4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2767: Great creation

The civilization of bones... is not always developing and progressing.

At least not all.

For example, in the past, there were some bone kingdoms that were more powerful than many of today's technologies.

It’s like this...ship.

It is said that in the past a king predicted that their country would be destroyed in a huge disaster in the future.

So it gathered the power of the country to try to build a giant warship to carry all the people against the disaster.

Only its kingdom was destroyed before the battleship was built.

Later, some historical researchers discovered plans for the warship, detailed construction materials, and so on.

They were surprised to find that the technical level of this warship even exceeded the known technical level of all the kingdoms now.

So these researchers called this warship ‘the greatest creation in the history of bones’.

And the kingdom that tried to build a battleship is also known as the 'country of the giant ship'.

Most of its real names are rarely mentioned, and only their creation of warships is deeply documented in the history of bones.

Although it has never been completed, there are some kingdoms that want to build this warship, but because the resources consumed by the warships are too large, they have not been implemented.

Until now.

At the time of the abandonment of the biological war, the bones took the opportunity to constantly want to defeat the abandoned creatures.

They have customized a lot of plans, but in the end only two plans have been executed... one is the plan to attack the twisted device.

Another one is... making this battleship.

In the past, there was no ‘the greatest creation’ that the kingdom could create. The bone civilization that is now on the verge of extinction is going to make it for us.

But this is indeed possible because they have found warships that have been half done.

Half of the warships have not been found in the past, because no researcher can interpret the contents of the warships... some of them contain semi-formed warships.

However, there are ways to interpret the bones now.

This is mainly because some bones are now exposed to some 'twisting' and their brain thinking has evolved more.

Suddenly I found that I could understand more things and know the hidden information in the battleship information that I left in the past.

They found that the original semi-formed warships were not placed somewhere in the void... they used to look like this in the past, and they turned the ruins of the country of the giant ship over and over again.

Now they noticed that the original semi-formed warships were some of the buildings in the 'Country of the Big Ships'.

Because the ‘the kingdom of the giant ship’ is dying, its ruins remain intact.

So now the bones notice that the warship itself is some of the buildings in the ruins. As long as these buildings are assembled, at least half of the warships can be completed.

There is another half, which is done by gathering the power of all the bones.

To put it simply, all the bones work hard to stop the construction of the warship.

In the current situation, no bones complain about hard work.

Even if you complain, it doesn't make any sense.

In fact, most of the work of building warships is... chores, that is, transporting materials.

There are very few jobs that require complex technology, and the bones that are 'evolved' are responsible.

In fact, they didn't realize that they had evolved at the time.

What is more interesting is that the previous ‘God’ contact is distorted and then evolved.

And now the bones are all directly evolved.

If they have evolved, they may become different from the ‘God’.

In addition to its huge size, the warships have some core parts that are most important.

This part is called the 'warship navigation system'.

Originally it was mainly this system... It allowed the warship to sail in a distant void and take passengers to escape the disaster.

There are also some powerful weapon systems and so on, all of which are done by evolved bones.

As for the general bone that has not evolved, it is responsible for carrying the collected materials.

Under the action of a large number of bones, they made the battleship near completion in a short period of time.

At the same time, the plan to attack the distorted device... has begun.

These two plans were originally 'supported'.

Because the bones made this warship, its purpose was not to escape, but to use this warship to destroy and destroy the abandoned creatures.

They want to destroy the distorted device when the abandoned creature loses confidence... Then start the warship to destroy them all...

But now there is a little change in the plan.

They did not expect that the abandoned creatures were all angry and destroyed the entire bone army.

They also learned where the remaining bones were gathered, and they flocked there wildly.

However... the battleship was also completed.

All the remaining bones immediately boarded the battleship.

In fact, not all the bones are on board. After all... this warship is still not big enough to let all the bones get on.

So a considerable part of the bones were abandoned, even though they were all trying to collect the materials they were carrying... but they were not qualified to get on board.

Not only that, these abandoned bones have been specifically infected with ‘primitives’, allowing them to withstand the attacks of abandoned creatures.

When crazy abandoned creatures arrive here, they face a lot of bones that are infected with primordial disease and...

A huge battleship.

Although the description here is very large, in fact the warship is not very large, at least smaller than the common death battleship.

The warship is five kilometers long, and its strength lies in its carrying many weapons.

At the same time, because of the special ‘navigation system’, it is very flexible.

All in all, this is the most powerful creation ever made by a bone civilization.

In the face of this powerful creation, there are still a large number of primordial bones... The abandoned creatures did not hesitate at all, and they immediately began to engage in war.

Countless abandoned creatures have launched a siege on the battleship, and the battleship is still...

Can't move.

Because they have just built the battleship, all the systems inside have not been tested, and even they do not know the method of operation.

After all, they were completely made according to the previous drawings. The warships operate in a very special way, and they have no time at all.

However, because of the large number of primordial forces, they can still delay ... a small meeting.

Until the abandoned creatures solved the force and surrounded the ship... they finally learned to operate.

It just can't fly now.

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