4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2757: go away

The success of the escape is only the first step.

‘God’ finally escaped from the food warehouse...

The main reason it can leave is because it is still continuing the 'evolution' relationship.

This form resembling a hermit crab is not its evolutionary end point, although its appearance will not be any improvement.

But its internality is still changing continuously.

Its internal organs have undergone a lot of ... upgrades, including perception, intelligence and so on.

But the main thing is that it can use a small amount of 'twisting' ability.

It also suddenly feels that he has this power.

But it was still very weak at the time, it only had some impact on the surrounding creatures, and there are just creatures that can be affected.

Because this food warehouse is not the only one, there are many other small creatures.

These creatures can also be considered bone-like creatures. They live in the stacked 'diamonds' that feed on diamonds, just like the beetles that live in the grain.

It finds that it can distort these small creatures, and initially can only make some small impacts, such as changing some behavior patterns of creatures, letting them grow new structures, and so on.

So, it has been testing its own distortion effect in the warehouse.

Slowly it is more and more proficient in using this ability, and it also thinks of ways to escape from here.

This food warehouse itself can fly away from its original position, except that it has no engine and must be pulled away by the aircraft.

But this warehouse seems to have been forgotten, no one has been managing it, or investigating the food inside.

It must be for anyone to investigate here.

And it uses its own ability to distort, so that all the creatures in the warehouse are gathered together, making them into ... bombs.

In fact, they are filled with a lot of explosives in their bodies, and then piled up to explode.

This is very easy, because these creatures produce explosives in their bodies, but usually they will break down and eliminate these explosives and never explode.

But it is a little distorted by these creatures, so that they don't eliminate the explosive components and accumulate, and then let these creatures pile up together, so they easily become a bomb.

Then there is... an explosion.

The bombs piled up by these creatures blew a hole in the food warehouse, but because the warehouse was quite large, it was hiding in another corner of the warehouse and was not affected.

Then, the warehouse that has been forgotten is finally...has been noticed.

Soon after the bones came over to inspect the warehouse, they found that after the explosion, they decided to drag the warehouse to repair and conduct a more detailed investigation.

Because ‘God’ now looks like a diamond pile, it is not noticed by the bones that are being investigated.

And those bones soon opened an aircraft, ready to drag the warehouse away...

It launched a surprise attack.

It attacked the aircraft and killed the bones inside. It was only a little bigger than the bones and could easily enter the cab of the aircraft.

At the same time, it is very easy to kill these original ones because of the new solid body.

After killing the bones, it left the aircraft... the city and flew into the void.

In fact, it is flying back to the position where it is placed in the twisting device.

The kingdom of bones has very strict monitoring of the aircraft in and out, but ‘God’ has some way to allow the aircraft to pass under surveillance.

After returning to the location of the twisting device, the energy of the aircraft used for the cargo is also consumed.

But it is a little distorted by these creatures, so that they don't eliminate the explosive components and accumulate, and then let these creatures pile up together, so they easily become a bomb.

Then there is... an explosion.

The bombs piled up by these creatures blew a hole in the food warehouse, but because the warehouse was quite large, it was hiding in another corner of the warehouse and was not affected.

Then, the warehouse that has been forgotten is finally...has been noticed.

Soon after the bones came over to inspect the warehouse, they found that after the explosion, they decided to drag the warehouse to repair and conduct a more detailed investigation.

Because ‘God’ now looks like a diamond pile, it is not noticed by the bones that are being investigated.

And those bones soon opened an aircraft, ready to drag the warehouse away...

It launched a surprise attack.

It attacked the aircraft and killed the bones inside. It was only a little bigger than the bones and could easily enter the cab of the aircraft.

At the same time, it is very easy to kill these original ones because of the new solid body.

After killing the bones, it left the aircraft... the city and flew into the void.

In fact, it is flying back to the position where it is placed in the twisting device.

The kingdom of bones has very strict monitoring of the aircraft in and out, but ‘God’ has some way to allow the aircraft to pass under surveillance.

After returning to the location of the twisting device, the energy of the aircraft used for the cargo is also consumed.

But it is a little distorted by these creatures, so that they don't eliminate the explosive components and accumulate, and then let these creatures pile up together, so they easily become a bomb.

Then there is... an explosion.

The bombs piled up by these creatures blew a hole in the food warehouse, but because the warehouse was quite large, it was hiding in another corner of the warehouse and was not affected.

Then, the warehouse that has been forgotten is finally...has been noticed.

Soon after the bones came over to inspect the warehouse, they found that after the explosion, they decided to drag the warehouse to repair and conduct a more detailed investigation.

Because ‘God’ now looks like a diamond pile, it is not noticed by the bones that are being investigated.

And those bones soon opened an aircraft, ready to drag the warehouse away...

It launched a surprise attack.

It attacked the aircraft and killed the bones inside. It was only a little bigger than the bones and could easily enter the cab of the aircraft.

At the same time, it is very easy to kill these original ones because of the new solid body.

After killing the bones, it left the aircraft... the city and flew into the void.

In fact, it is flying back to the position where it is placed in the twisting device.

The kingdom of bones has very strict monitoring of the aircraft in and out, but ‘God’ has some way to allow the aircraft to pass under surveillance.

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