The fusion has been continuously in the ground... doing evil.

In fact, it is constantly integrating a large number of manufacturing bodies with oneself.

This fusion clearly interferes with the operation of the entire manufacturing system.

But the manufacturing tower didn't figure out any way to deal with it, or didn't plan to deal with it at all.

Of course, there is no sand shovel... Although some sand shovel is to solve the fusion, it ends the interference caused by it, but...the sand scorpion does not have any confidence to overcome the fusion.

They are not good at fighting themselves.

The last thing to solve the fusion is... the creature on the thin line, which is a white star.

The maker of White Star appeared at a certain time in the way of returning home. This white star is also quite...special.

To say that the fusion is very powerful in terms of cooperation and finally merge into the whole, then this white star is very powerful in terms of individuality.

The sand crickets quickly noticed the white star, the white star... it killed a large number of manufactured organisms in the same period.

In history, very few creatures have killed so many 'likes' as easily as white stars.

Because when the white star came in, it almost completely adapted to his body.

‘Adapt to the body’ is not only related to the speed at which the tower is perfecting their bodies, but also to the creature itself.

In short, when the white star comes in, it is very powerful.

After constant hunting, it almost killed all the living creatures, and White Star quickly explored the underground.

And there, I met a big fusion that has grown up...

They started a fierce battle.

Although the fusion is big, it has no advantage in fighting White Star... but White Star has not achieved any great advantage.

The continued fighting between the two sides has caused serious damage to both sides, and the final fusion seems to not want to fight again.

It directly opened the entrance to the passage, and then threw the white star into it.

The sand scorpion also discovered that the fusion actually controlled the opening of the access door and did not know how to control it.

And the white star just entered the path, because there is no way to return... it is completely confused in this place.

At this time, a sand pot appeared in front of the white star.

This sand shovel is a very curious one, and it tells the white star about all kinds of things about the body.

At the same time, it also asked a lot of things from the white star.

In fact, before this, the sand scorpion was completely unaware of the situation outside... they only knew it after the white star said it.

Things like a thin line world.

This way of returning home... is called the “land of loss” by thin lines.

In short, at first, the way to return home has been observed by a creature.

This kind of creature is the creature that first brought out fear and released various kinds of detection signals in the way of returning home.

But after the white star said it here, the sand scorpion knew that it was a group of creatures doing it outside... they didn't know it at first.

In fact, the initial sand shovel did not know the existence of ‘normal void.’

Later, I didn't know why, because of the reason, the location of the returning home changed, and the original creature could not continue to observe it.

The thin line world is born.

The thin-line ocean world, its purpose is to find a way to return home.

Then after a long period of time... As it is now, the thin line finally found the way to return home.

So I began to continue the research and observation here.

After knowing all this, the sand shovel felt very surprised... surprised.

Of course, the most shocking thing to them is that there is everything about the normal void outside.

Although they have been transporting the production of normal Nether creatures, the sand scorpion does not know the normal void.

The normal void is a huge place, and there are countless creatures there. This fact makes the sand pot very surprised.

Some sand scorpions seem to have the idea of ​​going to normal emptiness, but they still decide... to complete some of the things ahead.

White Star told the sand shovel that the fusion is a special one made by the thin line world... ‘傀儡’.

In fact, it is manufactured by exploiting the loopholes in the manufacturing tower.

Generally speaking, during the period from birth to completion, it is controlled by the external 'ontology'.

After the body is completely completed and the nervous system is generated in the body, it will be disconnected from the outside body.

The thin line uses a method that allows the fusion to be controlled from the outside, without using the body's own nervous system.

This is why they can be integrated and unified.

What is responsible for control outside is not the thin line world itself... or the creatures from normal voids.

It comes from an unforeseen place, a kind of ‘cloth’ creature.

It’s like the sand shovel has been carrying a lot of creatures there, there are also a lot of creatures... came to the normal void.

But the sand shovel is not clear when the cloth enters the normal void.

The patch itself seems to have the ability to 'deceive' the tower.

Its outside control will make the manufacturing tower think that the manufacturing body's own neural structure is under control so that it will not break.

The original purpose of the thin line is to use this method to create an increasingly large fusion, and finally let the fusion completely encroach on the entire return home.

White Star is also very aware of this situation.

In fact, White Star was also sent to 'assisted' the fusion.

Simply put, let the white star become part of the fusion, making the fusion more powerful.

However, after the white star came in... but because of his ‘thinking’ awakening, it decided to resist the fate set by the thin line.

So it will fight the fusion and try to kill the fusion.

As a result, the fusion was not killed, but it was thrown here.

However, after coming in here, after Bai Xing learned about the transportation from the sand pot, it decided to start a new journey.

That is to go to the unforeseen place.

Sand crickets don't want to ship, and White Star doesn't want them to ship.

It's one of its own... embarked on this journey.

It has been a long time since then.

All the sand pots don't know where the white star is going.

Suddenly at some point, they discovered the white star... appeared in the way home.

This white star seems to have forgotten all the previous things and began to live his life in the way home.

The sand scorpion originally thought it might be a new white star, but after investigation, they found that the white star was not new, that is, the one who had set foot on the journey.

But why does it become like this?

It may be the reason why the route is too long to go to the destination.

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