4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2755: distortion

"It can be all-inclusive, on behalf of everything. Collect this site"

"Not just creatures."

"It can be a void...all things, everything!"

It is said that this is a great plan.

In general, the nuclear information of a creature...is of course acting on living things.

However, it wants the biological nuclear information to work on everything, no matter what, even the changes in the starry sky must operate according to the set nuclear information, forcing everything to be forced to run under a rule.

Of course this is the ultimate goal, but a lot of small tests have already started.

For example, here, the purpose here is to ... distort all environments around the creature, including them, under a set rule.

But... it failed.

It was shocked because after the ‘God’ woke up and found that there was no change at all.

Lin first studied what it was like in the 'God'. From the outside it looks like it is composed of a large number of 'diamonds'. Before Lin examined only the outside of it, now Lin has let the micro-arms get into it. It is studied internally.

Although the outer layer is a lot of structures without biological features, the interior is much more complicated.

In fact, its interior is not a 'diamond', but a lot of complicated structures... And under Lynn's investigation, Lin found that this 'god' is actually the same kind of creature as those bones.

Although it is bigger and has some abilities that other bones don't have, it can be said that it is the same kind of bone from the visceral structure.

But why is this 'God' the same kind of bone?

In reality, Lin has no way to detect its thoughts, but Lynn raises questions in the dream of White Star.

That is to input the question information to the memory of the white star, and the dream of the ‘God’ in the dream will answer it.

Although in general biological dreams are formed by their own nervous system, but white star is not, but in the distance there is ... what is connected with the white star's brain, it will do this dream.

God was surprised by the question of White Star.

Because this is actually Lin asked... Lin asked why it is the same kind as the surrounding bone creatures.

Although surprised, it still shows the reason like the white star, and Lin found that it seems to unconditionally explain everything to the white star.

Indeed, it used to be the same as the bones...

It is also a kind of similarity now, of course, it is different, just like the difference between parasites in Ershimin and Ershi people.

A long time ago, ‘God’ was in the civilization of the bones... a character like a king.

In short, it is the ruler of a region. Like most individual creatures, it has more interests for itself than for the whole group. Like most rulers, the most concerned place is its own life.

Therefore, its main research is to improve the life expectancy.

The body structure of bone creatures has some cell-like creature settings, that is, although their bodies will constantly repair all kinds of wear and tear, but after a certain degree, they will not be repaired.

The final outcome is that the body dies because of constant wear and tear.

Although the organisms wear more slowly than cell biology, they still can't live long.

Therefore, the ‘God’ at that time was constantly collecting ways to make it live longer.

But with their current technology, there is no way to extend their life.

So it is constantly looking for extensions from other places.

To this end, it left its country, drifted into the void, looking for any possibility.

After a long trip, it went somewhere.

It found out there... ‘twist’.

To be precise, it is the technology that says “using nuclear information to influence everything”.

In terms of details, it does not explain, in general, it has found a ... special device with related technology.

However, through its description, Lin can also guess a rough estimate.

This kind of device is like a data ball that Lin has seen before. It is a mechanical device, but it is much larger than the previous data ball.

In God's description, it has at least a diameter of one hundred meters.

Its core part is placed with a lot of ... cell bio-nuclear information, I don't know if it is related to the thin line.

The outer layer is a very interesting system, and Lynn feels that it can be called a 'twist system'.

Simply put, it is a system that reads internal nuclear information and distort the surrounding environment, similar to the rays of a dead warship.

It took a long time for ‘God’ to understand the basic operation of this device.

It thought at the time... it had reached a dream.

The most important thing about this technology is that it can affect itself, not just in terms of life, everything can be modified with it.

Then, it took the device away from the discovery point and began the journey back. ‘God’ decided to bring the device back and conduct a more detailed study.

I think this may change the fate of their entire population.

However, after returning to its original ... country, it was arrested as soon as it left the aircraft.

Then it found... there is already a new king here.

It still didn't figure out what was going on... it was locked up and quickly executed.

Then it's a new round of life... that's it.

This is mainly because the main way of killing this group of bones is to crush the whole body and then sprinkle the crumbs on their food, those that look like diamonds.

As a personal creature, of course, there will be criminals. However, unlike Ershimin who likes to burn a body, the treatment of bones has always been to crush the person who was killed, and then sprinkle the debris on the food.

They don't have any opinion about eating the same kind of wreckage, but think it is a good way to not waste.

Indeed, this approach saves them a lot of resources.

There is no exception to the ‘God’ as being executed. Its body is crushed and transported to a food processing factory and sprinkled on a pile of ‘diamonds’ that have not yet been processed.

At this time, the 'twisting device' played a role.

Because it originally understood some of the operating methods of the twisting device, and regarded itself as the first test object.

That is to let the device ‘twist’ itself.

And it returned without a twisting device, but placed the device somewhere in the void.

Therefore, other bones are not aware of such a device.

After the device was started in the void, it was set up... a brand new bone.

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