4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2766: At last

"That is a ... difficult battle."

"In that battle... the enemy army was like a falling star, constantly attacking our army. At that time, we almost thought..."

"There is no hope at all."

"But actually we still have a little hope, that is the legendary warship, it makes us ... victory."


"No, this is impossible!"

Now, Lin understands some things at that time.

That is, the last war about abandoned creatures and bones. Although the two sides eased at the time, they soon broke out again... In the final battle, the bones formed a huge army and attacked the 'God'. Where it is.

They learned a lot about ‘God’ in research and investigation, as well as in the process of catching abandoned creatures for torture.

This includes God...that is, where the twisting device is located.

The bones immediately decided to completely destroy the device, and they also intended to destroy the way God was destroyed... ‘play’ to all the abandoned creatures.

Because the bones at that time found that the abandoned creatures were extremely admired by God, doing so would definitely cause them to collectively collapse... This war will also win.

God’s original plan was to feel that the bones would begin to study distortions... and that the entire race would be distorted.

But now they can destroy the twisting device before they are distorted.

However, this attack plan for bones was discovered by abandoned creatures, and several of the chiefs of the abandoned creature immediately rallied all the abandoned creatures... Of course they could only summon those who listened to them.

They all gathered to the position where the twisting device was located, ready to defend against the bones.

There are still a large number of abandoned creatures who do not listen to the gods who say that God is in danger, but continue to stay in the abandoned field.

As a result, the abandoned creatures led by the leader... launched a fierce battle with the army of bone-strike twisting devices.

The bones had not yet arrived at the location of the twisting device, and the first tie the troops intercepted them and fought in the void.

The bones can be said to have exhausted all military power, and the leaders only led about half of the abandoned creatures.

In addition, the bones also used a large number of primitives to be used as cannon fodder on the battlefield... Such a strong attack quickly defeated the creature's troops.

Soon, the leader’s troops retreated... near the twisting device.

When the twisting device was discovered, the bone immediately launched a fierce bombardment of it. The leader ordered some of the troops to gather and act as shields to resist the bombardment of the other side, which made their troops lose even more.

At the same time, the bones thought they were about to win, and they started... ‘playing plan’.

The role of this device is to 'play' the battles in multiple places in the abandoned field.

A large number of bone squads have sneaked into the abandoned field, and as soon as they receive the order, they will open the devices they carry and release huge images around the abandoned site.

Because these creatures also have similar visual abilities, they use this method to relay battles.

The bones are intended to allow most of the abandoned creatures to see the moment when their 'God' is destroyed.

This will definitely cause a huge blow to them.

But this is beyond the expectations of the bones.

When the bones gained an advantage, they launched images on the abandoned sites, and many of the abandoned creatures still in the abandoned field saw the battle.

These abandoned creatures are very shocked by the war... all.

They found that the troops led by the leaders were struggling to resist the attacks of the bone forces.

They constantly block the opponent's attack on God with life.

This made this group of abandoned creatures who did not trust the leader feel... oh.

They acted immediately and assembled a large force to go directly to the location where the twisting device was located.

The bones originally wanted to use the broadcast of the war to defeat their spirit, but they did not expect it to have the opposite effect.

All the abandoned creatures... are united again at this moment.

Even so, they have been at the battle site for a while, and the bone forces immediately strengthened the fire attack twist device.

The bones are not unpredictable, but as long as they destroy the twisting device during this period, they can still collapse the confidence of this group of discarded creatures.

They mainly want to let the abandoned creatures know that their 'God' is simply a weak thing.

But in fact, the bones don't know that God itself is strong or not. They just do it hard.

The leaders are also fighting to resist, but under the constant attack of the bones, their defenses still have gaps.

Some missiles successfully hit the twisting device and shattered the outer casing of the device.

This situation makes all the abandoned creatures... instantly angry.

They will not lose faith in God because God is wounded, but they will make all their determinations in an instant...

Kill all the bones completely.

As a result, the abandoned creatures launched a crazy attack on the bones.

However, this also led to their failure to form a shield to block the next bombardment.

In successive rounds of shooting, the bones successfully destroyed... twisting the device and thoroughly frying it into pieces.

But the only effect of this is to make all the abandoned creatures more... angry.

And the abandoned creatures from the abandoned farm also arrived.

The forces that pinched the bones before and after, the angry abandoned creatures quickly drowned all the bones.

The bone forces also used their full strength in the battle, but they were unable to resist the attack of all abandoned creatures.

After completely destroying this unit, the abandoned creatures began to attack the kingdom of the bones with almost no hesitation.

They are no longer so much now, they decided to kill all the bones.

One does not let go, and one cannot live.

After the bones lost the last assembled army, they were just a group of ordinary bones without fighting ability.

There are still very few soldiers.

They did not expect this to be the result, and the abandoned creatures did not collapse at all.

Therefore, all the bones will hope to be placed on a ... ship.

This ship was built by a bone kingdom in the past, and it is precisely a small part.

The kingdom has long since perished, but the ship it has tried to build has remained in history.

Now its technology is once again excavated, and when the abandoned creatures begin the civil war, the bones make it all.

In order to correspond to the current situation.

This seems to be a ship like the ‘Ark’.

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