4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 112: Crazy ethnic group

This is a crystalline tunnel, and ‘spy’ and Susumi are moving slowly...

Lin looked around and the surrounding cave walls were completely aggregated of crystals of various colors. Lie was built in the underground caves as a passage to each cave.

Lynn is more strange, they should dig a tunnel directly, and do not need to build these crystal channels, but they really like this, the tunnel is very spacious, about six meters wide, can accommodate many verticals and walk at the same time .

"Rutwa!" The spy raised his hand and greeted him with a glimpse of the occasional passing around. There were some squats from time to time, and they responded positively.

Lin now feels that they are creatures of higher intelligence but independent personality similar to Xiaolong. Lin feels that these creatures like to stand. It is estimated that the main reason for standing is to vacate the forelimbs to catch things, although they often say hello and together Shaping the crystal, but the relationship between Li and Dai is not very good. In front of Lin, there are two standings that are arguing.

These two crickets constantly talk about the words that Lynn can't understand. From their tone and emotion, they can see that they are quite angry.

What makes Lynn strange is that the standing squats around them are left alone, and they are allowed to continually scream at it. At this time, one of them suddenly picks up a piece of crystal on the ground and goes to the other, and the other raises the forelimb. Resist the counterattack, the two are so together...

Although I don’t know what the reason for them is, it’s incredible that the neighbors are completely ignorant, just walking by.

These scorpions are not normal...

Lynn’s spy has been standing by and watching. Lin saw that the two sides beat each other and almost hit the dead. They use a large piece of crystal to lick each other's head. Using the hook to stab the other side, almost killing each other's appearance, but the shells of both sides are quite thick, as if they could not finish.

After watching it for a while, Lin continued to walk deep into the tunnel. She didn't care about them. If it was Xiaolong, they would have such a fight. In addition to the leader's duel, the whole family would stop it.

It is said that Lin has only occasionally seen the Jade Dragon have such a mutual act. Moreover, they will not fight in the dead. In fact, even the wounds are unlikely. However, these shackles have been so embarrassing, and the surrounding squats are ignored. This is too strange. This is no longer an ethnic habit. It may become like this after the creature has encountered something.

Yes, Lynn thought of a possibility...


The spy greeted him quickly and ran to the depths of the Crystal Tunnel. Susumi was behind the spy, and he kept watching everything around him. However, there was no embarrassment on the road, and it understood the situation here.

After passing through the tunnel. Lin once again reached an open space, but here is not the same as before, here is a huge ... Crystal House.

The construction of Litchi is somewhat like the stone house of the Emerald Dragon. They combine the crystals into a shape of a vertebral body with a apex on the top and a plurality of triangles on the side, and then open some holes near the bottom. Can let these stand in.

There are many large and small vertebral houses, the largest of which is more than ten meters, which allows quite a few to live in, while the smallest is only two or three meters high, it is estimated that only one.

Why are they making a house of this shape? There is no good use of space, it causes the tip of the cone to do it, in general, the square or hexagon can make full use of the space, these stand-ups are really strange.

Some of the shackles came in and out of these houses, and the spies were slightly close to a house. They instantly looked angry at the spies, which made Lin had to stay close to the houses and pass between them.

Some houses are tied together, but most of them are separated by a certain distance. This allows Lie to walk around. After Lin walks in, I find that the scene is really weird...

Some of them stand idly by and on the house, and they are always groaning with words that don’t know what they mean. Lin can feel that it has a very sad mood. Some of them are constantly slamming their heads against the walls of the house. Two out of the coffin took it and slammed it on the ground.

Are these creatures crazy? Are they affected by the illusion? It seems that I have to grab one to break down the brain to see... ‘啪’ At this time, Lin suddenly felt that something was kicked, and when I looked down, I found out that it was a corpse.

And more than one, Lin’s current position is a relatively large number of small houses between the houses. There are corpses everywhere, with a rotten smell, and some living but very weak ones in the body, and Some normal lieutenants rushed through here and didn't look at them.

Don't even clean up the bodies? However, there are so many corpses that are not normal. What are they going on? The same kind of people of the same ethnic group fight each other and then produce so many bodies?

"Oh... it’s stinking." When the spy walked through the path of the corpse, Susumi made a small whisper behind the spy. Because the jade dragon likes to eat barbecue, they can’t stand the rot. The smell, as long as it is slightly close, its olfactory organs will constantly send a 'very stinky' signal to the head, so that Susumu avoids access to these extremely dangerous things, of course, these bodies are very fragrant for the scavenging organisms. After all, in the end, stinky is not related to the bacteria that the immune cells can't beat.

Barbecue foods have no bacteria, so this also causes the immune cells of the jade dragon to weaken.

Thinking of this, Lin adjusted the filter cover that it still wears. It can not only filter the oxygen in the water, but even the odor or even the poison gas can be easily solved.

"Oh..." Suddenly, Lynn felt that the spy’s leg was caught, and saw a nearly dying lieutenant pulling the spy on the ground.

Lin felt that there was no special emotion in it. It seemed that she simply grasped the passing object with her last strength.

There are quite a few passers-by around Lin, they don't look at it here, let alone help it. How can they look like this?

Since they don’t care about each other and don’t care about these lives, there’s nothing wrong with doing so.

At this time, the spy squatted down and placed the forelegs gently on the head of the stand, injecting a miniature unit into it to detect its physical condition.

Lin began to be suspicious because she did some strange moves. It seems that it is all right now, and the neighbors still don’t care about Lin.

... The reason for this weakness is mainly because of hunger and so on, and there are too many corpses here. It is also infected by fungi. In short, various problems lead to this cause. Lin estimates that the surrounding corpses are almost the same. The reason is dead.

They are a complete group, but they don't take care of their own kind? They will also fight each other. This is a big problem. The strangest thing is that Lin sees that this brain is normal and has not been affected.

Are they what they have caused to become the current situation? However, it is also possible that some of these dice are not normal, some are normal, and of course there is another possibility.

Lin put down this weak Lieutenant and continued to move forward. He passed the ‘corpse path’. In fact, there are corpses and weak ones, but there are more piles on the road just now.

At this time, Lynn heard a noise from a house next to it. There were openings on the walls of these houses, which could be seen from the outside.

The spy looked inside the opening of the house and saw two squats there, one of them yelling at the other, while the other was smaller and it was curling into the corner of the house. The more screaming of the big cockroach, the more anger, it picked up some spherical objects on the ground and slammed it into a small figure.

'Snapped! The spherical object was smashed and an unformed scorpion emerged from the inside.

Is that their... eggs? Actually take your own eggs? This group is really crazy.

It seems that the more you go inside, the more scenes that Lin sees. Many of the bodies on the roadside are killed. When I walked to a martyr, Lin saw a group of squats facing each other.

There are five on both sides of the group. They are squatting at each other and ready to play. Lin finds that the road behind them is connected to a rather huge house. The house is completely different from the others. Lin feels that there may be What problems were found.

Lin tried to circumvent this group of crickets, but when they reached halfway, both of them suddenly ran to a spy who seized Lin, one of them said to the spy: "Oh wow!"

What is it talking about?

When Lynn was strange, another lieutenant said: "Oh wow!"

This is a little more awkward.

At this moment, the two sides suddenly began to force the spy, both sides tried to pull the spy to their side, and Lin suddenly felt that they would not want to let spies join one of them?

"Oh." The spy sent a tone, which means "no", which Lin learned when observing their activities.

"Hey? Wow!" At the moment Lin said, the two squats waved their forelimbs to the face of the spy, and the other squats behind them rushed up and smashed each other... ...

Because the two only started to spy on the spy, and then they fought each other, and Lin easily escaped from the scuffle and continued to move forward...

Now, before Lynne has reached the special huge house, Lynn feels like there is a strange wave.

It's like a brainwave. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you~ I miss you, think about you again~ Lost in the wind of the city~watglthhml~

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