4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2756: Brand new life

The twisting device restored a small part of it.

Although the bones do not have a cellular structure, their bodies are also divided into many different parts and organs.

At the same time, like cell biology, when the body is broken, a large number of cells will die slowly no matter how they struggle.

The same is true of bone creatures, in which all structures in the body cannot move away from the body.

But under the influence of distortion... it is ok.

The twisting device modifies the target by reading the internal nuclear information.

The original modification of ‘God’ is to turn it into a creature that is much stronger than it is now, but it doesn’t know how to get it.

It took a long time to understand how it works, but there is no way to understand what... nuclear information represents what.

This is similar to the case of thin lines. There is no way for the thin line to know which nuclear information is done, and it can only be tested continuously.

But it doesn't dare to test it like a thin line. After all, if you test it to a bad effect and kill yourself, it's all over.

But there is a strange place here.

That is, it has not been tested, and how does it know that the device can distort everything around it?

It doesn't go into detail about this. In short, it seems to be to study the device first, and then know that it can be distorted.

Then... it can't set the twist target on something else, it finds that it can only set itself as the target.

Of course this is only the beginning, and then it will have a way to distort something else.

So, under the curious drive, it decided to start the device for testing.

Soon, it found that the device being activated was twisting itself, and it was a 'degraded' distortion.

The device didn't make it... strong, but let it degenerate.

This is also similar to cell biology. The 'evolution process' of bones grows from small to small, and grows from miniature creatures, and this evolution is fast, not as long as cell biology.

But it also did not elaborate on how their populations evolved.

In short, it was discovered at the time that it was rapidly degrading and becoming more...the original form.

It tried to continually modify the settings under horror, but there was no way to reverse the process, and then it had to fly back.

It has no way to fully understand the device. It needs to find a large research team to help it study and cancel the process. Only by doing so can it be hopeful.

This is also the main purpose of its return.

The next thing, Lin knew already... It was executed when it went back.

However, the power of 'twisting' still acts on its body debris.

But this distortion does not work too far, but when it starts to start the device, its body has been degraded.

After it was executed, its body just degenerated to a more primitive level.

It was also because of the great deterioration of intelligence. Although it still understood that there was a new king taking office, there was no way to understand why the new king would kill it.

It was already unclear about the complex relationship between individuals and was thus executed.

Although its physical state is primitive, its vitality is stronger.

After the body in this state is broken, some parts of the body and other small parts can still survive.

Therefore, after it was executed, it was actually not dead.

Some of its organs also live in food bins.

There is a lot of unprocessed 'diamonds' here, but even if it is unprocessed, it can become its food, so its organs are here to survive.

At the time, the diamonds in this warehouse were never used, so no one found it.

Then, the organs that ‘God’ has survived are further degraded.

Degenerate into a more primitive, smaller state.

But no matter how degraded, it can still feed on 'diamonds', so it has been living in the warehouse.

The process begins to run in reverse until it retreats to a certain state.

That is to say... it began to evolve.

In fact, the specific process of twisting the device is to let it degenerate to a primitive state and let it evolve from this state.

I don't know why this is the case. Maybe the body structure of the original bone is not suitable for direct evolution.

Or the twisting device is set up like this...

In short, after it began to evolve, the finely divided body structure gradually re-integrated and became larger.

But it has not re-evolved into the original ‘bone’ shape.

Instead, it evolved toward another aspect.

Its evolutionary direction is quite wonderful... mainly because the combined body structure begins to become fragile, but with the new ability, the surrounding diamonds are glued together as their own outer shell.

The analogy of the Ershimin is like an Ershimin who has evolved from the original form to its original state and has evolved into a form similar to a hermit crab.

Whether it is from the appearance or internal organs, it looks very different from the original.

But the basic composition is exactly the same, just like Ershimin and hermit crab are cell biology.

It's just that it's in the state...not ordinary.

It quickly regained high intelligence and original memory, and it quickly began to recall everything that happened before.

It quickly learned about the general situation.

Then it decided to flee the place.

Of course, this is a warehouse, not a prison. It is quite easy to escape. The problem is how to get back to the twisted device.

It believes that it is now in this state and can only rely on twisting devices.

Its current form of life is very similar to that of a hermit crab. Its body is very fragile and must rely on the protection of foreign substances.

That is, those 'diamonds', although they are said to be their food, they are also very strong and suitable for use as a shell.

Then it also has some mobility, because a small part of its body can stretch out like a paw.

It's just the current form, it can't start the aircraft, and even if it runs out, it's easy to be hit by the same kind and then use it as a monster and grab it.

In fact, the same is true of the reason it was originally executed.

The reason why it was killed by itself...it was actually not complicated, mainly because it was degraded when it returned. It was not normal.

At least in its bones, it looks like a deformed monster.

But it was not realized at the time that its intelligence was extremely degraded.

So it was taken to do some research at the time, and the researchers found that it was actually a degenerate state... the bones were very surprised.

Because the researchers worried that this would be ... contagious, they immediately decided to kill it and then threw its debris into the star.

Just because of a small mistake, its wreckage was not processed, or it was sprinkled in the food warehouse according to the 'normal process'.

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