4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 118: Persevering leader

In the darkness, there is a dim glory.

The Lieutenant's leader and the two lieutenants held crystals and spears and watched the surrounding environment nervously. It was only quiet to hear the sound of the heart beating.

Just now, one of them has disappeared. It uttered a terrible scream at the moment of disappearance. It seems to have suffered greatly. When the leader and the other two replies reacted, the ground only There is a pool of blood left.

There are absolutely horrifying creatures here, at least they think so.

But the leader didn't think about retreating. It lifted the crystal and carefully observed the surrounding environment. It still wanted to find out the spy that had escaped before.


A small voice made these few moments tighten the nerves, and they simultaneously illuminate the crystal light into the sound... but nothing.

This is really interesting.

Lin’s spy hides behind a large piece of crystal stone, chewing on the body of the lieutenant that was just killed, and observes the movements of these lieutenants with sound waves.

I don't know why the leader is so obsessed with catching spies. The spies should be just a point of view that they are mad by the magical illusion. Why should they catch it?

But because of this, it puts them in a difficult position.

The spy can easily come and go in the dark shadows, but the crystal light in the hands of Li Li is getting more and more bleak. I don't know why the crystal can shine, but obviously it doesn't last long. If it falls into complete darkness, Lin believes They will be about the same as death.

Li Yan's eyes have no night vision ability. Other perceptions are not strong. They don't have the skills that most cave creatures should have. It may be that they lived in a very bright place... This seems to be a little different from the Yate population that Lin impressed in the deep sea.

It doesn't matter if it is, it is time to end one of them again.

Now the three squats are back to back, they illuminate all the surrounding environment with light, they think that there is no dead space, but...

The spy walked to a near-distance crystallization, almost the edge of the light source, then extended the forefoot and pulled the head down on the ground, and the spy's body ran to another crystal...

"Ah-!!!" placed a fierce scream on the ground. The three lieutenants immediately looked in the direction of the head. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the body of the spy rushed out of the crystal, quickly approaching the back of one of the coffins, and the hook of the tail pierced its throat.

It didn't even have a chance to scream, and then the spy quickly towed the fallen body away and broke into the shadows.

When the leader and the rest of the lieutenant turned their heads, they discovered that another companion had disappeared.

The spy had already placed the body in a farther place, and then climbed back to put the head back on the body.

The feeling of this sneak attack is really interesting... Next, Lin feels that she has no need to do it.

The remaining two lieutenants have already feared the extreme. First, I was scared by the screams, and then I watched my companion disappear. They obviously can't stand this feeling.

"Ah, wow!" A limp suddenly yelled, and turned and fled in the direction of the direction, but the leader grabbed the tail.

Although the leader is also very scared, it tries to suppress this emotion. It pulls the shackle back and presses its body and yells at it: "Hey! Hey!"

"Oh!" Lie was struggling desperately. It obviously didn't want to stay here again, but the leader didn't run it. The two were so noisy.

They really showed their nature, these are really troublesome, the two companions are already dead, and the remaining two are still still quarreling in order to escape... These creatures are really interesting.

Their best decision now is to flee, but I don’t know why the leader refused to escape? And still not to give the companion to escape? In this environment, there are more than spies, and when it is possible to have a rib, you don’t know.

'Snapped! ’

Suddenly, the shackled by the leader, on the way of constant struggle, suddenly grabbed a piece of crystal that slammed into the face of the leader, and the crystal of the carapace on its face blew some cracks, and the blood slid from the inside. Slow out...

The leader became extremely angry at this moment, and his hands also grabbed a few crystal madness in the vicinity to the stand. The strength of the leader was obviously much greater. Under the successive mammoths, this sturdy The cracks on the headgear were getting bigger and bigger, and the whole burst all over.

When the leader stopped, the ground was full of blood, and the scorpion became a dead body.

...they are still crazy.

For this phenomenon, Lynn feels that only this one is suitable for describing them.

Perhaps this phenomenon can be calculated. It may be that after the beginning of losing the brain, all the erects are indeed crazy. Strictly speaking, they are not crazy. It is impossible to decide who will command them. They have not elected new leaders. Habits, it will become like that after a long time.

But there is still a small part of this that is aware of the problem. They choose a leader and get rid of it from the original group. It is a place where red is crystallized everywhere, forming a small 'village'. And hunting the creatures that haunt here, leaving the dispute and noisy, living a safe life,

This is what I said. Lin’s stereotypes with crystal spears are relatively normal. Under the command of the leader, they can distribute their work, but in the end they don’t understand the command. Still arguing, they will create a sense of wanting to run one that doesn't want to run, rather than thinking about which is best.

The leader looked at the ground and was smashed by the head. It took a long time to react. It picked up the crystal spears and glowing crystals on the ground and slowly stood up and looked at the surrounding environment.

It still has no intention of running away? Why is it so obsessed with the idea of ​​chasing spies... I won’t say anything about killing the same kind, but I still don’t even have my own life?

Then there is no way, Lin feels it necessary to figure out what the leader is all about.

However, it takes a long time to manufacture a unit such as a brain-reader, and before that, it is necessary to ensure that its brain is alive.

What should I do? Lin has already thought of a way.

The spy slowly walked out behind the crystal stone, close to the leader with the same blood on his hand...

...after a day and night...

Near the red crystallized village, a large group of erects are looking anxiously at the depths of the dark caves. Although they are very worried, they do not have any leaders who are willing to enter the dark caves to find their leaders.

They have been waiting for a long time, and some of them have stopped waiting, but at this time... a figure appeared in the darkness.

"噢噢噢!!!" The first person to see this figure cheered up, and then looked at it in the same direction, only to see the leader slowly coming out of the darkness.

The crustshells on the body were covered with blood. All the coffins were surrounded and constantly asked various words, but the leader did not say anything. It silently passed through the group and walked back to the largest one of its own. Among the crystallized houses.

It seems to have been successfully mixed in.

Now Lin is in a special situation. The spy does occupy the body of the leader, but it does not damage its brain. Instead, it dissolves the body structure of the leader and replaces it with its own structure, but the head of the leader is still retained by Lin. And continue to feed the brain to make it alive.

It can be said that the entire body only has the head belonging to the leader, while the other parts are spies, but the mouth and vision of the head are also replaced by spies, otherwise the leader will definitely yell.

Lin feels that if you want to figure out the secret of the brain, it is the best way to start from the leader. Lin feels that this leader is special. It may know more about the situation. Then, just stay here for a while and make the brain maker. Just come out.

Lin looked at the outside and saw that no other lieutenants had followed up, but kept a certain distance outside and said something to each other. It seems that they should not affect this place.

Susumui is still in the original place, it can catch the pterosaurs there, and after Lin has solved the problem here, he can go out with it.

Speaking of it, this house is quite big. Lin looks around. The whole house is squared with crystals. It has more than ten meters in length and width, and there are still many things.

Lin found a stone in the corner, and there were several unfinished crystal spears beside the stone, which seemed to use this stone to polish the spear.

Lynn picked up a spear and saw that the spears are not very hard, but they can only make such things here. The spears are not used for hunting, but for defending some large creatures. Or it is used to fight against other positions.

Although most of the crystals here are red, not every one has a magical composition. Most of them are ordinary crystals, some of which can store light energy and, in some cases, erupt. Flash, these crystals are very interesting, but... what is this?

Next to the crystallized spear pile, Lynn saw a large red crystal stone, and there was something white inside.

Is this the case...

Lin immediately released a driller into the crystallization, and Lin quickly saw the true face of the things inside...

They really like to put their brains in the crystallization, but this is not the brain, but a part of the brain, it seems that there are some signals to send, but the most important thing is...

This thing is still alive. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks~▄[┳幽鬼ぁ~啃书虫 is occupied~ Who is the bat tiger~Time v ash~monthly ticket~

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