4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 113: Another brain

The 'thing' in front of Lin is purely composed of crystals, but it is more like a huge crystal column standing in a large number of houses than a house. There is a square opening at the bottom of the crystal column. Let the creatures of the size of the cockroach enter.

The spy walked into the crystal column and saw the surrounding walls. The ground was composed of various crystals. It seemed to be done with special care. It is hard to imagine those crazy people who would make such things...

However, the lining of the crystal wall outside is slightly better. In this residential area, they are indeed a mad performance, they fight each other, they are arguing everywhere, everywhere everywhere, the smell of decay It’s filled everywhere, the bacteria spread, and there’s no one responsible for cleaning up. They even use their own eggs to throw them as weapons.

What is the secret of this crazy race? Why are they doing this? Now Lin feels that I can find the answer here.

In front of the spy is a huge crystal. The crystal is more than two meters high. The whole is square. There are several standing on the ground. They look up and look at the crystal. Lin feels that they have sad emotions.

"Rutwa." One of the lieutenants saw the spy coming over and said softly.

"Rutwa." Lin also responded to it. Lin found that these shackles are not like the grief in the emotions outside, or the anger is more, but these are pure sadness. There is almost no other emotion.

Thinking, Lin looked at the crystal in front of her eyes.

The transparency of this huge crystal is not high, but Lynn can see that there seems to be a white thing inside. What is it?

And this is a big piece of crystal... Lin seems to have seen it...

correct. It is in the cave at the bottom of the sea. When the brain of the plague fungus was found. The brain of the plague fungus is also trapped in this type of crystal, but it is more transparent.

How is this going? Does it have anything to do with plague fungi? However, Lin did not see anything related to fungi in the process of coming...

In short, this crystal is very suspicious, and Lin can still feel the information like brain waves coming out from inside, but it is quite weak.

The spy lifted the forelimbs. The end of the forelimbs was not pliers, but rather the claws of the pliers. The spy opened a hole in the tip of the claw and shot a tiny sticky bullet into the crystal.

Although the structure of the spy is simple. But Lin still put a lot of things for exploration, and the adhesive sticks to the surface of the crystal, which hatches a driller into the crystal.

Just like the brain that explored the plague fungus, the driller drilled deep into the crystal and approached the white object inside.

Lin found that the objects inside were soaked in water. The water felt strange. There was a special ingredient inside, so there was no microbe. Lin entered the object in the water, and first made some simple checks.

The driller shuttles through the object at high speed. After the whole inspection... Lin found that this thing really is a brain!

But it died.

Because it died, did you use this kind of blisters to prevent microbial growth? And Lynn found that the structure of this brain is very similar to the brain that Lynn had seen before... right. It is the other brain that sticks to the brain of the plague fungus.

... Yate population.

The Yate population has been in a state of war with the plague fungus. Their brains are also. They have not been completely extinct, but have they come to this place? And they have another brain?

But now this brain is also dead, and some of the brain waves it emits can still feel a little, but it may dissipate soon.

This feeling is really strange. Lin did not find this unit in the wreckage of the large number of troops left by the Yate population, and how could they pile up here to become a habit like a dragon and go crazy? Or is it that the cockroaches are not the creatures of the Yate population, they just found the brain from where they were, and then put it here, is it caused by the brain to cause madness?

Although this possibility is also there, Lin feels that this is not the case, they are not affected by the signs...

Lin continued to check the brain. The size of the brain is very similar to that on the brain of the plague fungus. Unfortunately, this brain is dead, and there is no way to detect its memory.

However, Lynn can judge the timing of its death by its degree of cellular change...

This is... When testing the date of brain death, Lynn discovered a surprising fact that when the brain died, it was when Lin cut the two plague fungus brains together.

What to say... What does it have to do with the brain that is stuck together? Because the brain is dead, so the brain here... although it may be coincidental, if it is really the brain of the Yate population, then they may indeed be related.

So is it Lin's fault? Because the brain was cut and the brain was killed, the way of brain death here seems to be that all cells stopped working in a very short period of time, and there was no external harm, and this was only possible.

Then here is the stand...

Lynn also thought of a possibility, not because the brain affected them to go crazy, but because they had no brains, they became like this.

In the case of a brain, this group of people may be ruled by the brain, and each other's thoughts will be connected. They will not fight each other and cooperate, but after losing their brains, they have no connection, leading to thoughts. Not uniform, so every Lieutenant has its own 'personality'. In the case of disagreement, they will argue and even fight, which leads to many deaths, so they may start to clean up the body, but After this situation is over, they will not matter.

Now, every Li can be said to live only for themselves. They have no leader after losing their brains. The degree of unity is not a division of labor. Even the dragons can't match them...

This is indeed a more reliable explanation.

Other beetles and the like may also be one of the arms of the Yate population, but these arms are not so high in intelligence. They are under the command of Lie, but they cannot command each other, which leads to this situation.

Li Zhi’s intelligence is quite high. I don’t know what role they used to play as a unit of the Yate population. Like the general brain worms, they will not be active after losing their brains, but they will act by themselves and they will become This is the case...

When Lin thought about it, the driller who wandered in his head suddenly found a thing...

Also here? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ Li Yunhao~ monthly ticket~

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