4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2715: Fast-moving

"Now, you have to run away."

It is said that this passage space... almost collapsed.

When it collapses... there will be a scene that Lin saw before.

That is, those floating manufacturers, they will all die.

The sand scorpion originally thought that all the manufacturing bodies would die, so Lin and the two pompoms had nothing to surprise.

In fact, the sand scorpion is even more surprised that the sand scorpion itself will die.

The sand mites themselves are also considered to be living organisms, but they are not the same as the usual manufacturing bodies and have special properties.

But after all... Why does the body creature die?

In fact, the sand shovel is not very clear, but they know that... the existence of the manufacturing body here is related to the unforeseen place.

As long as they lose this connection, they can't continue to maintain it.

But the sand scorpion originally thought that this situation would not affect themselves, so it would stay here for so long... but if it would affect it, then the situation is not good.

"We... should leave soon."

In fact, when Lin and Sands chat, they have been escaping all the time.

Sand cricket believes that it is no longer possible to return to the way of returning home. If you go there, you may die at any time, so the only destination is to move to the unforeseen place.

But obviously this is also very dangerous, because I don't know when this space will completely collapse.

The only way to be rescued is to... find some exits that lead to the outside on the way.

Before the sand shovel said, there must be a lot of entrances and exits to go to and from the township, but I don't know where the entrances and exits are.

Now I can only move in the direction of the unforeseen place and look for it.

So, the two pompoms are now moving with the sand shovel all the way through the light beam of the lighthouse...

“Have you ever explored it?” While floating, the zero side asked the sand shovel: “The location of those entrances and exits.”

“No.” Sandy replied: “We have been looking for it, but we have not found it... We didn’t care very much about it at the time.”

"Now maybe... it’s too late."

With the words of the sand shovel, its speed has become faster and faster.

There is really no way to see it here. Except for the light column above, all places are dark.

Before there were some stones and the like, Lin also asked what the sand is. The sand shovel told Lin that some creatures were piled up with normal void material.

That creature is an unforeseen creature that has long since left.

Fast movement... just keep going.

Lin did not know how long it would last, one staying up late, two staying up late... three days and nights.

The time of the pompon staying up late, one by one, quickly passed, and Lin found that the front is still so endless.


Entrance and exit.

Before the sand shovel said, there must be a lot of entrances and exits to go to and from the township, but I don't know where the entrances and exits are.

Now I can only move in the direction of the unforeseen place and look for it.

So, the two pompoms are now moving with the sand shovel all the way through the light beam of the lighthouse...

“Have you ever explored it?” While floating, the zero side asked the sand shovel: “The location of those entrances and exits.”

“No.” Sandy replied: “We have been looking for it, but we have not found it... We didn’t care very much about it at the time.”

"Now maybe... it’s too late."

With the words of the sand shovel, its speed has become faster and faster.

There is really no way to see it here. Except for the light column above, all places are dark.

Before there were some stones and the like, Lin also asked what the sand is. The sand shovel told Lin that some creatures were piled up with normal void material.

That creature is an unforeseen creature that has long since left.

Fast movement... just keep going.

Lin did not know how long it would last, one staying up late, two staying up late... three days and nights.

The time of the pompon staying up late, one by one, quickly passed, and Lin found that the front is still so endless.


Entrance and exit.

Before the sand shovel said, there must be a lot of entrances and exits to go to and from the township, but I don't know where the entrances and exits are.

Now I can only move in the direction of the unforeseen place and look for it.

So, the two pompoms are now moving with the sand shovel all the way through the light beam of the lighthouse...

“Have you ever explored it?” While floating, the zero side asked the sand shovel: “The location of those entrances and exits.”

“No.” Sandy replied: “We have been looking for it, but we have not found it... We didn’t care very much about it at the time.”

"Now maybe... it’s too late."

With the words of the sand shovel, its speed has become faster and faster.

There is really no way to see it here. Except for the light column above, all places are dark.

Before there were some stones and the like, Lin also asked what the sand is. The sand shovel told Lin that some creatures were piled up with normal void material.

That creature is an unforeseen creature that has long since left.

Fast movement... just keep going.

Lin did not know how long it would last, one staying up late, two staying up late... three days and nights.

The time of the pompon staying up late, one by one, quickly passed, and Lin found that the front is still so endless.


There is really no way to see it here. Except for the light column above, all places are dark.

Before there were some stones and the like, Lin also asked what the sand is. The sand shovel told Lin that some creatures were piled up with normal void material.

That creature is an unforeseen creature that has long since left.

Fast movement... just keep going.

Lin did not know how long it would last, one staying up late, two staying up late... three days and nights.

The time of the pompon staying up late, one by one, quickly passed, and Lin found that the front is still so endless.


There is really no way to see it here. Except for the light column above, all places are dark.

Before, there were some things like stones. Lin also asked me what the stones were, and the sand pot told me.


There is really no way to see it here. Except for the light column above, all places are dark.

There were some stones and other things before, Lin also asked

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