combine a special 'army' in Leviathan.

This unit is made in the same way as Li, but it is only the outer shell. How does Lin in the body still don't know it, but it can move as normal, and of course it must include the ability to shine.

During this period, Lynn asked Susumi to come back first, and Lin brought it a ‘filterer’. Susumumi is just like an aquatic creature. Watching it swim happily around Leviathan, it feels like it is no problem to let it live directly in the water...

Because the structure of the body is very simple, Lin manufactures very fast. When the body is finished, Leviathan's carapace slowly splits, and the creatures that are exactly the same are slowly rising from the inside... ...

"Oh..." Susumi, who was chasing the little fish next to him, was surprised to see that this 'living' rose from the back of Leviathan, just as the creature was born from the shackles. After it was completely out, Lynn tried I took a look at this body. Familiar with the action.

The body shape of this creature is strange, but it is very easy to move. This unit is called... 'spy' is good, the word is discovered by Lin, and it feels very fun, and when Lin wants to swim in the passage, Susumi suddenly grabbed the tail of this 'living' .

Lin looked at Susumi, which showed a mood that I really wanted to go with.

Lin considered it for about half a second, and then pulled Susumu into the channel with it...

Swim through the passage, the 'spy' went straight to the shore, walked on the ground with other identical movements, and Susumi followed, Lin thought Susumi would not have any problems, if they were not division of labor The words of the species...

This also happens to let Susumu see more things. If there is any problem, Lin has a way to let Susumumi escape.

Lin went to a group of Lie, who was building a crystallization not far away, and several of them also saw Lin’s ‘spy’.

"Hey?" A lieutenant came over. It looked up and down carefully with the 'spy'. The shell of the spy was fluorescent, and the shape was exactly the same as the real one, so it didn't attack immediately. Susumi Then quietly hiding behind me, no sound...

"Rute dig!" The spy suddenly lifted his forelegs and sent a word. Lin didn't know what it meant, but when he observed the er, he often found that they would say the word when they met each other. Although Lin did not look at it. Awkward sound capsules, but can completely imitate their special sounds.

Immediately after hearing the spy’s hearing, he lifted his forelegs and said, “Rutwa!” Then it went back to continue to stick to the crystal, and no longer doubted Lin...

These creatures are really not a division of labor. Is this just a ‘spy’ that looks exactly the same? It seems that they are species with independent personality like the dragon, and the ability of this species to recognize the same kind is not strong.

But how do they work with so many different types of creatures? Are they symbiotic? Lin has never seen so many multicellular creatures symbiotic together.

The spy walked with Susumi into the depths of the cave. It was built everywhere to form crystals. They glued the crystals into a shape that blocked the walls, and then connected the walls to form a tunnel-like structure.

There are many crystal tunnels on the walls at the end of the cave, which may lead to other caves. Lin believes that this is a huge underground cave network system.

"Oh..." At this time, a huge beetle walked by the spy. The beetle was two meters long and about one meter high. It used the flat small angle of the head to scoop up the crystals on the ground.

Because of this beetle and other creatures, this makes Lichen much like a division of labor, and these creatures seem to breathe with cockroaches. From the beetle's fairly transparent shell, you can see that there is a lot of water in the inner layer of the shell. There are braided structures on both sides of the head. Have they ever been aquatic creatures?

"Hey?" At this time, there was another spy who was close to Lin. Most of the people around him were working, but there were always one or two who would look at this side with doubt, but this one does not feel that the spy is strange. Note that Susumi is behind the spy.

"Maka drops? Call?" Li Yi said a bunch of words that Lin couldn't understand, but Lin could probably guess what it was asking: ‘What is this? ’

Lin said directly: "Susumi."

"Susumi?" This seems to be stunned, and then Lin immediately left with Susumi.

Lynn twisted the body of the spy and looked at the lieutenant who didn't catch up. It seems that they have treated the spies as their kind, so it doesn't matter if the spy comes in with anything...

Then let's continue to look at this group of creatures that are classified as divisions of labor and not a division of labor. Lin feels that this is just a construction site, and their main nest...may find something interesting. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks~ Ah ah~ 588~

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