4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2714: get away

The reason for the last loss of White Star may be simple.

It is because staying in the pathway for too long will lose the ability to think, and of course will lose the memory of the past.

Bai Xing said that he had to embark on a journey to an unforeseen place... and then he lost his way to the middle.

Sand crickets don't know where the white stars are going, but they think that maybe the white stars will go back somewhere.

Sand cricket believes that there is not only one entrance and exit to the way to return home, there should be multiple entrances and exits.

This is also the reason why the 'clothing' can go to the normal void.

After White Star forgot the previous things and returned to the way home, it continued to be there... hunting everywhere.

White Star still remembers some things before, such as long-term non-hunting will be petrified, but also remember the previous ... some combat skills.

In short, it is still much stronger than other manufacturers.

So it killed all the manufacturing bodies.

But that led to some minor problems, that is... at that time, I didn’t know why, no more manufacturing bodies appeared.

The sand scorpion thinks that the thin line outside may not continue to put the creature into the space for some reason.

The remaining white stars have to hunt here... the aborigines, the creatures of non-manufacturing.

Indigenous people are actually more difficult to deal with than the manufacturing industry.

Like the aurora, it is better to deal with... Of course, it is relatively speaking, and it is easy to get hurt by fighting with them.

If you are injured, you have to use the energy you used before you want to repair the wound.

And like the phoenix, although it is easy to catch, the phoenix's own 'body' is composed of normal void materials, and eating them does not alleviate petrochemicals.

Although it took a long time for White Star to use the manufacturing body that was hunted before, it still has no way to maintain it.

White Star later entered the petrochemical because it could not hunt enough prey...

Of course, the white star did not find the underground passage in the end, and no longer met the fusion.

This is also because the fusion has blocked the surface. In fact, there is actually a big hole in the ground.

The fusion blocked the big hole, and it was not just blocked, but it was exactly the same as the surface environment. There was no underground cavern here.

So White Star never found this place again.

Next... there is no manufacturing body, and the way home is back to the previous calm state.

The fusion itself is not petrified, but it is also not active in the ground because there is no prey.

Although the road to returning home is calm, the passage is... not so calm.

The passage was originally very lively, and there were a lot of creatures and floating bodies from unforeseen places.

At some point, the sand cricket noticed that the unforeseen creatures suddenly left.

They have been on a large scale since that time... fleeing from this place, all moving in the direction they are coming.

In the end, they all disappeared.

Then, near the entrance to this path and the way home, there are only a lot of floating creatures left.

The sand cockroaches were curious about this phenomenon and they began to conduct various investigations.

The sand cricket originally thought it was made by the thin lines outside.

Because the creatures in the unpredictable land appeared, they were originally thought to be attracted by the signals outside, but now it is definitely the signal outside to drive them away.

Although they did not feel any signal this time.

So the sand shovel began to investigate the outside with all strength.

The sand pot itself is able to use some of the systems that make the tower, so they also found the outside by manufacturing the tower...

They also noticed that the manufacturing tower was not only able to detect the inside of the space, but also to detect the outside.

Sand crickets are also the first direct ‘see’ to the normal void outside.

What they first noticed was the world of thin lines.

The thin line world was originally located near the exit of the returning road. The sand shovel found that the thin line was transported from the void all over the world...

And squeeze them all around the exit.

Although the sand scorpion does not understand the creature of the thin line at all, let alone the language, even the world in the thin line is unclear.

But the sand scorpion still understands a little... that is, the thin line seems to have no way to send the creature into this space.

The way to return home is closed for some reason, and the sand shovel does not know this reason.

However, after the sand shovel found that the manufacturing tower could sense the outside environment, they began to control the manufacturing tower...detecting the outside creatures and making some manufacturing bodies.

Many of the creatures gathered by the thin lines are the species that the sand scorpion recognizes, and the sand shovel manufactures some manufacturing bodies according to them, and continues to have manufacturing bodies in the space.

Also because the fusions go to sleep during this time, these artifacts are not attacked by the fusion.

Despite this, almost all manufacturers have no way to find underground access.

But there are still a small number of creatures that have discovered another path to the underground passage.

It was actually a group of new annihilated phoenixes, because the fusion was also sleeping, so a small number of manufacturing bodies reached the path again.

At this time, the sand shovel also began to really investigate... the reason why the creature left.

Because they found that the departure of the unforeseen creatures and the thin lines seemed to matter.

Later in the investigation, the sand scorpion discovered this thing.

For a long time, the distance of the void has been lengthened.

Now it has grown to a point that is not normal. If this continues, the passage may collapse.

The sand scorpions who discovered this thing felt... fear.

Of course this fear is spontaneous.

Some sand scorpions feel that they can enter the way of returning home and then go to normal void life.

Some want to go to unforeseen places, although that is almost impossible.

In short, after this, many sand shovel left one by one.

Only a few remain and continue to observe.

This includes Lin's exchange.

The main reason for this few is to continue to observe.

They have recently discovered that the space entrances and exits of the return home have once again opened up in the thin line world.

This seems to be a piece of the thin line world... stone has something to do with it.

Then the thin line sends a variety of creatures to it.

But now, it is time for the passage to almost collapse.

All the sand pots left the place... only the last few were left.

It certainly intends to leave now, but since it was discovered that Lynne came here, it still carried out its own 'responsibility'.

... tell the carrier, that is, Lin and Zero, which have always happened.

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