4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 117: Normal ethnic group

In the dark caves, four vertical squats are advancing rapidly, three of them holding a glowing crystal for road lighting, and the fourth is dragged on the ground by the three.

Being hit by a hard object often falls into a coma, but Lynn doesn't, because the spy doesn't have a brain at all... but the spy still pretends to be in a coma, so this happens, and the three stereotypes are crystallized. The spear stunned the spy, and then dragged it all the way to the depths of the cave...

They did not find Susumi sleeping next to them, presumably because the light they used to illuminate the crystals was very dark, so they didn't notice.

They are now heading in the opposite direction to other places where they live. Lin wants to see where they are going. These are obviously different. As for Susumi, let it stay there for a while, where With plenty of food, Lynn can communicate with it through the hood she wears, without worrying about Susumumi running around.

"Lu, 嗄噢嘎tewa..."


These three espionage agents have been talking about some words. Although Lin does not understand what they say, they seem to be very sad, and the main objects of their sorrow are: spies... Why?

Lin saw one of the lieutenants picking up a red crystal and said, "Why?"

Another lieutenant immediately smashed the crystal in his hand and shouted: "Hey!"

They just clamored and dragged the spies away. Lin was trying to understand what they meant on the way. Slowly, Lin began to understand.

These three Lieutenants have already treated Lin's spy as their companion. That is the one that appeared at the very beginning. Attack the Susumi's stand with a crystal spear. They don't know that this stand is dead...

Then maybe it’s a bit abnormal that Lynn started to encounter them, and then they thought that the spy was affected by the magical effect of the red crystal, so the spy was stunned and dragged back, and they were quarreling along the way, still sad. .

Why are you sad? It’s just that it’s affected by the illusion, but the strange thing is that they actually know how to be sad for the same kind? In the past, it was clear that they would not care about the kind of the same. If they died, they would not manage it. Why are these few sorrows sad? Are they normal?

At this time. Lin found that the surrounding environment has become much brighter. There are many glowing crystals on the ground, and the arrangement is very neat, and there are more... the scorpion with crystal spears.

"Bazhao!" When they encounter other shackles, these three squats will raise their hands and say hello, and other crickets will respond.

Isn't it Rutva here, has it become a slap? So starting Lin said that Rutva is considered abnormal?

Lin found that there were a lot of stand-ups here, some of them were holding small bugs on the ground, and some stood there. However, I did not see the fighting phenomenon there before, and there was no dispute. It seems to be a good look.

These stand-ups are quite normal.

The spy was dragged to the depths of these groups. Lin also saw many smaller square houses, all of which were made of crystals. In this house, there was a slightly larger house. The spy was dragged to the front of the house, and the three lieutenants began to shout at the house.

"Hey?" There was a sound coming from inside the house. I saw a lieutenant coming out. Lin looked at the stand carefully and saw that there were many scars on the carapace. It seemed to have experienced many fights.

Seeing it, Lin feels that she has seen the role of the leader. Is there a leader? If there are leaders in this group, their behavior is normal and there are explanations. After all, the group of people who had been in front of them had to fight each other because they did not have a leader.

The three dragging spies said something to the leader, and then the leader looked at the spy. It seemed to pity his head shook his head.

This leader seems to think that the spies have not been saved. So, they have not solved the magical method, so the three before are so sad...

The leader then stepped forward and looked at the spy's head and picked up a crystal spear...

Is it so simple to kill? Looking at the crystal spears that had been stabbed in a hurry, the spy immediately turned away and escaped. The spears rushed into the ground with the power of the leader.

The spy jumped up and jumped, and quickly fled in one direction. At this time, the leader and the three lieutenants reacted, and they immediately yelled and chased them up!

Perhaps in their impressions, the illusion of the magical effect will become listless, and the sudden jump of the spy really makes them scared and causes no reaction at the moment, but now the spy is chasing more than the leader and the Three squats, and other shackles around them joined the chase.

"Hey!" They screamed and threw a spear on the side. A large number of spears were tied to the ground next to the spy. Everyone was completely hiding by Lin, and the spy squatted. Using all the limbs to crawl quickly and drilled between the crystallized houses, but it disturbed more of the standing, they rushed out of the house and joined the ranks of arresting spies.

There are more and more chasing spies, and spies rely on speed and agility to keep them behind. After running for a while, Lin can already see the exit ahead.

‘Hey! At this time, a crystal spear flew over, and the not-so-thick carapace was pierced in an instant, and the spear penetrated into the back of the spy, but the speed of the spy was not reduced, and it was still running forward...

Finally, Lin rushed out of the group of houses that lived in this group, and ran quickly to the depths of the dark caves.

Seeing that the spies fled into the darkness, most of the lieutenants stopped chasing, but the leader and the first three lieutenants still caught up...

The spy had been escaping into the depths of the cave, and it was getting darker and darker. After running for a while, he could not see the previous house, but the leader and the three lieutenants did not give up. They held the glowing crystal in their hands. Used for lighting, but this light is not bright enough, they have lost the spy...

"Oh..." The leader who lost the plane let the three lieutenants stop. It illuminated the surrounding environment with glowing crystals. There are rocks everywhere. It is impossible to find a spy.

The spies can rely on sound detection to observe their every move behind the rock. In this darkness, the position of prey and hunter has been changed. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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